Chapter 1: That day after school.
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“nya~ nya~”


I didn’t see this coming...

So I was just going home from after school today when I unexpectedly encountered this.

And if you are wondering, the one who meowed wasn’t a cat at all.

“Come on now. Nya~ nya~”

Holding a piece of bristle grass, she waved it all around in front of the small adorable black kitten. It tried to follow it around but inevitably cannot catch up with it. It left the kitten panting as it stopped.

“Hm? Are you tired? You want to eat?” She asked.

The kitten meows as it nodded its head in response. She smiled at this and began to scour through the plastic bag that she had been carrying. What came out from it is what I assume to be a can of cat food.

“meow! meow!” The kitten started to jump for joy uncontrollably.

“Now, now, be patient. I haven't opened it yet.” She said as she opened the can.

As soon as she put it down in front of the kitten, it immediately jumped to the can and started eating very fast. Pieces of cat food started going off in different directions, causing a massive mess.

“Goodness, calm down. If you want I have some more, you know.” She softly whispered to the kitten as she removed a piece off its whiskers.

… Has she always been this kind? I can’t help but ask that question.

All alone in this empty park dyed in orange, I am seeing a side of her that I never saw her show in school before.

Inoue Yua – my classmate. And she is what others call an introvert.

At first glance, she doesn’t look like who would be called as such. She has long elegant dark blue hair that is obviously taken great care of, a pair of enchanting large cerulean blue eyes, and fair white skin that looks soft like snow. Without a doubt, she is a beautiful girl.

But that is the only thing she is going for. Truth be told, I never even saw her talk to anyone. Nor was she in a group of people before. Every time I see her, she is always on her own.

It is not only me who noticed this, everybody in my class knows about this part of her. Some even gave her the nickname “The shy beauty” but I feel that is more of an insult than an actual compliment. Nonetheless, everyone simply accepted this and proceeded on as normal, not even thinking twice about her.

Of course, I would be lying if I said I never forgot about her. I didn't care much about her either.

“Haah… I failed again…”

My train of thoughts immediately stopped as soon as I heard Inoue-san mumble something.

“…meow?” The kitten looked up at her, tilting its head as if asking what she meant.

“You remember what I said yesterday, right? I promised myself that I would definitely do it today… but… I am too scared to even try…”


“I mean, everyone looks so intimidating... I can’t even go to them and start a simple conversation with them... Not to mention, they always seem to be busy...”


“Uuu... I-I just can’t do it... It’s impossible...!” She exclaimed in a trembling voice, shaking her head in denial.

Is she talking about our classmates?

And also why do I feel like she is describing us as if we are some wild animals out to kill her? If anything, the class would be more happy if she does talk than always being quiet.

But seeing her terrified face just now, I guess she does look at us that way.


The kitten, who looked very concerned, went to her side to comfort her. Inoue-san noticed this and carried it to her arms and snuggled it all up.

“I wonder what I should do, neko-san… If this really keeps up, I would really be all alone…”

I would really be all alone…’ I felt a small tug in my chest as that phrase continued to echo inside my head. An invisible force that makes me feel a certain uncomfortable feeling inside.

This feeling continued to cloud my heart as I saw the small drops of water that appeared in the corner of her eyes.

“I... just want to change...”

Noticing that the kitten in arms is now asleep, a small but sad smile appeared on her lips. Looking at the setting sun, she mumbled these words in a voice that almost no one could hear.

“I wish someone would tell me just how to be more confident...”

And that was the last I heard and saw from her that day. I would never forget the soft trembling in her voice and the desolated expression in her face.

Her almost voiceless request continued to resonate, hoping that it would reach anybody.