(Vol.1 Ch.3)The wanna be Ikemen.
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"Takahashi-san, you look a bit tired from, Spanish class. Do you need any helps?"I question Takahashi. This, of causes, is scripted. This plan has been conducted for 40 days and 40 nights. Even the fact that I ask her after Spanish class was also planed. I knew for the fact, Spanish is Takahashi's troubled class. She never scored well nor had up and down. To say that Spanish is her natural enemy isn't incorrect. If my calculation was correct, her answer would be.

(Abit but I can figure it out.)

" Abit, but I can figure it out. Still, thank you very much." Look like, My calculation is accurate. I chuckle evilly in my mind. 

Onto the next phase, "Information gathering". This time, I need all of my body and mind to focus on the task at hand. That is why I settle them into a team. Each of them has a role that may or may not need to coordinate with others.

( Alpha[Eyes]? check. Bravo[head]? check. Charlie[hands]? check. Delta[posture]? check. Now, time to proceed with the operation)

" Takahashi-san, At first, I was also quite bad with Spanish but by asking my friend for help. I improve in no time at all. Please, Don't be hard on yourself and feel free to ask others." I respond as planned, which include making eye contact and straight posture to look more reliable. 

The first step is to establish a connection while not making it awkward. Putting on a similar subject of communication, I make Takahashi's escape door inaccessible. However, the person won't know and think that I just want to help, reducing hostility by a lot. By my pleasing, she will be more inclined to ask me questions now and in the future. 

"Then on question 5, I don't think the word [Captar] is in line with the text." Wonderfully enough, Takahashi takes in and asks me questions. However, I also notice. Takahashi hasn't trusted me, yet. She chose one of the easy questions while trying to find my actual intention or if there is any. 

(Haha, She is a cautious one.) Without knowing, she gives me some information about her personality. Satisfied, I move on to the next phase. 

"Oh, It could also mean receive as well as attach. So, please check on that." I answer casually while still making eye contact and putting on a little smile. Getting that she is less cautious, I move a bit closer.  One of the biggest mistakes guys make is, not having an eye on eye action. Some may be frustrated or embarrassed, however, eye contact is scientifically proven to be a natural ice breaker. Eye contact can mean no hostility or even affection to other. It's still debated, both of why and how. Still, the correlation is there and has been tested in a lab environment. 

(Charlie, Go a bit closer. Bravo, Get ready.) Takahashi, looking down on her paper, doesn't notice my movement as I set up a trap. Tapping my hand lightly on the desk makes my head just above hers. She will eventually look up and our faces will be close enough to feel each other breath. Her face will get hot and her heart will beat like never before. That is what I hoped anyway. 

"Oh, thank you very much. hmmm..." Finally taking her eyes off her paper, My designed trap activate. However...

(Why isn't she brushing at all! Bravo!, retreat immediately! Charlie! Stay put!) Sensing this could turn into a disaster, I retreat to my stronghold.

"Ah..sorry, that my mistake. How is it? Do you need help also with question 7? It's taken me quite a while to do that" Reducing the loss, I make some excuses and differ the topic. 

"Yeah, that would be helpful." She turns her head in the opposite direction of mine and replies 

(She want to be independent and find it embarrassing asking for help) I add another comment to my mental check note.

(There is an opening! Charlie and Delta get ready!)

"This question is a little tricky. It is, in fact, a passive sentence. So you need to put the object in front." Wrapping my body around hers and guild her hand by mine, I respond as nonchalantly as possible to hide my ulterior motive. 

(Good! Now, for the result) By commanding both of my units, I drop my pen intentional from my pocket. Reaching down on the floor, I look up to see her face. 

(Shit!) Looking up, I find Takahashi, staring at me dead in the eyes. She doesn't show any sign of frustration nor even embarrassment. 

(Mission failed, We will get her next time.) I reckoned in my mind. Feeling defeated, I retreat my troop and myself. 

"Well, if you need anything help. You can ask me next time." Before going back, opportunities that I am, touch her shoulder. It has been scientifically known that touching others shoulders, can increase a sense of companionship and comradery. Increasing the chance of her talking to me in the future.

Sitting down on my seat, I analyse my undertaking. It's an utter failure. I didn't get to know her hobbies, dairy life, our common point nor find her interest in the opposite sex. However, this is just the start. The next step of the plan is consistency. Normally, Men will try to hide their desperation from their embarrassment, however, I don't have such shame nor anyone to judge me. I will talk to her every day and, like a parasite, slowly stick myself into her life. 

(Takahashi, you will fall for me, no matter what.) I chuckle evilly to myself while checking her movement with the corner of my eyes.

I suddenly have the urge to put anime/game references into every chapter since the last one. So, if you find one, please write it down in the comment section. Also, I will put the pin into the correct answer. Well,  thank you very much for reading and see you in the next chapter.

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