Chapter 9 – The big prank
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The seventeen year old twins were walking about talking with people. Or rather convincing them. They had stopped growing for about four years now. The next nine years of growth would come with every tail they would get and after getting nine tails they would no longer age.

Vulcania walked up to the leader of all the merchants that were in town. “Hello Bertus, how are you this year?”

“Oh, it is the little confusing twins. Yea, doing fine, sales are great. This year only four people have come crying to me because of all the kitsune pranks.”

“Speaking of, would you guys be willing to help me with a prank? We want to target our parents and get them good. By “coincidence” they had a task they needed to do for Firetta out of town.”

“Oh, I see where this is going. Your parents are… help out this old man.”

“Oceatica and Flamitar.”

“ah, those two. I think I can get the other merchants to help out with this prank. What do you need me to do?”

The twins rose up on a platform in the square.

“Hello everyone, as most of you by now know we are planning to prank our parents, however the plan needs all your help and cooperation. I have already asked most of you, but still for the last of you that I have missed. Who wants to help us?”

A cheer rose up from all the kitsunes and the merchants.

“That sounds like everyone. Or is anyone not willing to help us prank Oceatica and Flamitar?”

This time everyone kept silent.

“Alright, this is the plan.”

Flamitar and Oceatica walked back along the path to the village at around noon. They held their hands in a lovers hold.

They were about to reach the outer wards that kitsunes had setup to warn early of danger that escaped the unintentional intelligence network they have. It was unintentional because no one had coordinated it and only existed out of kitsunes that wanted to boast about being the first to warn about danger.

Flamitar noticed something wrong. “Why are the wards triggered and not reset?”

“Is something going on in the village? ” Was the answer Oceatica came up with.

Both did not need more words to break out into a full fledged sprint. Although some would argue that going faster than the fastest horse known is not a sprint but a dash.

They soon passed by all the other wards. Those all were triggered as well. This made them speed up even more. When they finally got to the village they saw some of the human caravan guards as solid stone instead of flesh.

“A petrifying stone golem? In this part of the world?” was Flamitars quick assessment.

They ran further into the village and saw all the villagers being made out of stone. All the clothes they wore solemnly moving in the wind as to tell the two of them that all of them were once living.

“The twins? Do you see the twins?” Oceatica shouted in a panic.

“Maybe they are at our house.” Flamitar responded.

They moved over to the house jumping over all the petrified kitsunes and humans.

When they got near they detected a proximity spell going off. Out from the ground rose a 6 meter tall statue of the twins sitting on each other's neck. The eyes of the statue glowed green like a petrifying stone golem. Oceatica broke down crying. Flamitar walked up to her and hugged her. He made sure she did not see his face with a big grin. Petrifying stone golems only have one eye, and they never take the shape of one of the people they petrify.

A teleportation spell happened in front of Oceatica and out jumped both of the twins.


This made Oceatica cry tears of joy instead of sorrow. “That was a good one. You got me good.”

The twins were very happy having once more pranked their parents. The second prank ever to succeed while aimed at the both of them. The twins had two very hard wagging tails. The mana power collected in their abdomen moved to the base of their tails and a little to the right. The mana power rose and condensed. The power stopped and all at once rushed out. Manifesting in both Glacia and Vulcania’s second tail. The first tail got pushed to the left making the tails symmetrical.

Flamatar joined in hugging the twins as well and with tears in his eyes said. “Congratulations on your second tails.”

He used some magic to send his voice to the forest where he assumed the others were hiding. “The twins got their second tails! PARTY TIME!!”

Soon all the kitsunes and all the humans got out of the forest and a party was prepared.

The twins were still on a high while it had become evening.

They proudly showed off their tails. They could finally explore the world. Her parents had told her, “After you get your second tail we will allow you to explore the wide world. Before that point you will have too many dangers that you can not handle. If you wait until that moment we will even help you get started.”

Katerine even overheard her dad say. “It was a great prank. I fully fell for it. But that almost every kitsune in the square did not have the correct amount of tails I never noticed in the haste. I am keeping the statue of the twins as a reminder of their prank that gave them a second tail.”

A while later Katerine heard Bertus the merchant leader say to some of his comrades. “Why do you not keep the statues of yourselves? It is a great reminder of what happened here.”

One of the guards said, “they gave a wolfkin tail for god's sake why do you expect me to keep it?”

Bertus waived the man away. “Your loss. I knew that kitsunes could party, but I have never witnessed a tail celebration myself. They truly pack out for that. These drinks you are now drowning yourselves in. Those can be sold to the king for 10 000 Roepence dollars per glass.”

This caused the guards to spit out their drinks instead. Bertus continued, “Truly they are from a renowned brewery that has stopped existing more than 30 years ago. These barrels are from their heydays.”

Katerine had already heard enough for this evening. She was looking forward to going to sleep while hugging four fluffy tails instead of the meager two she had before.

It will happen soon(tm), the real adventure. I hope you guys are not too jealous of the tails Katerine has and you don't. All is good and well in the village. Now, what gifts should Katerine get from the kitsunes in the village?