What Happened To Wolf
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Episode 4.25

No Surrender

The camera opens up to Wolf on a helicopter. It's early morning. She's wearing a sneaking outfit, like the one she and Snake wore to Save Paz and Chico. 

Couple miles North of Vihn, Vietnam
April 7th, 1978 05:34

MSF Soldier:*Com*"Okay, Major, Same Plan as before. Sneak in take out the commander, get intel and get out."

Stalking "Maimed" Wolf"

MSF Soldier:*Com*"They have increased security after what happened last time."

Militaires Sans Frontières Soldiers

MSF Soldier:*Com*"Also from our reports, this is a supply base. So find the supplies and blow them up."

Wolf stands up and walks over to the door and opens it. She knees in the doorway. The helicopter stops is a small clearing and Wolf jumps out.

Kasper:*Com*"Stay safe, Major."

Infiltrate the outpost and destroy the supplies and kill the comander

The helicopter flies off. Wolf looks around and Sniffs the air.

Enemy Combatants
The Soviet Guards Airborne Regiment

Wolf pulls out her iDroid and checks the mission location.

Guest Starring
Spetsnaz Commander
Skull Face 

Wolf puts her iDroid away and tightens her bandana then she pulls out her assault rifle and starts to walk towards her objective.

Featured Mecha
Battle Tank "TT77 Nosorog"
Mil Mi-24 Hind

After a few minutes Wolf get near the base.

MSF Soldier:*Com*"You're near the base, Major. Be Careful, we don't know what to expect from them."

Wolf gets to the base and she stops at the edge of the tree line and she pulls out her binoculars and looks around the base. It's surrounded by chain link fences with barbed wire on top. Four guard towers at each corner of the base. One entrance that she can see. She looks behind the base and there's a little cliff overlooking the base. Wolf puts her binoculars away and sneaks her way over to the cliff.

When she gets to the cliff she crawls her way to the edge and pulls out her binoculars and recons the base. She sees a truck with some boxes on the back pull into the base then drive to a building and backs in.

MSF Soldier:*Com*"That's gotta be where they keep their supplies." 

iDroid:"Mission info has been updated."

She looks around and spots some more trucks and some soldiers. She then looks towards the biggest building in the middle of the base and spots an antenna on top and then she looks to the main door and spots someone walking in. It's a Spetsnaz commander.

MSF Soldier:*Com*"That's the base commander. Take him out.

iDroid:"Mission info has been updated."

Wolf then looks at the edge of the base and spots a hole at the bottom of the fence that she could sneak through.


Wolf puts away her binoculars and crawls away from the ledge and she sneaks down towards the fence. Wolf puts her assault rifle away and crawls under the fence and into the base.


MSF Soldier:*Com*"Great job at getting in. Now you just need to take out the commander and blow up the supplies."

Wolf pulls her assault rifle out, that is suppressed, and starts to Sneak towards the supply building. She sneaks around a building and is about to go around a corner when she smells someone and she stops at the corner. She hears foorsteps getting closer and once she spots the guard she grabs him and puts a knife to his neck."


Soldier:*In Russian.* "We have a Tank here."

Wolf then stabs the soldier in the throat and look to the building where the tank is.

Wolf"Probably should get rid of that, too."

Wolf drags the bodie around the corner and hides it in some shadows.She then Sneaks her way towards the tank and gets inside the building. There are two guys standing next to the tank talking. Wolf shoots them both in the head. She looks around and spots some fuel barrels next to the tank and she walks over to them and puts a C4 on the barrels and then walks away. 

Wolf then sneaks to the back side of the building and heads towards the supply base. SHe avoids a few guards and heads inside. She spots some tank shells and some missiles and ammo and other things. She walks over and places some C4 on them. She hears the door opens behind her and Wolf hides behind some boxes. She pulls her assault rifle out. 

Two soldiers walk towards the boxes, where Wolf is at, talking.

Soldier:*In Russian.*"Did ya hear what happend at the last base?"

Soldier:*In Russian.*"No, What what happened?"

Soldier:*In Russian.* "The Major, attacked it. There were no survivors and the entire base was destroyed."

Soldier:*In Russian.* "She sounds really scary."

Soldier:*In Russian.* "I saw her one time, at another base and she really was."

The soldiers make it to the boxes Wolf is at and they notices something on the ammo.

Soldier:*In Russian.* "Is that...C4!"

Wolf pops out from behind the boxes and shoots both soldiers in the head, killing them. Wolf drags their bodies behind the boxes. Wolf then sneaks out of the building and makes her way to the main building. She smells a few guards coming and she looks to the truck next to her and she crawls under it. She sees the feet of four soldiers walk by the truck and after they get a little ways away Wolf rolls out and heads towards the main building. 

Wolf sneaks around the building and finds an open window and Wolf climbs through it. She sniffs the air and only smells a few people. She goes to the door and spots a few guards walking about. Wolf pulls out an empty mag and tosses it to an empty room across the main area. The soldiers hear it and they look to it and Wolf sneaks up some stairs and she follows the scent of the commander. She gets up to the third floor she finds the room with the commander.

He's talking to a couple of soldiers and she quietly sneaks into the room and she takes out the two other soldiers and grabs the commander from behind. She puts a knife up to his neck.


Commander:*In Russian.* "We have some intel files here."

Wolf slices is neck and kills him. Wolf checks her iDroid for the location of the intel and it's a few rooms down from her. Wolf is about to leave the room when she hears someone walking up the stairs. Wolf the goes to the door way and takes cover. The footsteps get near the room.

Soldier:*In Russian.* "What?!"

The soldier runs into the room and she grabs him and stabs him in the neck and she throws his body to the ground. Wolf wipes her knife on the uniform of the soldier she killed and she puts the knife away and pulls out her assault rifle and walks down the hall. She finds the room and finds the files. Wolf walks up to them and pulls her iDroid out and scans the file.

MSF Soldier:*Com*"Great work, Major. Now just destroy the supplies and get out of there."

Wolf walks out of the room and checks the ammo left in the magazine of her assault rifle. 

Wolf:"Still good." *She puts the mag back in her gun.*


She sneaks her way out of the building and sneaks her way back to the fence and she crawls under it and heads t the tree line and she pulls out the dentinator. 

Wolf:"Boom"*She presses the button and multiple big explosions are heard."

iDroid:"Objective complete."

MSF Soldier:*Com*"Nice work, Major. Now get out of the area and come back to base."

Wolf calls in the helicopter and heads to the LZ.

After a few minutes the helicopter comes and it takes off and Wolf kneels in the doorway.


Wolf stands up and closes the door.


The camera opens up to Wolf sitting in the helicopter has it heads back to base.

Kasper:"We're a minute out from base."

Couple miles West of Hoa Dinh, Vietnam
Outside MSF FOB
April 7th, 1978 07:45

Kasper:"Major, I've got something here."

Wolf stands up and walks to the cockpit and she looks out the window. She sees movement down in the trees and she looks closer and sees some XOF soldiers and one is holding a rocket launcher and he shoots it at the helicopter.


The rocket hits the tail of the helicopter and the helicopter starts to do an uncontrolled spin.

Kasper:*Helicopter alarms are beeping.*"Mayday, Mayday. This is Kasper, we are going down! I repeat we are going down!"

Wolf grabs a handle nearby and holds on.


Kasper:"Hold on! Brace for impact!"

The helicopter crashes and everything goes black. 


The camera moves to Wolf's view and she's starting to wake up.

April 7th, 07:50

MSF Soldier:"Ma....Maj...can...er me!"

Wolf's vision is blurry and her ears are ringing. She groans in pain.

MSF Soldier:"Maj...Can...hear me!"

Wolf looks over to the door and sees a blurry outline of some soldiers, they are trying to get in put a piece of metal is in their way. Wolf's vision clears up and her ears stop ringing. 

MSF Soldier:"Major! Can you hear me!"

 The camera moves to a third person view. There is some blood falling from the side of Wolf's head. Wolf sits up.

Wolf:"I'm okay!" *She grabs the side of her head in pain*

Wolf can hear gunshots and explosions not to far away. A few stray bullets hit the helicopter. The soldier turns to the others that are trying to remove the piece of metal.

MSF Soldier:"Hurry!"

A soldier runs up with a saw.

MSF Soldier:*Holding saw.* "Cover your eyes, Major."

Wolf closes her eyes and hears the saw cutting through the metal. After a few seconds they get through. 

MSF Soldier:"Go, go, go!"

The soldiers go inside the helicopter and help Wolf up and they get her out of the helicopter. She looks to the side and sees they got Kasper out and are trating him. Wolf looks to the other side and sees a big hole in a building and she notices that their in the command center of her base. She sees an explosion outside. Their are some soldiers at the hole fring down at people.

Wolf:"What's going on."

The soldiers let go of Wolf and one of them salutes and starts talking.

MSF Soldier:"We're under attack ma'am. It's the people from 3 years ago!"

Wolf growls.

An MSF soldier at the hole in the wall looks to them and yells.

MSF Soldier:"Get down! Hind!"

Everyone takes cover except Wolf, she just stands there. A hind flies over the command center shooting it guns at them. Wolf just stares at it as bullets land right next to her. Wolf walks over to the hole in the wall and puts her foot on the ledge and starts at the hind as it turns around. Wolf looks to the ground and sees an RPG and she grabs it. The hind start to fly back at them and Wolf aims the RPG at the Hind as it starts to shoot at her. She shoots the rocket and the rocket hits the cockpit of the hind and it explodes and crashes into the building next to the command center. 

Wolf drops the RPG and looks at her soldiers and a soldier guns up to her and gives her a assault rifle. Wolf loads the gun and slides the slides back.

Wolf:"Let's move men!"

MSF Soldiers:*Cheer.* "Yeah!"

Wolf runs out of the room with her men following her and they get outside and starts to fire at XOF soldiers. Her men outside see her and they cheer.

She runs up to some cover and starts talking to a soldier.

Wolf:"What's the situation."

Soldier:*Ducks as a bullet flies over head.* "We're surrounded ma'am." A grenade lands near then and Wolf grabs it and throws it back.* "What do we do Major!"

Wolf's soldiers look to her.

Wolf:"It's now or never! Don't surrender!" *She shoots at a few XOF soldiers and kills them* "We came too far to die!" *She picks up a gun and tosses to a soldier that doesn't have one.* "So claim your weapon! This ain't heaven! We came here now to fight!"

The MSF Soldiers start to get inspired and excited.

Wolf:"Come on men! Show them what My Army, What Big Bosses' Army can do!"

MSF Soldiers cheer and start to charge at the XOF soldiers.

MSF Soldier:"We are The Majors army."

MSF Soldier:*Punches a XOF soldier to the ground and shoots him in the head.*"Don't mess with us!"

Then sound of tacks and rumbling is heard.

MSF Soldier:"Tank!"

A battle tank comes in and fires at a group of MSF Soldiers and kills them.


Wolf start to run at the tank. A few bullets almost hit her and the tank turns it's turns to her. Wolf drops the the ground as the tank fires it's cannon. The shell flies right above her and hits a building aways away. Wolf gets up and she makes it to the tank and she climbs on tops of it and grabs a grenade. Then the hatch to the tank opens up and a XOF soldier comes out with a pistol but he's shot in the head by wolf with her own pistol. Wolf pulls the pin on the genade and tosses it in the tank hatch and she closes the hatch and jumps off the tank. She runs away and after a few seconds the tank explodes and the turret flies off and lands near her. 

The XOF soldiers start to retreat and The soldiers notices.

MSF Soldier:"Their retreating! We did it!"

Some soldiers aim their guns in the air and start to fire. Wolf catches her breath and looks around the base. Everything is on fire or destroyed. She sees bodies of both MSF and XOF everywhere. 

Suddenly rubbing is heard and more tanks come out of the tree line and more soldiers. 

Wolf:"It's not over yet!"

Wolf is suddenly a few bullets hit Wolf's left leg and she falls to the ground.

MSF Soldiers:"Major!"

A few soldiers run up and two grab Wolf.

MSF Soldier:"Fall back with the Major!"

The two soldiers start to drag  her away as the third covers them. XOF soldiers start to pour into the base and the third MSF soldier is shoot in the head.

MSF Soldier:"Keep Moving!"

Then the two soldiers dragging Wolf are killed. Wolf pulls her pistol out and start to shoot at XOF soldiers. She suddenly hears walking next to her and she aims her pistol at them, only for it to get kicked away. The last thing Wolf sees is the butt of a gun.


The camera is now to Wolf's view and she start to wake up.

April 7th, 09:24

Wolf opens her eyes.

Skull Face:"Nice of you to join us, Major."

Wolf looks up to see Skull Face looking down to her. She growls at him.

Skull Face:"Feisty now, are we?"

Skull Face looks to some soldiers next to him and nods. The soldiers pick up Wolf and start to drag her over to a group of other soldiers. Wolf also sees six other MSF Soldiers on their knees with XOF soldiers behind them with guns trained on their heads. The soldiers put Wolf on he Knees in front of the MSF soldiers and she's facing them. 

Skull Face walks in the middle of the group and he walks to Wolf. A helicopter lands not to far from them.

Skull Face:"Now tell me. Where's Big Boss."

Wolf spits in his face and the MSF soldiers cheer.

Wolf:*In Scottish Gaelic.*"Rach A Dh'ifrinn" (Go To Hell)

Skull Face wipes his face.

Skull Face:"Fine then."

Skull Face then pulls out a pistol and shoots an MSF Soldier in the head, killing him.

Wolf:"No!" *She tries to escape the grasps of the soldiers.* "You mother fucker!" *She start to swear at him in Scottish Gaelic* 

The other MSF soldiers start to yell too.

Skull Face:"You need to learn that there are consequences to your actions, Wolf."

Skull Face goes up to another MSF soldier and puts the gun to his head. 

Skull Face:"Tell me where, Big Boss, is."

MSF Soldier:"Fuck you!"

Skull Face puts his finger on the trigger and after a few seconds he pulls it, but the gun clicks and the MSF soldier sighs. Skull Face puts the gun away.

Skull Face:"Fine then, if you won't tell me now." *He nods to the soldiers.* "Maybe you will after a little 'convincing'."

The XOF soldiers pick everyone up and cuff their hands and bring them over to the helicopter and they throw them in. Wolf looks at Skull Face.

Wolf:"I'll kill you!"

Skull Face:*Chuckles.* "I look forward to it." *He says sarcastically.* 

Skull Face looks to a XOF soldier.

Skull Face:"Prepare for afghanistan."

The XOF soldier nods a pulls out a radio and talks to it and walk away.

XOF soldiers enter the helicopter and keep their guns trained on them and the doors close, Then the helicopter takes off.



Stalking "Maimed" Wolf

Militaires Sans Frontières Soldiers

The Soviet Guards Airborne Regiment

Spetsnaz Commander

Skull Face 

Battle Tank "TT77 Nosorog"

Mil Mi-24 Hind


The camera Shows Snake sitting in the helicopter as the tape ends.

Northern Kabul, Afghanistan
Aerial Command Center

Miller:*Com*"So that's what happened 6 years ago at her base."

Ocelot:"She and her men fought with all they could."

Miller:*Com*"Those damn bastards! Snake! We finished looking through the intel and found the location of Wolf."

iDroid:"Mission list, updated."

Miller:*Com*"I've added the mission to your list. Bring her home Snake."



2965 words

(So how did you guys like the episode. This is the longest original episode I've have written. So I hope it was good.)