Wolves Truth
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Episode 4.75

Order Of The Pack

The Camera opens up to Wolf Cuffed to a pipe and she's trying to get out. She has a few cuts and bruises on her body.

Yakho Supply Outpost, Afghanistan
January 12th, 1980 00:03 

Wolf:*Pulls on the cuffs.* "Come on"

Stalking "Maimed" Wolf

The red door opens and her five men are brought in with guards aiming weapons at their back.

Militaires Sans Frontières Soldiers

The soldiers bring her men over to five chairs and set them down and tie them up.

Enemy Combatants
The Soviet Guards Airborne Regiment

Wolf struggles with her cuffs and a guards walks up to her and punches her. She looks back at the guard that punched her and she spits blood in his face and growls at him.

Guest Starring
Skull Face

Soldier:*In Russian.* "That bitch." *He kicks her in the stomach.* 

Some of her men start to yell at the guard that kicked her.

Skull Face:"That's enough, for now."

Wolf looks to Skull Face as he walks into the room. He's holding a folder. He walks over to Wolf. 

Skull Face:*Pulls out a paper from the file.* "Isla Leslie. The daughter to Freya and Alistair Leslie."

Wolf just narrows her eyes at him.

Skull Face:"Your parents died in a house fire. So it says."

Wolf:"Where are you going with this?"

Skull Face:"You've been lied to, Wolf."


Skull Face:*Pulls out another file.* "Both your parents we're CIA. They we're in World War Two."

Wolf:"You're lying. My mom went to college after high school and did a english major. That's where she ment my dad, he's was studying to become a doctor."

Skull Face:*Pulls out a file and shows it to Wolf.* "They lied to you."

Wolf looks at the paper and it's a CIA file on both her parents.


Skull Face:"And you think your parents death was an accident?"

Wolf:"It was!"

Skull Face laughs.

Skull Face:"Let me tell you a little story. Two CIA operatives meet each other in war. They fall in love and have a child. But The CIA wants the two back. But they refuse, because they had a baby. The baby grows up to the right age to be trained. Suddenly one day both parents die in an 'Accident.' The child with no living relatives, no home, no money, No hope. And that child so happens to get in the military at a young age, then after a few years. Mets the apprentice of The Boss."

Wolf is silent.

Skull Face:"Then the Child is trained by the Apprentice of The Boss and after a few years she joins the CIA."

Wolf is thinking about the information.

Skull Face:"The CIA planned your parents death. But you were also were supposed to die, but one person convinced then not to. The Boss, A childhood friend of Freya Leslie. Your whole life was planned out before you were even born."

Wolf eyes' widen as things are starting to make sence. Skull Face crouches down to Wolf.

Skull Face:"Now here the kicker. You're not the first with the code name 'Wolf'"

Wolf:*Looks to Skull Face.* "What?"

Skull Face:"Your Mother had the name and so did her mother. There have been Wolf's throughout history. Some of the biggest named historical figures had a Wolf. Cyrus The Great. Confucius. Aristotle. Alexander the great. Augustus Caesar. Marco Polo. Sir Francis Drake. Even Shakespeare. George Washington. Napoleon Bonaparte."

Wolf is staring at him in disbelief.

Skull Face:"They were all hidden from history. You know what they called these group of people. 'The Order Of The Pack'. You are part of that pack now."

Wolf looks down and stares at her feet. Skull Face stands up and hands a soldier a muzzle.

Skull Face:"Be careful, She bites."

The soldier get confused and just shrugs his shoulders and walks over to Wolf. When he start putting the muzzle on Wolf bites his fingers and he starts to scream and Skull Face stands still and watches as the other soldiers run over and help him. The soldier gets his hands away from Wolf and the camera looks to his hand and he's missing his middle, pinter and ring finger. The camera looks over to Wolf. Her mouth is covered in blood and she spits the fingers out of her mouth and growls at Skull Face.

Wolf:"I don't care about what you say, even if it's true. I'm loyal in the end to Snake! You will never break me or my men."

MSF Soldiers:"Yeah!"

A couple soldiers manage to put the muzzle on Wolf. 

Skull Face:"Then I'll enjoy trying to break you."

Skull Face and the soldiers walk out of the room.


Yakho Supply Outpost, Afghanistan
January 12th, 1980 01:13 

Wolf sniffs the air. Then looks to her men.



Her men nod and Wolf struggles with her cuffs then she dislocates her right thumb and bites her lip to stop from making any noise. Wolf gets her right hand out of the cuffs the fixes her right thumb. The she bites her lip again and dislocates her left thumb and gets it out of the cuff then fixes it. Wolf takes a couple of deep breaths and she walks over he men and unties them.

Once she gets them untied she walks over to the door and looks out the bars. She sees on guard in the next room. She tries to open the door but it's locked. She sighs and pulls a bobby pin from her hair and picks the lock. She looks to the MSF soldiers and nods and they nod back.

Wolf sneaks into the next room and grabs the soldier from behind and knocks him out and takes his gun. Wolf checks the ammo then goes over to the door that leads outside and she opens it a little and sees only a few guards patrolling. She opens the door and sneaks out with her men following her, once she and her men get outside and start to sneak to the exit and almost get there when bunch of lights turn on and shine on them. A bunch of Soviets and XOF aim their guns at the six.

Skull Face:"You really think escaping is going to be that easy."

MSF Soldier:"What do we do Major?"

Wolf puts her gun down and puts her hands up.

Wolf:"Nothing too stupid."

Skull Face looks to a few soviet guards and motion towards the six. They go down and they tie up the MSF Soldiers and one guard walks up to Wolf and when he gets near she grabs him and pulls out his pistol and aim it at his head. The other soldiers aim their weapons at Wolf.

Wolf:"Let my men go, Skull Face! You can have me and I'll tell you the things you want!"

Skull Face looks to her and the soldiers she's holding hostage. He then looks to a nearby XOF soldier and nods. The XOF soldier aims his weapon at the Two and fires twice. The Bullets hit the guard and Wolf in the right shoulder and stomach. She and the guard falls to the ground and Wolf holds her wound on her stomach. 

Skull Face:"Someone treat her. I want her alive for at least a few more years."

A few XOF grab Wolf and pick her up.

Skull Face:"You really need to learn to lie better Wolf."

The XOF soldiers drag Wolf to the medical bay and the guards drag the MSF soldiers back to the prison room. 



Stalking "Maimed" Wolf
Militaires Sans Frontières Soldiers

The Soviet Guards Airborne Regiment

Skull Face


The camera shows Snake on the helicopter looking at the sleeping figure of Wolf. Her cigar is hanging on the side of her mouth. 

Northern Kabul, Afghanistan
Aerial Command Center

Miller:*Com*"The CIA killed her parents then they planned for her to meet you."

Snake:"She's had a rough life."

Miller:*Com*"She has. Your almost her, we have a medical team on standby."




1366 words

(Wolf's back guys. But she won't be a buddy for Snake until she's healed up and gets some new gear. That won't take many missions. But I hope you're excited to see more Wolf from now on.)