Introduction to ‘What it means to have different perspectives.’
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Should I split my dreams up into chapters or not.
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Total voters: 1 · This poll was closed on Aug 25, 2019 04:43 PM.


If you think about your dreams you find that sometimes you simply cannot control anything. And sometimes when you analyze it they are crappy stories. Why do I say this is because; when you realize that your dream was about a super advanced technology world and then comes a dragon and a prince/princess in its clutch with an alien ambassador saying you must save their royal highness. In your dream you will find that everything is normal as the jumping of genre. Yes, you have imagined correctly the universe you live in has dragons and aliens alike. As well as, the fact that dragons snatching beauties is normal.

Well I say this but, the thing that I find most amusing is the fact that the dramatic affect caused us not to wonder about what we were doing before the dragon appeared. Like if in the beginning was about you being surrounded by skyscrapers and then a time skip. You appear in an open area and your subconscious is sending an ambassador alien to fill in the plot holes.

Then again are you even the protagonist or just a spectator.

MY MIND GOOOs 2333333333333- 66666666666- 777777777777¹



Dreams are basically stories and images our mind creates while we sleep. Dreams can be vivid. ... But most vivid dreams occur during deep, REM (rapid eye movement) sleep, when the brain is most active. Some experts say we dream at least four to six times per night.| |

¹ - chinese internet slang: 2333 = laughing with every 3 a new ha. 666 = (doesn't mean evil) it means awesome or cool with the repeat of another 6 like saying "cool cool cool cool" 777 isn't in the link but it basically means tears with each 7 a tear. | |

Author notes

Err I'm new and inexperienced don't know how footnotes or author notes and the like work. If you'd like to give suggestions that would be very helpful.
Also I'm depicting my dreams which I can't control and can't conjure up at the drop of a hat. (AKA no fixed updates).
The next chapter is right to my dreams and you have to make sense of it and find the mastermind and the end in order of which characters. First story will be a bit of a horror/psychological/supernatural.