Prologue : New Beginning
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I'd say my life is about average. Growing up in a southern household with my parents and my big sister. Once I got into highschool hoever we had to move and my parents decided at the time that they would rent a apartment for me to stay in till I got out of highschool. My big sister didn't need to worry about moving either because she already lived in her colleges dorm.

"Were going to miss you baby" my mom says while packing clothes in her bag. " I'll miss you too" I tell her.  I honestly don't understand why I have to stay here. I mean couldn't I just come with them , I could just go to highschool there or something but when I asked they just said,"it's alright , we just won't you to go to highschool with people you already know. Plus it's a pain to do the paperwork for school transfers". At that point there wasn't much more for me to say. 

While I could just tell them I want to go with them ,that they could just take me with them, it just doesn't seem worth the trouble. I'm the type of guy that instead of fighting  the storm back i'll just wait it out, because in then end it really dosent matter how it turns out in the end.


"Hhmg."  BEEP BEEP BEEP " Shut up already!" I smack the alarm off. It's been 3 months since I started living on my own and going to highschool and I'd say I've adapted pretty well. I'd wake up , take a shower , eat breakfast then go to school. When I got back I'd play some games or read some ligh novels. It was really nice except having to wake up early every day but besides that it was a all around good time. Except for after that I had to of course fuck it up.

It was a normal day that day. Wake up , take a shower then eat breakfast. It was while I was eating breakfast a saw the news when," reporting for this weeks news , were discussing the beginning of Christianity." You know, I don't believe in any God or anything because it just doesn't make sense to me. I always though religion in general was something made just so its less lonely when we die. When someone dies, it's a lot nicer to think that there in a better place now, instead of them just dead, just nothing. But that got me thinking about wether God or something similar truly dose exist and is not something made up to ease the pain of losing someone close to you.

Ring ring . It's my phone. I decided to look at whose calling this time just to change thing up because why not. I usually don't pick up the phone because no one calls me and because they mostly spam calls. I reached for my phone on he table and looked at the caller id, it was my sisters."this is weird" I say. My sister almost never calls me. In fact I don't remember her ever calling me since I stared living on my own. She is pretty busy with collage and work though so I can understand. Plus I don't like calling , I mean why call when you can just text. Texting just feels easier for me I guess.

I put the phone on speaker and answered it. "Hello?" I respond. If this is my sister I don't know why she is calling me. Were not particularly close nor do we hate each other. While that's true for me I don't know if it's true to her. She could honestly hate me but I don't see that being true. We used to be pretty close as children. I used to cling to her everywhere we went but all that started slowing down when she stared going to highschool. Yea we would still talk  Occasionally but that was about it.

"Is this dylan?" She questioned."yea,  what did you call me for jordan."I answered while eating the rest of my food. " could you not eat food while one the phone. Really, you will never get a girlfriend at the rate." She said. This again. Before I wasn't living alone she would constantly tell me to get a girl friend. "but enough of that. Mom asked me to check up on you so I'll be over there this weekend." Jordan said. " you know you don't have to come over right? I'm doing fine." I said. I live in a one bedroom, one living room, one bathroom and one kitchen apartment. While it's small I've never had the motivation to clean it so it's pretty dirty. There the dirty dished in then sink I haven't cleaned yet. My clothes are on my bedroom floor, waiting to be cleaned. And I  Seriously need to vacuum this place. So if she dose come ill have to clean this place.

" Yea I know you doing alright but that doesn't matter, mom asked me to come over and check on you so I will. Plus it's been a while since I've seen you."Jordan finished. Then I guess I'll clean this place after school. Don't get me wrong I don't won't to clean but todays friday and if she comes over, sees my messy room she'll kill me. She gets really pissed when it comes to stuff like this.

"Alright, just let me know when you here, ok?"I ask her."sure, and your place better be clean. Stay safe." She says. " You too, later" i hung up the phone. 

Back to the topic earlier, is there a way to prove that God or something similar exists. You know what, all I have to do is just pray and see if it comes true. Then I'll know weather God exists or not. But what do I pray for. It has to be something specific and not something that really vague like they do with horoscopes. If you get your horoscope thing for the day they say something along the line of aries will have bad luck with water today. That could apply to a lot of things so what I pray for it had to be something that I  instantly know is the work of a God.

Actually, I know the perfect thing to pray about. I clasp my hands in a praying  gesture and pray. 'If there is a God or a being that is similar out there, could you give me a sign or just tell me that you exist, thank you.' I ended the prayer. Now I should head to school. I don't know what the sign will be if anything happens at all, but I'll leave it up to fate what it is, if it does happen.


Im finally home. Of course I got lucky to have gym for my last period of school. I get to walk home already tired from the stuff they make you do in gym. I should probably go ahead and clean but I'm too tired. I'll do it tomorrow. I eat dinner, brush my teeth then go to bed.


'Hhhmgh' what time is it?. I pick up my phone and look at the time. Its a clean crisp 3:40 in the morning. Well at least it's the weekend and I don't have school so I can sleep in. Wait, is my hand smaller than normal. Ahhh to tired. It doesn't matter I'm going back to sleep......

Wait. Weekend. I feel like I'm forgetting something...... fuck WEEKEND. I need to get up and clean before jordan gets here. I get out of bed and stretch a little before turing on the light. Yea, I need to clean this or she'll kill me. I think as I look around my room, yep it's dirty. Everything's taller though. Weird i think as I look around my room.. My bed in the left corner of my rooms higher up. My desk with my gaming setup and my fish tank is also higher up. Did I get smaller or did everything else get bigger. Mayb- shit I need to use the bathroom. This is probably why I woke up so early. I walk towards my door and open it, then walk towards the bathroom. Also looks like everything out here got larger so I guess I got smaller then.

When I finally got to the bathroom door I open it as fast as I can and lock the door behind me. Even though I live alone, I don't feel safe without the door locked. When I turn around I see a girl. She has smooth sliver blonde hair that goes down to her back. Purple eyes and a cute face. She's eye hight so she's pretty tall. Scratch that, since I seem to be smaller now, that means she actually pretty short. About 150cm I'd say. I don't know how she got in here or why she's wearing male clothing but- wait. I stare the girl down. I raise my right arm and she dose the same. I then wave my right hand around with my arm still raised and she dose the same.

It's my mirror. I've been looking in my mirror this whole time. Damn- but wait, that means I'm that girl. I look down and realize that my hands are small and delicate. I pinch my right arm with my left hand. 'Soft' I thought. No, no don't think about that right now. What happend, what caused this. Don't tell me that this is the sign God decided to give me. Fuck, I should of given him something specific not just say whatever is fine. Fuck . I messed up.

More importantly than that though, I still need to pass. I walk over to the toilet, pull my pants down and sit down. Ahhh this is embarrassing. I've got to sit down to now that I've lost my thing. Once I finished I slide my pants back on and flush the toilet.

Can't I take back what did. Definitely not. Then what do I do now then. I guess I can't do anything really. Nothing will change, it'll all go on as usual, aside form the fact I'm a girl now. A small cute one at that. Actually, am I still me? What makes someone, someone. Is it the mind or the body that's you. Well both really but if you have, let's say boy 1, and you wipe his conscience away from his body and put someone else's is that still boy 1? Or If you look at it the other way are you still you, even if you have a completely diffrent body. Nevermind, thinking like this is getting me nowhere. Ok so wh- PING. I feel my phone vibrate in my pocket. I take it out and turn it on to see a message from Jordan. " Hey I'm coming over now, have you eaten breakfast yet, if not then I'll pick something up for you. Be there in a bit." I look at the time and it's already 5 am. What did I spend all that time doing. Well now time to get her not to come over so I can figure out what to do for now on.

"Yea I've eaten already and could you not come today? There's no need for you to come here you can just come here next weekend." I text, trying to get her not to come here. If she dose come here firstly she'll kill me for not cleaning and secondly I've turned into a girl I have no idea how she will react.

"Dylan" she texted. " yes?" I responded. I don't like where this is going. " your not hiding something from me are you?". She asked.   Shit. " I'm not". I texted. "Right, right. And you think I wouldn't notice that you don't won't me to come over, right?".she responded.   " no it would be really nice for you to come over but somethings come up so I'm going to be out." I replied frantically. "Right. Somethings definitely wrong. I'm coming over and your not going to persuade me to do other wise right?" Fuck. She's pissed. "K" I respond.

This isn't going to end well.