3.) At the gym
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"Hello Mr. Coli," Ensa answers the phone, "what can I do for you?"

"You know why I'm calling, Ms. Lada. Let's not fool around here."

"Whatever do you mean? I don't know what you are talking about."

"Knock it off. I'll just get straight to the point. I'll pay you FIVE-HUNDRED MILLION DOLLARS for the secrets of your recipes."

"Five-hundred mil? That's all? I'll make that in a few years time if things go well. You're not the only food based company going after the Lada Family secrets."

"Alright fine, in that case, we'll give you ONE BILLION DOLLARS!"

"Naw, I'm good."

"Did you not hear me? I'm going to give you A BILLION DOLLARS for the secret of your recipe."

"Yeah, I heard, I mean, you keep yelling the number for some reason."

"Lady, do you know who the Escher Conglomerate is? We're the biggest culinary company and food distributor in the country."

"Oh, so when that swine flu happened a few years ago happened, that was you?"

"Enough jokes. We want that recipe. We'll give you anything you want."

"But that's the thing. I can get more money than that."

"More money than A BILLION DOLLARS!?"

"Well, the Sheikh of Dubai offered twice that much, and there's rumors that the Sultan of Brunei is offering 10 times that amount."

"You shared it with them?"

"Yeah. Everybody loves it. They can't get enough. But too bad, only I have the secret recipe that I'm not sharing, at least for not that pitiful sum. I got to go now, bye bye."

With a click of the phone, Ensa had terminated the call, leading Richia to throw the phone into the trash can, which he then kicks out the window. The trash can breaks the glass and falls off the 900th floor. Clearing his throat, fiddling with his tie, and brushing off his suit, he calls his secretary. "Lily, come in here."

And in she comes.

Richia takes the little dog into his arms and starts rubbing her belly. "Whose a good secretary. Whose a good secretary, huh? You know, that Lada lady is a very mean woman. That delicious treat you ate, you can't have it again." The puppy starts to whimper, "I know, I know. That is why daddy is trying to buy her recipes and ingredients no matter what, so that I can have it anytime I wish and sell the products on the market for a very high price so that daddy can make a trillion dollars and have his own military, get rid of the president, and become King. Soon. my dream harem just like in those stories in my Reading List will soon come true. But she won't budge. I got to figure out the secret. Just why does her food taste so good."

Meanwhile, at school.


The gym teacher was running late so all the students were just hanging in the gym with a boy already in a discussion.

"The pandemic has affected American society as businesses have closed at a rapid pace. Not even the great depression had so many businesses close so fast, all because we can't be at close proximity to each. Yet, here we are back in school, as if nothing happened. We don't even have to wear masks. So what's the big idea here? Why are we clustered together like this if the pandemic is still going on."

Another girl interjects, "What the hell are you talking about? We were talking about what boys we were going to f**k later on and then you just butt into our conversation."

"I don't want to talk about that." says Mimi with a displeased look.

"That's because no boy wants you."

"Hey, that's enough," Enchi interrupts. "Don't pick on her. She's not a whore like you, Redhead."

"Hey, we may be a whores, but we make our money, right?"

"You're the whore, not me."

"What do you mean? You're like 17 years old and already got more money than all teachers and the principal combined. Surely you have a pimp at least."

"I'm not rich because I'm a whore. I'm telling you, my mom is a chef."

"That's right," another girl interrupts, "her mom is a celebrity chef who makes that awesome tasting food."

"Oh, that's right," recalls Redhead, "I did try some. Man, that's some good s**t."

Enchi couldn't help but recoil from disgust at that ironic comment, but in any case, she kept her mouth shut.

By this time the coach came in.

"Okay, class, gather around. You all been great, training and exercising, but this time we're going to push you to your limits. All of you are doing great, but there's more to be done to get you in shape. This time we're going to the limit, and I want you all to do your very best. The tournament is in a few weeks, so we got to work harder than we've ever worked before if we want to be #1. Are you ready?"


"I'm ready."

"Let's go."

All the excited students were lead by the Coach towards outside where they all got in position, ready for another day of workout.


"Leslie, you're slipping up. You have a retical on the screen, use it! Donny, support your teammates will you? There's no I in team after all. Mr. Blanche, those better not be bots. I know you're not that good yet. Danny, stop looking at porn, will you. Do that at home or during lunch, but not during PE."

"Uhh... teacher..."

"What is it, Redhead?"

"Like, aren't we suppose to be be doing some exercise?"

"This is the exercise. This is an offline match after all."

"I meant, actual physical activity. I don't like video games."

"I know what this is. You're just trying to get out of PE. You have to do the workout, Redhead, no exception. Why can't you be like Mimi? She's one of my best students."

"Because she's a geek and plays nothing but video games all day long that's why she's a loser."

"I'm not a loser," retorts Mimi. "I just got a kill off of you."

"How about I kill you right now?"

"Okay, that's enough," the teacher announces to everyone, "everybody off your terminals and take a lap. The principal is coming and I can't have him yell at me again for scouting for my eSports team. Go on, hurry!" Thus, all the students run around the track, sparring the eSports coach masquerading as a regular gym teacher.

After a few laps, they were all now plenty sweaty as they were all around the dispenser, getting some sports drink. None more so than Enchi who was drenching in sweat.

"Ew," Redhead commented, "Enchi, you're sweating too damn much."

"It's my genetics," Enchi replies, "mind your own business. But yeah, I better hit the shower."

"Hey, Enchi. Thanks for the view!" a boy yelled.

"Wish I brought my camera, ha ha ha!" as did another one.

"Enchi, call me and we can get really sweaty," and another one.

Enchi then realized that she was so drenched that her shirt was practically see through. Her shirt might as well have been transparent as you could see it all!

"Oh no!" she exclaims as she covers herself, "I forgot!"

"Umm... Enchi..." says Mimi, "are you okay? That's sweat, right?"

"Of course it is!"

"It looks more like... oil."

"It's not oil, or broth, or roux, okay? It's sweat so don't bother me."

"Well, whatever," said Redhead, "just shower already. You're nastier than me on a Saturday night orgy fest."

"Yeah, yeah." Enchi excuses herself as she scrambled to the girl's changing room. However, she was in such a hurry that she did not see the boy who was still running on the track and ends up bumping into each other. He holds on to her as they both fall down, having all the sweat on her body spritz everywhere around him.

"Ew," he says, "some of it got in my my-" but as he starts smacking his lips, a great and wonderful sensation overcomes his rational thinking. A tangy yet sweet flavor had entered his mouth and was traveling all around his body. A strange sensation of splendor, bliss, and light-headedness had infiltrated his very person. It was so powerful, so overbearing, that it made him lose control of his body.

Holding on to Enchi even tighter, he starts licking the sweat off of her. Enchi screams and smashes her fist on his face. His grasp loosens giving her the chance to run away, but the boy grabs her ankle and topples her down. Pouncing on top of her, he starts licking her neck.

"That's enough!" yells Redhead as she gives him a kick to the face, sending him flying a few feet away. Apparently that didn't work as he just gets up, all bruised and bloody, with his tongue sticking out like a maniac. By this time, the other boys pile on top of him, but he was just so uncontrollable that he would not give up.

A whistle was heard as the gym teacher returns. "What's this commotion?"

"Danny has gone insane!" said Mimi.

The teacher approaches the boy who has lost his mind and starts shaking him, "Get a hold of yourself, young man. Whatever it is you saw on the screen, it's not real. Video game's don't cause violence, liberals do."

As this whole ordeal was going on, Enchi just heads towards the girl's changing room.


This chapter's lesson:

We just saw Enchi trying to cross the track without looking both ways, and now she is traumatized by the very actions of a unscrupulous young man whose lust overcame his senses. But is it really her fault? After all, she's just a innocent bystander who was by the sports drink dispenser while Danny was still running the track after everyone decided to just call it quits. So in a way, because he wasn't attentive, insisted on overdoing it, had a dirty mind to begin with, and is a closet furry, he ended up losing his mind and is now getting arrested for sexual assault and perhaps being submitted to a mental asylum. The sad irony is that this all could've been prevented if his mother simply aborted him, but of course not, the world is never that simple.

The lesson of today: Energy drinks save lives and are delicious and healthy so you should drink them more than water because it is water but supplemented with good and wonderful things inside of it. So that makes it more healthy that boring ol' water that doesn't even have flavor in it. It's what plants crave after all.