Cycle 3 (3)
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Dear Diary,

Lex and Tim… have died. Quite tragically. They were walking with us through Floor 19, and a… herd? Flock? …Not really a swarm… Avi says drove. A drove of gummy bears came right at us and targeted them. I did my best, but I don’t have poison magic any more, so my anti-poison spells aren’t as powerful.

There were just too many of them.

And the velociraptors only had one HP to begin with.

They were poisoned to death.

We were gonna leave them with the gingerbread people, but now we can’t.

Avi kinda wanted to go back up and get them again. We’re between Floors 24 and 25 (didn’t write last night, sorry), and when they died it was only eight floors to backtrack. In our old dungeon I totally would have done it. But here things are different. We’re supposed to take the race seriously, and it’s our turn to push the button again. So we have to get there.

It’s not the end of the world. We had our fun with the raptors, and next cycle we’ll pick them up again.

Maybe I can make some sort of muzzle for them. I don’t want to tie their mouths shut, that’s just mean, but a muzzle with mesh should work. Last cycle we were in a big group, so the gummy bears had more targets to choose from and didn’t go for Lex or Tim. Hopefully next cycle we’re in a big group.

Anyways, yeah, nothing much has happened in the past two days. We just got the raptors and had fun walking through the dungeon. And teleporting. We don’t walk through the leech floor. Oh, we had tea with Jenny! Well, we had lunch there. And then today we had lunch at the catgirl floor. We decided to not stay there all afternoon. Instead we ran down and had dinner with the dracoraptors!

We haven’t been giving them enough attention lately. They’re kinda mad at us. Not mad enough to kill, but they did gnaw on us a little. We aren’t going to try sleeping there, because I’m pretty sure the dracoraptors have “kill someone in their sleep” on their bucket list.

Avi wonders if we'll get the transformation belts here. I'd take a shark one just to make swimming easier. He, of course, wants a dracoraptor belt again.

I don't know if being a dracoraptor here would be such a great idea. The belts kinda… have a mind of their own. Like, they change instincts for you to be able to walk different, and what to do with feathers and stuff, but there's more to it than that. Dracoraptors have these great big teeth, and those teeth come with an instinct to bite everything that moves.

I don't know, it's kinda weird. 

Anyways, we should be at Floor 30 tomorrow afternoon, and we might be held up there for a day. Or two. Back home I might have said we'll be there the rest of the cycle, but we kinda have to continue on.

I wonder how well dairy keeps in my inventory here…

I'll have to see!

Goodnight, Dungeon!