Arc 5: Chapter 20: Tracking on the West Coast
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"Do you think that your aggressive companions would suddenly change in behavior and work whole-heartedly with some human organization?"

On the way back to Hell's Kitchen from SHIELD headquarters, Merlin says to his silent car:

"Also, didn't you say that they can't discover you hacking into their database according to the Earth's current technology? You were almost exposed, and nearly implicated me too."

"Any secret process will become clear once the cautious guards find out for the first time."

Cliffjumper says to Merlin as it speeds through New York's streets:

"Your agents must've intercepted the Decepticons' signal as they searched through the internet, and then they searched by image. Those Decepticons aren't specialized Cybertronian agents, they act more like savage warriors. But the cooperation you speak of...I doubt that they would put carbon-based lifeforms on the same level as them."

"If they're working with your companions, then I think that you may have to start worrying about the safety of your companions."

Merlin nods at the face of the mechanical warrior's warnings.

If the words of the mechanical warrior who was showing him kindness were true, then the agents and soldiers of the DoD must be led by the nose by those Decepticons hidden on Earth.

But as a secret agent, Merlin never just thinks from one perspective.

He leans against the driver's seat, and moments later, he says:

"There's another possibility!"


Cliffjumper asks in an emotionless metal tone:


"I mean, you've been thinking from the perspective of mechanical lifeforms."

Merlin looks at the passing view outside and says softly:

"But from a different perspective? Maybe those Decepticons aren't playing any tricks, maybe the ones leading the operation are the humans you belittle?"

"If the DoD has something that could harm the Decepticons or something that they need? Then the ones being led by the nose wouldn't be us, but your crazy aggressive companions. "

Merlin closes his eyes and says:

"Never underestimate the methods of professional soldiers who deal in war. You may think that the Decepticons are the ones toying with humans, but we cannot unsee a second possibility...what if those suddenly operating Decepticons were just the soldiers' 'new weapons'?"

"If the DoD is also looking for B-127, then according to you, the best way for soldiers to deal with a mechanical agent under the Cybertron Rebellion hidden on Earth, would be to find warriors who are most familiar with you."


Merlin contemplates for a few seconds and says:

"I'll say it differently, those Decepticons are just the DoD's 'mercenaries'."

Facing Merlin's subversive assumption, Cliffjumper should've retorted, but surprisingly, the mechanical lifeform remained quiet.

This silence seems to represent that it too affirms Merlin's thoughts.

But this made Merlin even more curious.

If his assumption was correct, then the DoD must have something SHIELD doesn't know about, something that's enough for alien warriors to work for them...

Cliffjumper may know what it is, but it seems that it wishes not to disclose too much about it to Merlin.

So the question now was...

What exactly is the DoD's trump card?

Seeing as he got closer to his home, Merlin was getting more and more curious.

3 days soon pass by, and under Fury's instructions, SHIELD begins to mobilize its resources in North America to find the source of the strange mechanical lifeform.

Under the cooperation of tens of thousands of people scattered across the continent, on the third day morning, Merlin who had finished his jog receives a call from Fury.

They've found something.

"A military ops team under the DoD is currently operating in California, it's a small town and isn't that far from Los Angeles."

Fury says simply on the phone:

"I've sent you an email with the precise address, investigate this affair and rule out all threats; this is SDOLD's area of work, so I won't point fingers, but I hope for good news afterward!"

"I'll do my best to give you good news, Fury."

Merlin holds the phone in one hand and wears his coat with the other. He walks into his garage and tells Fury:

"But this is a risky operation interfering with another department, and once the DoD's operation is ruined, I won't be able to handle the fury of a bunch of warmongers. I hope you can be prepared to haggle with the DoD."

"Just tell me to get ready to take the blame."

Fury sounded displeased as he said:

"I had always thought that you were my subordinates, but now I'm the one cleaning after you like I'm the your best to hold back, and don't kill anyone unless necessary."

"Got it."

Merlin hangs up the call and places the phone in a special notch on the driver's bridge.

Then, the car starts its engine and begins to speed up in less than a second. Merlin in the driver's seat felt like he was sitting on a suddenly jumpstarting car as his entire body was forcefully pressed against his seat by an invisible force.

"Take it easy!"

Merlin says to Cliffjumper, who speeded out of the garage and was currently drifting around the street: 

"I know you're excited about the news, but control your speed to not frighten the others, and don't forget about your cover."

Facing the somewhat panicky Merlin, Cliffjumper who had rested in the garage for 3 days straight says:

"If you're going to puke, do it outside...I have a temper even if I'm your prisoner, you puke on me and I'll throw you out."


Merlin curses, he says:

"Earth's cars don't go so fast in the city...240 miles per hour! Slow down!"

"I have to reach the Californian town in the shortest time possible."

Emotion could be heard in Cliffjumper's emotionless voice, he says anxiously:

"B-127 is a good mechanical agent, but it is not suited for combat. I identified your military weaponry on your internet, those things could harm it, and we've been stalling for too long."

"Then don't take the highway!"

Merlin pats on the driver's bridge and says to Cliffjumper:

"If you want to be less conspicuous, then drive somewhere inconspicuous and speed to California."

"'re right."

Cliffjumper makes a turn under a speed of 240 miles per hour and enters a remote pathway. A projection appears in front of Merlin, and on that projection, a red line appears showing the closest route from New York to California.

Several safety belts buckle down on Merlin's body from the seat as Cliffjumper tells him:

"Sit tight, Merlin..."

"It'll be a bumpy 4-hour trip."

As it finishes, the crazy black muscle car speeds up once again, Merlin felt as though he was sitting on a black lightning bolt. He turns to look outside the window, but even with his second sight, he could hardly see what the view outside was like.

He couldn't tell what speed he was going at, but from his senses, he was going over 400 miles per hour, and what was terrifying was that this speed was not the limit.

Merlin felt like he was riding on a missile close to the ground.

"Are all of you Cybertronians monsters?"

Merlin holds the car handle on both sides, like the tiniest bit of impact under such speeds is lethal.

But thankfully, he need not worry about dying. 

As Cliffjumper speeded across the continent, Merlin reached Los Angeles on the West Coast from the East Coast in a short 4 hours and 22 minutes; he had crossed almost the entire North American Continent in less than a day.

This speed reminded Merlin of that time a few years back, when he had ridden on a dolphin while unconscious from Maine to Florida.


A black muscle car covered in dust and dirt makes a swift drift and stops atop a small hill outside the town by the sea. The car door opens and a pale Merlin then proceeds to exit the car.

His legs were somewhat wobbly, but this much he could take; Merlin quickly recovers after taking some deep breaths.

He stands atop the small hill as he gazes at the seaside town.

It was a classic American town, it was about the size of 8 street blocks, and since it was lunchtime, there weren't many people walking about. But Merlin saw something eye-catching with his second sight on the edge of the town.

A few desert gray military vehicles were currently parked outside a warehouse, and on those vehicles were military cannon quick-firing guns. Supposedly it can decimate an entire building within seconds upon firing.

"Looks like the DoD are going at this for real."

Merlin says with an ugly expression:

"They dare to park such a thing in the civilian block, it looks like they're not planning on making it easy for whatever we're gonna do."

"This also means that we're right on time."

Behind Merlin, his black muscle car swiftly begins to transform into a 6-meter tall mechanical warrior.

Cliffjumper lies on top of the small hill with its left arm supporting its body as it observes the town in front of it with its information collector; moments later, he says to Merlin:

"They must not have found B-127 yet, I did not see any trace of Decepticons around either, this is good, this is a chance!"


Merlin shakes his head, he reaches out and knocks on Cliffjumper's horn-like head ornament, saying:

"I don't think it's good that our opponents' most threatening warriors are missing. You're in a crippled state and can hold off one at best, while I can only handle one...we're underpowered, Cliffjumper; before we act, we have to find out how many Decepticons there are, as well as where they are."

"Our best chance of doing things is to do it without alerting anyone."

Merlin moves his fingers and says:

"Find B-127 and bring it with us before the DoD finds out and the Decepticons join in."

"You're right."

Cliffjumper contemplates briefly before telling Merlin:

"I was too rash. Then how should we do this?"

"You go look for clues in the town."

Merlin waves his finger:

"You resistance fighters have some way to communicate with each other, right?"

Cliffjumper nods, Merlin then places a black ear comms on his ear and says:

"Then you'll go look for B-127 as I check inside those soldiers' camp. Contact me if you find can connect to this thing's signal, right?"

"Of course! It's easy to crack your communications signal."

Cliffjumper moves its body, its thousands of gears and parts begin to transform, and during this futuristic transformation process, it quickly transforms into its car form.

As Merlin watched, the car window is lowered, and in a flash, a very life-like virtual driver appears on the driver's seat.

It seems that these Cybertronians are quick-witted, at least Cliffjumper knows that an unpiloted car would draw plenty of unwanted attention.

"Let's move."

As Merlin gives his command through the comms, the virtual driver created by Cliffjumper waves his hand at Merlin, the car then begins to slowly drive towards the main road leading into the town.

A light flashes in Merlin's eyes as he sees the mechanical warrior off, and as his body aerosolized into black fog, Merlin looks at the temporary base in the warehouse and says softly:

"Let me see..."

"What kind of secret you Cybertronians are hiding on Earth."