Chapter Ten: Trialogue
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Chapter Ten


When they stepped out of the witch’s cabin, the atmosphere was strange. On the one hand, of course, they had just trusted a stranger with King Lucius’ body, and his death still hung over them like a shadow. But there was also the sense that a weight had been lifted, like a warrior taking off a heavy cloak before the fight. Sure, later the cloak would have to be picked up, but for now, there was a freedom of movement, emotionally and mentally if not physically, that had not been there before. 

The two — technically three — of them headed back to the palace in determined silence. Well, that wasn’t quite accurate. Clarus, head high and eyes focused, headed back in determined silence. Vera followed him, and had a lively and heated conversation with Aesling in her head. She had more questions than she could count, and the more time went on, the harder it became to just ignore them. 

So Vera had just been allowed to exist, and that had been good. Well, it had been great, actually. She hadn’t exactly been able to enjoy it, because of the Cavean, but that didn’t mean things didn’t suddenly feel right. But that also meant that there was now… extra, under her chest plate, and it was a little uncomfortable, and that discomfort was comforting in its own way, too. Her legs and hips moved a little differently from before. If she walked like she used to, it sent a weird jolt up her spine, but armor didn’t exactly allow for a lot of freedom either. Speaking of which, she’d need new armor, too. Ideally before they left, because she dreaded to know what riding a horse would be like now. Her thighs were… wider than they had been. She knew in her heart of hearts that there would be chafing. 

She also couldn’t stop from occasionally touching her wrists and the inside of her arms. Her skin was so soft now. She couldn’t, of course, look at her own face up close, but she could tell it was different. The damage done by adolescence had been reversed, and at times, that overwhelming feeling of rightness made her balance precariously between laughing and crying hysterically. It was almost too much, but there was no time for that yet. 

And speaking of which,” she said to Aesling, “if we find them, will my old comrades recognise me? How can I prove to them that I am myself?”

When we find them, dear. Where there is hope, there is life,” Aesling said, her singsong voice bouncing around Vera’s skull. She’d worried that having someone else live in her head would prove to be troublesome, but it had turned out that Aesling was a very pleasant tenant. At times, it reminded her of times when mercenaries from another company had resided in Rubicus’ barracks. There was a sense of respect for shared resources. Ash took up no more space than she had to, seemingly content to exist within her grove, observing the world through Vera’s eyes. 

“I don’t think that’s how that—”

“Regardless,” Aesling interrupted her, “I believe you know your old companions well enough to be able to convince them of your identity. You have spent most of your life, adult or otherwise, with these people. They’ve seen impossible things, they will be able to accept the changes within and without.”

“But what,” Vera asked as they rounded a corner, “will I tell them if they believe my changes — and my willingness to accept them — is some form of corruption? The Cavean did something to Caerella. It could have done the same to me.”

Aesling was quiet for a moment while she considered this. “Would the Cavean not have made you a more formidable threat, then?”

“Not if I’m to be an infiltrator of some kind, I don’t think,” Vera said, thinking.

“But if you were to be an infiltrator, you would not have changed at all, would you?” Aesling said. That did make a degree of sense. “Besides, you knew for a long time something was wrong, something that needed mending. You must’ve mentioned it to somebody, at the very least? Could you not use that as proof that you are who you are?”

“Only Caerella,” Vera grumbled. “I did not know how to broach such a subject with the others. I do not think they would’ve understood. Caerella did not, either, but at least I did, indeed have that conversation with her. But she is…”

“Indisposed,” Aesling said diplomatically. “I understand. Now, eyes forward, I believe our beloved prince will wish to speak with you in a moment.”

“How can you tell?” Vera asked, ignoring the weird little knot she got in her stomach when Aesling said ‘our prince.’ They had just reached the palace gates, the ruination all around them. It seemed community spirit had kicked in now that the danger had passed, and people had started to move the rubble and bodies. 

He squares his shoulders when he is about to say something he does not want to.”

Just as predicted, Prince Clarus paused and Vera did indeed see him move his shoulders just before. He turned around to her. “Vera,” he said, his eyes piercing hers. She felt Aesling giggle a bit. Well, at least Vera wasn’t the only one affected by the prince.

“Yes, Prince Clarus.”

“The road ahead will be long and treacherous,” he said, putting his hands on her shoulders. “If needs be, I can recognise and find your old compatriots. And to Aesling, my dearest, I can only say that I love you. If I confessed my love once for each star in the sky, it would not equal a fraction of the adoration in my heart for you.”

Vera nearly fainted as he said all of this looking directly at her. Sure, it wasn’t at her specifically, but the distinction was lost on her in that exact moment. It was almost too much. Thankfully, Aesling stepped in. “I hope, my love,” she said, “that you’re not proposing Vera and myself stay behind.”

“That is, it pains me to admit, exactly what I’m saying,” the prince said, lowering his head. “If harm were to come to you, or one as innocent and beautiful as Vera, I would not be able to forgive myself in this or any lifetime.”

“Vera,” Aesling said internally, “I’m going to kiss some sense into this fool, with your permission.” Her politeness made Vera almost accept automatically, but she hesitated for a moment. She wasn’t sure how she’d handle kissing him again. The first time had been in shock, she’d barely been aware of the experience, but now she was ready for it, and she worried it might overwhelm her. “If you must, you can close yourself off from outside experiences within my grove. Would that help?”

“Yes,” Vera said. Strangely, the thought of Aesling ‘using’ her body for this didn’t bother her. Sure, it was Vera’s body, her mouth, all that, but this was Aesling’s too, now. “If I asked you not to,” she asked quietly, “would you not?”

No,” Aesling reassured her. “I’ll do nothing with, or to, your body without your permission, Vera. I’m here because you’ve allowed me here. My memory is long, and my gratitude quite boundless.”

“Thank you,” Vera said. “Uh, you can kiss him now, if you want.”

“You’re not… retreating to the grove?” Aesling asked. Vera knew she’d be blushing if she was fronting at that moment. 

“Do — do you want me to?” she asked. It wasn’t that she wanted to watch Aesling or anything like that, but, well, she’d never had a proper kiss before, and the first time didn’t really count because she hadn’t been ready for it and it hadn’t been meant for her, and sure, this one wasn’t really meant for her either, but maybe it would be good practice, and, well, it had felt pretty nice the first time and she was okay just kinda being there again this time and—

“Oh, you don’t have to. I just don’t wish to make you uncomfortable…”

“I’ll be fine,” Vera squeaked. Aesling gave her a look, which was a strange feeling when neither of you had a body inside your own head, but a look was given and a look was received nonetheless. Only a few moments had passed. Talking between them seemed to take almost no time at all. Aesling hooked one hand behind Prince Clarus’ head and yanked his head forward into a kiss. Almost reflexively, his hand rested on her lower back, pulling her in close. His heart hammered against hers, his breathing slow and steady, his presence everywhere around her. Vera felt safe in a way she had never felt before. Sheltered. And, to a lesser extent, desired, even though this desire was obviously not for her. Was this what it was like, would be like every time? Was this just what kissing was like? Or was that Clarus?

“Are you remaining behind, then?” he asked. Aesling slapped him softly across the jaw, despite still being in his arms. He gave her the same look a dog might give if someone stepped on its foot. 

“Of course we aren’t, you beautiful fool,” Aesling said. “I am coming with you, because you are far too likely to stumble into danger and adventure on your own. And if I wasn’t, Vera would still wish to travel with you. Her companions, her family is in danger, and she will not stay behind while someone else rescues them.” Aesling looked within. “I said that correctly?”

You did,” Vera said, nodding happily. “Perhaps you might add that I know more about the country as it’s changed in the past decade, things he and you might not.” 

“Good point!” Aesling said, and relayed the information. “In short, my beloved, we are coming with you, and you’ll not get rid of the womenfolk as easily as that.” Prince Clarus blushed, and it was the most precious thing Vera had ever seen. She had to resist kissing him herself. 

“I… That was not my intention in the least, Aesling, my dearest! I only wished—”

“If you’ll say that you wished to keep me safe, my Clarus, I’ll slap you again,” she said with a little smirk. “I need no protection, my love. You know I can keep myself, and Vera, alive. No matter what. Not to mention the fact that Vera is a valued member of the company that saved your life. She is, despite her age, a weathered mercenary.”

Um,” Vera said, “I’m not sure that that’s—”

“Just roll with it,” Aesling said. “You want to go with him, don’t you?”

“Well, yes, of course. Ah, I see. Carry on.”

“Thank you,” Aesling said, and then continued out loud. “So please, don’t patronize us, my love. We will be coming with you.” The prince opened and closed his mouth a few times as if he was going to offer a rebuttal, and then snapped his mouth closed. 

“Of course, dearest Aesling. I… I apologize,” he said, seeming a little uncomfortable. “I know what you’re saying is correct. The task ahead is so monumentous, it is hard to resist the temptation of taking it on alone.”

“I know, love.” Aesling said, putting a hand on his chest. “But do not. You are no island, my beautiful prince. Do not weather the storm like one.”

“Very well,” he said, then took her hand in his and very softly pressed his lips to it. “Then we shall ride. The Cavean has gone south, so we shall head south, too. He is fast, he goes on dead winds, but we will catch him nonetheless.” He straightened his shoulders. “Are you ready to ride, my love?” Aesling nodded. “And Vera…”

Aesling stepped aside, and Vera moved forward. “Yes, Prince Clarus?”

“Thank you. I know this must all be overwhelming. If you need comfort, I’ll be at hand at a moment’s notice,” he said. Vera noted he had not actually let go of her hand just yet. “You and my Aesling are bound together, and that means you are important to me in ways I can scarcely put to words. Should you need me for anything, say but the word and you’ll have it.” This time, Vera was fronting, and she was blushing so fiercely she could hear Ash losing her composure. 

“I have nothing,” Aesling said, laughing, “to add to that. Best of luck, Vera.”

“Thank you,” Vera said, and her voice almost failed her. What does one say to something like that? 

“You seem upset,” Clarus said, and then he wrapped his arms around her and pulled her against himself. It was only because her face was pressed up against his chest that Vera managed to avoid screaming.

I don't think I've ever had so much fun writing a character as I have with Clarus. Like a dime-store romance adventure protagonist come to life in a world that is so much grittier than he is. I love him <3 Also Aesling is the second Older Caretaking Sibling Headmate I've written now :p

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