The hardcore R1 fans all over the world were... surprised, to say the least. Forums, chat rooms, and even IRL clubs were in an uproar.
"This cohort's field was supposed to be stacked, wasn't it?"
"I think so. The Iztasan didn't even make the top 5."
"Does that mean anything? Maybe he's having an off day."
"That would be unfortunate. But it also looks like we can't count out that kid from Dvanitra."
"Yeah... his junior circuit times are nuts lately. He's been making a serious charge."
"The prodigy from Dvanitra, the surprising performance from Austem, the reliable Iztasa, and more... Yet none of them came out on top?"
"Who is this Anon?"
Seeing "Anonymous" in the top 10 was strange enough, much less top 1. Those who performed well wanted the world to know their names. As Anonymous, not only would they not be recognized, but their permit/license would carry no prestige.
"Quick, brainstorm all the places that could produce a participant of this caliber."
"I'm pretty sure it's another Iztasan. Who else could it be?"
All the fans scoured the junior academic records and track times for some clues, but no one found any reliable leads to someone who could outperform the prodigies in this cohort.
"It could be anyone, couldn't it?"
"Yeah... It just looks like all these new juniors are on another level. What are they feeding them lately?"
"Maybe Oasis Fruit."
"Don't joke about that..."
"Sorry, I couldn't help it. What's the point of keeping yourself anonymous anyway if you're going to score that high?"
"I can't think of any good reason."
"Hey, do any of you think it's a current license holder that's gone back for a retest?"
"Impossible... At least it should be."
"They haven't changed any of the regulations have they?"
"Not that I can tell."
"Maybe one of the teams has been keeping a hidden weapon under wraps."
"That's possible. But the question remains... which team could they be on?"
"Aren't you all forgetting something?"
"That was only phase 1. Most of the prodigies are focused on their track times, and many of them see intelligence quizzes as a waste of effort."
"That's true... Perhaps this person is only abnormally good at test-taking strategies."
"Exactly. They'll fall after phase 2."
"Your score is in the 100th percentile after phase 1," Deana said.
Jisha herself was taken aback. Not because she questioned her competence, but because she'd spent most of her effort on not passing out. If she couldn’t outperform some children in a basic exam given her extensive experience, *that* would be the troubling matter.
*This is good. My current development appears to be slightly ahead of where I expected. Is it time to start pushing some more boundaries?*
Though it would be fun to play a riskier game, gambling had a proper time and place. Jisha always measured her steps carefully and would take precautions to never bite off more than could be chewed.
"Please step out of the centrifuge and prepare for phase 2 of the exam," Deana said.
After unbuckling herself from the seat, Jisha opened the door to find the bot waiting for her in the seemingly blinding room. As her eyes adjusted from the deep darkness of the centrifuge, she could finally make out her surroundings clearly.
"Congratulations on passing phase 1," the bot said. "Due to your preference for remaining anonymous, the specifics of your data will not be shared with the organization. The only information relayed will be whether you've passed or failed the entirety of the examination."
"Thank you. I did better than I expected."
"That is good to hear. Please follow me."
The two stepped into the next room - it was much smaller and radiated a warm ambiance, starkly contrasting the expansive sterile environment just outside. The walls were painted with soft, calming shades of blue adorned with framed pictures of serene landscapes, accentuating the peaceful spirit.
In the center of the room was an old-school student's desk made of polished wood. It was accompanied by a comfortable chair, cushioned and upholstered in a fabric that matched the room’s color scheme. A neatly sharpened pencil, a capped ballpoint pen, and a crisp sheet of paper lay on the desk ready for use.
*Couldn't they have made the other rooms more like this?*
Everything in this room went out of its way to comfort the examinee - a complete 180 from the centrifuge's conditions.
"Is this a written exam?" Jisha asked.
"Yes," the bot said. "This quick safety test is a prerequisite for entering phase 2. Those who cannot pass will be eliminated."
"I see."
Jisha glanced over the questions - they were all basic and common sense for the most part.
*Safety and emergency protocols, vehicle operation, spatial awareness... Looks like a pretty short questionnaire.*
Why did they go out of their way to make such a comfortable room for this short of a test? Perhaps it was the calm before the storm.
It only took a few minutes for her to complete it and hand the sheet over.
*Feels like I'm back in school.*
"Good," said the bot. "We will now proceed to phase 2 of the exam. Follow me."
*Doors everywhere... It's like a maze in here.*
On the other side of this door was a completely black room. But it was only black because the lights were out. As soon as both of them entered, the industrial ceiling lights came on one by one.
This room was the most massive one thus far - it was easily several hundred square metron - maybe even beyond 1 square kilometron.
On the floor was a sleek black vehicle - a precise etch of ink against the backdrop of the fully white room.
"The next phase of the exam will involve your piloting of the T-Hawk."
The bot motioned towards the car whose scissor door automatically opened.
"Deana shall explain the rest to you," it said. "I will be waiting for you at the end of this phase."
*Let's see what we've got here.*
A car from 10 years ago wasn't actually all too different from what she knew. Electric/hydrogen hybrid cars had been around for a while, and there wasn't much cleaner exhaust than pure water.
The biggest difference would likely be the car's peak performance. And this wasn't because the technology didn't allow higher-speed cars, but speeds too high on conventional roadways were too jarring for most passengers.
After many peoples' physiques improved after the beginning of the Mana Age, most common items and technologies had to be updated to match these new abilities.
The T-Hawk only had one seat in the center of the vehicle. As she sat down and closed the doors, the cockpit lit up and Deana's voice resonated inside.
"Welcome to phase 2 of the preliminary exam. Please wear the attire provided in the compartment."
A lid on the wall flipped open to reveal several articles of clothing inside.
"Helmet, gloves, boots, and this..."
The last item in the compartment was an inconspicuous multilayered disk that was nearly as big as her hand. Her eyes lit up in excitement as she realized what it was.
*Right, these were some of the best inventions in the Nanotech Age. I wonder why Father never let me actually get one?*
She placed the disk squarely on her collarbone and spun the outer layer until an audible click indicated the device was active.
The inner disk emitted a white glow, and slowly but steadily, a black fabric crawled its way out of the edges of the device. The disk eventually dissolved into countless nanoparticles which, with a mind of their own, constructed a skin-tight, element-resistant suit over her sportswear.
*With all this gear, don't I look so professional?*
After putting everything on, Deana continued her spiel. After a few more legal formalities, she finally got to the meat of the topic.
"In phase 2 of this exam, you will be required to navigate through three sets of obstacle tracks. Your performance will be graded on the duration taken to complete each track as well as the extent of damage incurred to and by the vehicle. You will be allowed three laps on each obstacle track. Every three laps will be followed by an intermission. Your best time from each track will be calculated into your final score. Do you have any questions?"
"Very good," Deana said. "Let's begin."
The couple square kilometron of sterile white surfaces sprawling out around her were seemingly endless. When Deana finished speaking, a tense silence constricted the air.
Then, it started.
A symphony of whirs, clicks, and mechanical hums shook the innards of the building. It was as if even the sounds of the machinery was intricately engineered, as none of it grated on the ear.
*It's almost harmonious.*
The floor, a mosaic of countless small, square panels, sprang to life. Each panel seemed to possess its own intelligence, flipping, rotating, and rearranging itself with meticulous precision. It was like watching a colossal jigsaw puzzle contorting, molding and assembling itself.
As the panels flipped, they revealed fragments of various objects. Bits of metal, rubber, synthetic materials, and more seemed to appear out of thin air. Some panels elevated, forming ramps and obstacles, while others recessed, creating intricate patterns and pathways on the track.
Light fixtures descended from the ceiling, adjusting their positions to illuminate the evolving track optimally. The walls around adjusted as well, creating a sort of boundary and even somewhat of an artificial environmental backdrop.
The supposedly chaotic dance of machinery settled into a coherent structure - an intricate, meticulously designed racetrack coiled and twisted like a serpent. Its body was lined with gleams of fresh paint and sheens of polished metal contrasted by the jet-black setting provided by asphalts.
Of course, it wasn't old-school asphalt, but rather a type of nanomaterial that could be shaped into any type of circuit the system decided to randomly generate.
Jisha found herself at the starting line as if she were the subject of the masterpiece that had assembled itself around her.
With everything in place, Deana's voice announced through the car's speakers once more.
"Phase 2 will begin in 10 seconds."
*Feels like I'm back in school.*
She went to school? I thought she was a shut in. How far in the future will this be?
Thanks for the chapter.
...I suppose this is dead in the water?
Is this drop by the author?
Well I hope that her being super young currently and I assume small that she is tall enough for the car or I would assume some adjustable nano tech seats that make up for it
In modern race cars the cockpit is built around the position of the drivers helmet. They boost the seat and bring the pedals and wheels closer for shorter driver