Peace Walker
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Miller:*Com* "Peace Walker's active, and its self-defense system is targeting you two. You both better find a way to stop it, quick!"

The camera opens up to Wolf pulling out her M60 and loading it.

Wolf:"Snake, Lets go!"

Wolf and Snake through the legs of Peace Walker.

Peace Walker:"Self-defense system online."

Snake pulls out his LAW and He and Wolf start to shoot at the AI Pod.

Peace Walker:"Flamethrower engaged."

A flamethrower in the middle of the legs start to throw fire at them but Snake and Wolf get out of the range and keep shooting the AI pod. Then Peace Walker Roars.

Peace Walker:"Face me! Launching S mines."

Miller*Com* "Cluster bombs!"

Snake and Wolf shoot the bombs then they go back to shooting the AI pod. Snake then tosses something under Peace Walker.

Miller:*Com* "They're about to commence the requested supporting fire."

A bunch of bombs come down on top of peace walker. 

Wolf:"Awesome!" *Reloads her M60.*

Wolf and Snake keep shooting the AI pod.

After shooting the AI pod for some time. Wolf decides to shoot a leg for a little bit.

Peace Walker:"Leg damage critical." *Then it falls over.* "Balancer malfunction detected."

Miller:*Com*"Now! Now!"

Snake and Wolf unload their weapons into the AI pod and after a few seconds Peace Walker gets up. 

Peace Walker:"Firing Rocket launcher."

Snake and Wolf dodge the missile but then Peace Walker brings out two more legs and starts to smash the ground.

Wolf:"Shit"*She rolls out of the way of a leg.*

Then After it's done smashing the ground She and Snake shoot the AI pod more.

Peace Walker:"Leg drive motor charging."

Peace Walker turns on its flame thrower and stomps around the area. It stomps on a propane tanks and the tank explodes and Peace Walker stops stomping around and Snake and Wolf shoot the AI pod. After shooting the AI pod for a little bit. The Peace Walker starts to explode from various parts. 

Snake and Wolf lowers their guns as Peace Walker collapses.

Peace Walker:"Locks disengaged." *It tries to get up.* "Switching to self-defense mode."

Peace Walker then gets up while it flamethrower shoots but misses Snake and WOlf and they put their arm up to avoid the heat. The AI pod is malfunctioning and all it's weapon bay doors open. It stomps to Snake and Wolf and a helicopter comes in and shoots at Peace Walker. It stops in front of the two and lowers it's head at them so the AI pod is near them.

Peace Walker just stands there for a few seconds then the weapon bay doors close and it's two legs move to the side and the two front legs come out. 

Wolf:"What the hell."

Peace Walker
Frail-Deadly AI-Controlled Walking Tank

The helicopter flies past.

Pilot:*Speaker.* "Over Here!"

Peace Walker follows after the Helicopter and Snake and Wolf run after it.

Miller:*Com* "Snake, Wolf, it's getting away!"

Peace Walker gets to the top of the pit and rawrs and it leaves. Then a horse neighing is heard and Gallping is heard. The Bosses horse jumps into the pit and lands next to Snake and Wolf and they both get on it, with Snake holding the reins. They then race after Peace Walker. They get to the top of the pit and see it in the forest bellow.

Miller:*Com* "There it is! It's still in range!"

Snake then makes the horse run after it.

Huey:*Com* "Peace Walkers estimated top speed on level terrain is 25 miles an hour."

Snake:*To the horse.* "C'mon. I'll bet you can do at least 30."

Wolf is lighting a cigar.

Miller:*Com.* "Paz is on board the hind, too."

Wolf:*Lights her cigar.* "We noticed that." *Puts the cigar in her mouth.*

Miller:*Com* "She's our client. We have to protect her. Snake, Wolf, Don't let Peace Walker get away!"

The sun starts to come over the horizon. 

Wolf:"Daylights breaking."

After a little bit they are behind Peace Walker and it launches some S mines.


Wolf:*Muffled.*"On it!"*pulls out her assault rifle and shoots the mines mid air.*

It launches more S mines and Wolf shoots them mid air again.

Miller:*Com* "Snake, Wolf, you're entering the woods watch out! Peace Walker getting away!"

A tree falls over and Snake dodges it.

Miller:*Com* "Faster! We're losing sight of it!"

Another tree falls and Snake avoids it.

Wolf:*Muffled.* "Almost there!"

After a little bit they get out of the woods.

Peace Walker:"GO HOME!"

Peace Walker launches some mines and Wolf Shoots them.

After a little bit. Peace Walker gets ahead of them.

Miller:*Com* "Holy... Look at that! Snake, Wolf, That's the border up ahead!"

Peace Walker climbs up a hill and they chase after it but lose sight of the Peace Walker halfway up the hill.

Wolf:*Takes the cigar out of her mouth.* "Come on!"

Snake:*To the horse.* "Hang in there...!"

Then the horse steps on a loose rock and they all fall to the bottom of the hill. The horse just lays there as Snake and Wolf roll a little ways then stop themselves and start to climb up the hill.


Wolf:"Come On! Climb!"

They climb all the way up the hill and see Peace Walker walking through the lake. Wolf falls to her knees.


Miller:*Com* "Snake, Wolf..."

Snake:*Com* "Kaz, Peace Walker's gone... They've got Paz, too."

Miller:*Com* "Yeah, but..."

Wolf:*Com* "Why, Kaz? What would Coldman want with Paz?"

Miller:*Com* "Paz was with the 'professor', i.e.. the KGB. Once Coldman discovered that, he figured out what was really going on between Paz and Gálvez."

Snake:*Com* "He's trying to figure out how the KGB plan to stop Peace Walker, and he thinks he can get the info from Paz."

Miller:*Com* "That's crazy! Paz won't know anything."

Wolf:*Com* "Yeah, well, he probably doesn't buy that."

Miller:*Com* "...You think Gálvez has already been killed? By grabbing Paz, Coldman's saying..."

Snake/Wolf:*Com* "'Stay out of this, or lose your client.'"

Miller:*Com* "Dammit! I can't believe we didn't realize what was going on before we lost contact with Paz."

Snake:*Com* "Don't have time for that, Kaz."


Snake:*Com* "Paz needs our help."

Miller:*Com* "Right. This isn't about money anymore. You two better move. We know where they're headed."

Wolf:*Com.* "Yeah?"

Miller:*Com* "You can thank Amanda."

Amanda:*Com* "Snake, Wolf, that river you chased the basilisco across is the Rio San Juan. The other side is our country. I had some Nicaraguan compas track it there. They're focos from GPP (Guerra Popular Prolongada) faction, so we don't work together so much... "

Snake:*Com* "Where'd it go?"

Amanda:*Com* "West, along the border, towards Lago Cocibolca."

Miller:*Com* "There's a U.S. military supply base on the southeastern shore of the lake. Ever since that earthquake two years ago, America's had the entire region to itself."

Amanda:*Com* "That is where the basilisco is. I'm sure of it."

Wolf:*Com* "Lago Cocibolca... How do we get across the border?"

Amanda:*Com* "There's a route that we use to cross. It's just a little boat, but I can introduce you both to the captain."

Snake:*Com* "I appreciate it."

Amanda:*Com* "We will never leave Nicaragua at the mercy of Someone like William Walker again."

Miller:*Com* "Snake, Wolf, Coldman's going to launch the nuke from that base. He's targeting MSF. Based on what Huey's told us, it'll take two more days to prep for launch. But it looks like there's another reason they picked that date."

Wolf:*Com* "What's that?"

Miller:*Com* "Tomorrow is day one of a U.S.-Soviet summit in Vladivostok. The launch is probably connected somehow."

Snake*Com* "That's right... They're holding the SALT-II (Strategic Arms Limitation Treaty) talks."

Miller:*Com* "You think Coldman's trying to disrupt the negotiations?"

Snake:*Com* "Either that, or use it as a bargaining chip... "

Miller:*Com* "He's still got Paz, too. At any rate, we're running out of time."

Wolf:*Com* "We'll figure something out."



1300 words