getting hit by a truck
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"ahhhh fuck me go suck a doocki, stupid bot" my eyes starting to water after looking at the computer screen for too long. Azuma come down and go out side for one in your life. I go outside then see the really bright sun. then i see a boy going after a ball on the road then i see a truck coming i try to run as fast as i can. i push the boy out of the way. i wake up a second later and see a different person in the mirror. then i realized that i'm in a different body and part of a iseki book. then i get hit with a 1000000000000000000000000000000 memory pictures of my new life. then i realize that i have a crazy amount fat on my chest. i suddenly realize i'm a girl. i call out dad . he said yeah. come up her i say. sure he says. he come up half naked with a crazy amout of muscle. then i suddenly feel the urge to ask him to train me. i do this then we start to learn. 5 years later i am now 20 and my power level is now 10000000000000000. suddenly a dragon apears and a attacks me because it thought that i was a threat to it's existance. then i stab it to death and eat it core tha upgrade my level by 10000099937391533018× time. now i am the most power man in the world. then i try to  kill th god dragon that has 100000000 health. i stab it 1 100020022092020200292929929384837480201001010100300304040403 times but does not die then i swallow it whole and get 1010293773838838388282762729298282828298273736628199194766563677181992029383838474774475773829110010292983837477464475773892010100292838848× powerful.

written by a 7 yr okd