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The camera opens up to Snake and Wolf aiming their weapons at ZEKE.

Miller:*Com*"She's gonna launch a nuke! Snake, Wolf, we've got to stop her, whatever it takes. Awaiting your orders!"

ZEKE takes a step forward.

Paz:*Speakers.*"Stop me if you can!"

(Play Love Deterrence)

Snake pulls out his LAW and Wolf pulls out her M60 and they start to fire at ZEKE.

Paz:*Speakers.*"Die!" *A machine gun shoots at Snake and Wolf and they separate and avoid the bullets.*

Wolf shoots at ZEKE but it jumps to the side and Snake shoots a rocket at it and it jumps to the side again. The machine gun starts to shoot at them again.

Miller:*Com*"You two have to stop Paz before she can launch that nuke!"

Zeke runs to the side of the deck and starts to shoot it machine gun at Snake and Wolf.

Miller:*Com* "We've activated the hatches up on deck. You can use them as cover so long as they're open."

Wolf rolls to a hatch and avoids some gun fire and she shoots back at ZEKE. 

Paz:*Speakers.*"Time to wrap this up." *ZEKE jumps aways from them.*

Then ZEKE lowers it Cannon at them.

Paz:*Speakers.*"Soon you will witness true Hell."

Snake dives behind cover and avoids shoots from the cannon and he shoots his LAW at ZEKE.

Miller:*Com*"Put Mother Base's gun platforms to use. The control panel is on the edge of the deck."

Wolf is about to run to the Panel but ZEKE jumps in the middle of the platform and starts to shoots its machine guns at her and Wolf runs from them while shooting at ZEKE.


But Snake runs over and presses a button on the panel.

Miller:*Com*"Transport catapult ready to launch."

ZEKE jumps to another platform.


ZEKE launches rockets at Snake and Wolf. But they were able to avoid them and shoots back at ZEKE. After a while of avoiding rockets and cannon fire and shooting back at ZEKE. ZEKE jumps  back on their platform and lands near Wolf.

Paz:*Speakers.*"I'll crush you flat!"

ZEKE raies a leg and Wolf rolls out of the way as it slams into the ground. Snake and Wolf shoots back at ZEKE.

Paz:*Speakers.*"Venceremos!"*ZEKE launches rockets at Snake and Wolf.*

Snake and Wolf avoid the rockets and reload their weapons. Wolf runs over to a computer and taps a button.

Miller:*Com*"Transport catapult ready to launch!"

Wolf runs over to another computer and taps a button, while Snake fires rockets at ZEKE.

Miller:*Com*"Strike request acknowledged. We'll need you to tag the target directly."

Wolf pulls out binoculars and targets ZEKE.

Miller:*Com*"Locked on target! FIRE!"

A couple missiles are launched and they hit ZEKE. ZEKE leans to a side and can't move.

Paz:*Speakers.*"It's not over yet!"

ZEKE slowly gets back up as Snake and Wolf shoot their weapons at ZEKE.

Paz:*Speakers.*"Don't do that!" *ZEKE jumps to another platform and stomps on a transport catapult, destroying it.*

Miller:*Com*"ZEKE's getting distracted by the gun platforms! Now's your chance to attack!"

Snake and Wolf fire at ZEKE.

Miller:*Com*"Put Mother Base's gun platforms to use. The control panel is on the edge of the deck."

Snake and Wolf keeps shooting ZEKE, and after a few moments it jumps to another platform.

Paz:*Speakers.*"Time to wrap this up!" *ZEKE readies it's cannon* "Venceremos!"

ZEKE fires it cannons at Snake and Wolf and they run for cover and avoid them. After a while of avoiding cannon shots and Shooting back at ZEKE. Parts of ZEKE start to explode. 

Paz:*Speakers.*"It is no use. ZEKE is out of my control. This is where is ends. Listen to me, BIG BOSS...THE MAJOR...As long as your army is needed, the world will never know TRUE PEACE. The PEACE  you both will know will be fleeting - Illusory. They will USE you, DISGRACE you, and then, finally DISCARD you like they would a cancer to society. This is the PATH YOU HAVE CHOSEN!"

ZEKE explodes sending Paz into the ocean. 



Huey:*Com*"Who would have thought that little girl was working against us..."

Wolf:*Com*"Tell me about it. She had everybody fooled. Me and Snake included."

Snake:*Com*"I can't believe I didn't pick up on anything."

Huey:*Com*"Snake, Wolf, there's no point beating yourself up over the past. But hey, maybe you should put in some practice against ZEKE in case this sort of thing ever happens again? In any case, I need to go talk to Dr. Strangelove. ZEKE still isn't ready."



The camera shows Snake and Wolf standing near some helicopters. Wolf is smoking a cigar.

Miller:*Distant.* "Snake! Wolf!"

Miller walks up as Snake uses Zadornov's robot hand lighter to light his cigar.

Miller:"The name Paz mentioned at the end - 'Cipher' - it's a code. It means 'empty'... It also means...."


Miller:"A world of electronic intelligence built on codes. And at the center of it all, a zero..."

Wolf:*Takes the cigar out of her mouth.* "Kaz?"

Miller:"Uh, look, Boss, Major....I owe you an apology. Hear me out, OK?" *Wolf puts the cigar back in her mouth.*


Miller:I, uh, I know Paz and the professor...I knew who they really were, all along."

Snake and Wolf look at Miller.


Miller:"I used them."

Snake:"I suppose you were the one who brought them to Colombia in the first place, huh?"

Miller:"Guilty as charged. Paz, wasn't just CIA, you know. She was working for the KGB too. And for this Cipher group. In other words, she was a triple agent."

Snake and Wolf walk to Kaz.

Wolf:*Muffled.*"You knew all of this....?!"

Miller holds up his hand.

Miller:"Wait, let me finish. Listen, MSF never would have gotten this big if it weren't for them. This mercenary business we've built, someday, it's going to be a new driving force in the world economy."

Snake:"Was that your goal all along?"

Miller:"...The Cold War's not going to last forever. Sooner or later, it's going to give way to an ear of regional conflicts and terrorism. A paradigm shift from counter-Communism to counter-terrorism. In the new age, armies won't be ties to states, and war will become a business. We'll be a valuable commodity. There'll be clients all over the world who need our services. MSF is only the beginning. What we're creating here is a revolution in itself. Am I right?"

Snake:*Sighs.* "Kaz, it's... not going to be that easy."

Miller:"What do you mean?"

Wolf:*Takes the cigar out of her mouth.* "This whole Peace Walker thing has left our mark on the history of the old order. We've put ourselves on the radar of intelligence agencies and governments East and West."

Snake:"The whole world probably know about us now."

Miller:"Including that Cipher outfit..."

Snake:"We've let ourselves interfere with the times - with the Cold War system of deterrence. We're an army without a flag. We weren't supposed to take sides in international affairs. But we did."

Miller:"I see your points. So what happens to us now?"

Wolf:"We'll be hunted."

Miller:"Not everybody's gonna be happy with us, huh?"

Snake:"You're damn right. We upset the global military balance of power."

Miller:"And these people would rather our 'army without borders' not exist at all?"

Wolf:"They're gonna come knocking real soon. There's no turning back now. We're a wrench in the old system of deterrence. As long as the times refuse to change, we're going to make a hell of a racket."

Miller:"Then who are we going to fight?"

Snake:"The establishment... anybody who tries to restore the old balance, wants to snuff us out of existence."

Miller:"Which establishment?"

Snake:"It won't be a particular country or ideology that hunts us."

Miller:"Who, then?"

Snake:"We're gonna be fighting the biggest beast of all - the times. Ten years ago, the times rejected The Boss.... and killed her. And now we're the ones being tested. Will the times erase us? Or work with us?"

Wolf:"It's gonna be a lonely battle... No good or evil, no winners or losers. Business will have to wait. The question we have to ask ourselves now is, can we survive long enough to see the 21st century?"

Miller:"I'm with you, Boss. Major. We'll see how it turns out, together."

A helicopter turns on. Snake puts his cigar in his mouth and so does Wolf and they head to the helicopter.

Snake:*Takes the cigar out of his mouth.*"The hunt is on, Kaz, and the whole world's on our tail. Assemble the men!"

Snake and Wolf continue to walk to the heli. 


The camera opens up to to Mother Base and it zooms to a platform and it looks like a party is going on. Snake and Miller are off to the side talking and Wolf is nowhere to be seen. A few soldiers bring out some speakers and a microphone and set them up. It's late evening. 

Then Wolf walks over holding a violin and she walks to the microphone and clears her throat and everyone looks to her.

Wolf:"How's are my soldiers tonight!" 

The crowd cheers.

Wolf:"That's good. Now for this special event for saving the world. I have decided to write a song." *She gets ready.* "Please don't laugh."

(PLay MGS Sins Of The Father)

After the song everyone cheers. And the camera moves over to Snake and he's holding a tape recorder and he presses stop.

Snake:"I like that song."

Miller:"Who knew The Major could sing or even play a Violin."

Wolf then walks up to them.

Wolf:"Well how was it."


Miller:"We should have you sing every night."

Wolf:"In your dreams."

All three laugh.

Miller:"So What's the name of the song?"

Wolf thinks for a few seconds.

Wolf:"How about 'Sins of the Father.'"

Snake:"I like it."



1594 words.