Chapter 2 | First Hunt
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"My name is... Yuzhou, Yuzhou Kami."

"Yuzhou Kami.... I've never heard of Kami before. Where do you come from—that's right. You can't remember. It's not in your system either."

The big man went to the 4 sitting men and crouched down and said something. Yuzhou couldn't hear them because he said it silently. After 20 seconds of talking, the molded man approached Yuzhou.

"If you want, you can join our unit. We don't know how you can regain your memory, but you can make new memories for yourself. We can teach you to survive in this world." 

Yuzhou didn't say anything and looked at the man in front of her and said, "Identity".

---------------------------------------------------------------- ---------------------------------------------------------------- -------------------------------PERSONAL INFORMATION

Name : Fel Gnomes

Level : 23 / (∞)

Age : 34

Class : Human

Weapon: Iron Sword

Outfit: Black Tracksuit, Red T-Shirt, Gray Shoes, Gnomes Cloak

Accessory: Copper Necklace (+5 Stamina Stat)


Strength: 27 / (∞)

Immunity: 11 / (∞)

Intelligence: 24 / (∞)

Agility: 12 / (∞)

Stamina: 24+5 / (∞)

Luck: 7 / (∞)

Skill: 10 / (∞)


Muscle Control (Lv-12): The ability to harden and lighten the muscles in the body. +25 points are added to Strength, Stamina stats if the muscles become stiff. +20 points are added to the Agility stat if the muscles are lightened. To use it, it is enough to activate and think about the technique.Prediction (Lv-4): The ability to predict the next move by looking at the other person's moves. (Accuracy Rate - 12%)

Yuzhou was a little surprised to read that the man before her had 2 abilities. Either it was very difficult to learn skills in this world, or the man had only learned 2 skills. But since he knew nothing, he wanted to know and asked.

"Why do you have 2 abilities even though you're level 23?"

The big man was thoroughly surprised. The young man in front of him had only just learned his name, but he knew that the young, big man was level 23 and had two abilities.

Big man;

"How do you know I'm level 23 and have two abilities?"

Yuzhou was also surprised at this question. Although he had no memories of himself, he had learned the system and some skills in just a few minutes. If he could do it, others should be able to do it too. After all, he was only one level, and the man opposite him was twenty-three level.

"I read your system." said Yuzhou.

Big man;

"You read my system? That's impossible..." he said. But he didn't know anything about the person in front of him. He had never seen a yellow-eyed person in his entire life. He had seen white hair only in old people. There was something strange about this boy.

"Anyway, do you accept my offer?" 

"Yes I do." said Yuzhou.

The big man was somewhat happy. Because there was something different about this young man, and he thought that if he could train the young man to at least a certain level, he would be quite strong.

"Good, do you have a weapon you use?" said the big man.

"I don't know how to use a weapon."

The big man then thought what a ridiculous question that was. How could he remember the weapon he was using when the person in front of him could not remember his name?

The big man threw one of the few spare swords that stood next to the chairs they were sitting on at Yuzhou.

Yuzhou barely caught this iron sword. He had no trouble removing it.

The big man moved towards the door. His brothers standing behind him went to the door with him. "Let's go," said the big man.

Yuzhou "Where to?" he asked.

"To hunt."

All four men came out the door. The door opened directly into a forest. The little house they were in was in the forest. He activated the Yuzhou System ability.

---------------------------------------------------------------- ---------------------------------------------------------------- -------------------------------PERSONAL INFORMATION

Name : Yuzhou Kami

Level : 1 / (∞)Age : 16 + (∞)

Class : Man God

Weapon : -Clothing(s): Gray Shirt, Black Pants, Black Shoes, Purgatory Cloak

Accessory(s): Space Ring


Strength: 10 / (∞)

Immunity: 10 / (∞)

Intelligence: 20 / (∞)

Agility: 10 / (∞)

Stamina: 10 / (∞)

Luck: 10 / (∞)

Skill: 10 / (∞)


-God (1) : New abilities are unlocked as a person levels up, gets stronger, and uses abilities made up of God skill.

--Contains: Eye of God, Brain of God

-The Brain of God |Features ↓|

--Memory: A person does not forget anything he has experienced, seen, heard or felt. You don't need to do anything to use it, it's a passive ability.New abilities will be acquired as you use the Brain of God.

-God's Eye |Features ↓|

--Valuation: By appraising the value of the items, the item they are made of, their price, level, element, magic stones, if any, and what should be known about the item.shows everything else. To use it, you just have to look at the item in your hand and think about the technique.

--Identity: You can see the People's System. To use it, it is enough to look at the person in front of you and think about the technique.New abilities will be acquired as God's Eye is used.


Invisibility (Purgatory Cloak): The item worn gives the person invisibility thanks to the (Purgatory Cloak). However, the person becomes invisible as much as their Skill stat.(Invisibility duration is 10 seconds.) To use the technique, it is enough to think.

Silent Steps (Black Shoes): The item that is worn gives the person the Silent Steps feature thanks to (Black Shoes). No matter what the circumstances or the ground, the steps taken by the person will be inaudible. You don't need anything to use it. It is a passive skill.

Space Warehouse (Space Ring): With the item worn (Space Ring), a dimension that only he can see is opened as soon as the person activates the technique. He can put or take anything he wants into the dimension. The capacity is unlimited.

System / Lich: The System has its own consciousness. His name is Lich. Once you activate the technique, you can talk to the Lich.

While Yuzhou was chasing the 4 men, he raised the sword in him hand and activated him "Valuation" skill. Activating his Valuation skill, yellow eyes lit up and a menu appeared in front of the sword.

---------------------------------------------------------------- -------------------------

"Name" : Iron Sword"Material": Iron"Price" : 5 silver coins"Level" : D-rank Sword"Element" : None"Knowledge" : Cutting the skin of C-rank creatures takes a lot of strength with this sword. It does no damage to creatures higher than C level. IncreasinglyIt is a weak sword."

---------------------------------------------------------------- ------------------------------------------

After Yuzhou read the semen, the menu closed. The sword was really bad. Then another talent caught his attention.

"System / Lich: The system has its own consciousness. Its name is Lich. Once you activate the technique, you can talk to the Lich."


"System / Lich"

After activating the technique, he heard a voice in his head. It was a male voice and he was a little scared when he heard it. The sound was frightening, and although it was a sound, it seemed to have an aura of its own, as if it were in front of it.

"Just say Lich, Yuzhou."

Yuzhou was somewhat confused by the situation for some reason. He would ask all the questions he was curious about, one by one. But he didn't know where to start.

"Lich, do other people's systems have their own consciousness?"

"No not."

"So why do you have it? What's my specialty? This man god class, god abilities?"

"You... you're just lucky."

"Am I just lucky?"

"Yeah, luck."

"So do you know who I am?"


"How well do you know who I am?"

"As much as you know."

"And what do you know about this place where we live, people, talents and stuff?"

"What do you want to know?"


Yuzhou did not speak any further. After walking for a while, he felt a strange aura coming from his left side. The man in front of him turned to Yuzhou, "Did you notice?" said.

"Yeah, what is this?"

"This is the horned pig's aura. Every creature emits a certain aura. No matter how strong or weak it is. If it gets enough, they can kill others with just their aura without even fighting. But it takes a lot of strength to do that."

Then they went a little further and saw the pig standing alone.

"Luckily, it has separated from its herd. Its meat is delicious, and its horns can be sold cheaply. Enough to feed the five of us. You'll hunt it. Let's see what you can do."

Yuzhou was worried. How could he hunt a pig when he didn't even know how to use a sword, when he had just learned his name?

"But I don't know how to fight."

"Don't worry, the horned pig is one of the weakest creatures. Just one blow with the sword is all it takes."

Yuzhou slowly began to approach the pig. Although he was afraid, for some reason he was quite confident in himself and was confident that he could easily defeat this pig. But he still felt fear. The pig's horns looked quite dangerous.

As he approached the pig, the pig did not react at all. The pig didn't even notice him, as Yuzhou's footsteps made no sound.



"Tell me about the Horned Pigs."

"It is one of the most common and weakest types of pigs. Its meat is delicious compared to normal pigs, but it is worth nothing. Its horns are used to make D-level swords, armor, accessories. They attack directly when they feel the slightest danger."

Yuzhou had a distance of 15 feet from the pig. Yuzhou didn't know what to do. Should he run to attack, or should he get a little closer?

While he was thinking about what to do, he suddenly heard a voice behind him.

"Come on Yuzhou, you can do it."

When the pig heard this sound, it was startled and started to move. The closest person to him was Yuzhou, and the pig rushed to attack directly.

It tilted its head slightly forward and pointed its horns at Yuzhou, the pig was faster than Yuzhou. In a short time, the pig horns in front of Yuzhou were going to attack Yuzhou's abdomen, while Yuzhou moved sideways at the last moment and escaped from the horn.

He then swung his sword at the pig once. The sword struck the pig's horn and bounced back. Normally, he should have been able to break the horn with enough strength, but even though Yuzhou had enough strength, he couldn't break the horn.

While Yuzhou was still thinking about what to do, the pig had already attacked Yuzhou's stomach, and Yuzhou did not see this attack, so he quickly fell backwards. His sword fell beside him.

Yuzhou was having trouble breathing as the attack hit his abdomen. Noticing that he could not get up from the ground and was squirming, the molded man quickly drew his iron sword and ran towards the pig. Noticing the pig-shaped man, he ran with his horns bent and tried to attack.

But the big man dodges the pig's attack and quickly raised his sword in the air and slammed into the pig's back.

With a single blow, he cut the pig in half. Before the blood flowing from the lifeless body of the pig lying on the ground reached Yuzhou, the molded man lifted Yuzhou and went to the other men's place and laid him on the ground.

Yuzhou had regained some sense.

The big man said, "Are you okay?" he asked.

Behind him, the other man said, "Take a deep breath!" said.

Yuzhou took a few deep breaths as his breathing gradually became easier and he came back to himself completely.

The man carrying Yuzhou slowly lifted Yuzhou to her feet. Then he said to the man next to him, "You take the pig, come, I will help Yuzhou." And he started walking with Yuzhou.

Yuzhou's first hunt had failed.