Cycle 4 (5)
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Dear Diary,

Someone else is here! …Well, Y got here this morning, but someone I don’t know is here! Or, didn’t know.

She’s a fairy, and comes from Admin 4’s dungeon. Her name is Fire. Ok, officially her name is LadyDarkFire, but she said her name was Fire, so I’m gonna stick with that. I didn’t ask why she stayed behind this cycle, because that would be rude.

Fire is… interesting. She’s crazy, but in a calm way. Like, I don’t think anything could startle her. And if everything went horribly wrong, she’d just sit there and accept it.

I met her this morning. She smelled me making breakfast and came over to see what it was. It was pancakes, which I shared. Fairies are small, so she only needed one pancake. Y got here just after we finished, and after two minutes decided he was gonna adopt her.

Which is fine by me. I mean, she’s nice and it would be rude to say she can’t hang out with us. Plus I get the feeling she’ll get along super well with Kimi. She has the same “let’s see if we can set everything on fire” vibe as Kimi. Kimi is just… louder.

And before anyone says anything, no, Y doesn't have a "let's see if we can set everything on fire" vibe. His is more… "I know I can set everything on fire but specifically am not as that would be rude" vibe.

Anyways, this afternoon Y and I made energy drinks (since no one is around to stop us), and Fire agreed to be our tester. She suggested adding anis, which was actually a great idea. It combines with the fish flavor and makes it less identifiably fish. Which makes the drink as a whole more palatable.

After drinking the concoction, Fire ping-ponged off the buildings and walls for like ten minutes then went comatose for half an hour. Which is a decent reaction. She didn't die, so we're declaring it a success. Even if she didn't get a magic buff or debuff (boo).

Y and I tasted half a glass each. In a small amount I just got the urge to sweep the entire building and the ground around it. It wore off before I hit the next building over. I think it opened Y's mind to a new dimension cuz he grabbed a pen and started writing equations all over the walls. That lasted for… maybe twenty minutes. I think the effects wore off before that, but he was on a roll and didn't want to stop.

We think the next person to get here will be Kimi, so we're leaving what he wrote up so she can see it and give her opinions. On whatever it is. I'd ask, but I don't want to sit there for half an hour as Y goes into Professor Mode and forgets I don't have a Phd in math or chemistry.

I just had an idea! I could get Fire to ask where Y's from! Or, where his family is from. She seems like the type of person who would ignore "don't ask that" feelings.

She might even be convinced to ask his full name. Even tho that's completely unaskable, and even if someone asked me I couldn't answer.

Actually, on second thought, it might be best to not ask her to ask.

I'll decide tomorrow.

Goodnight, Dungeon!