Chapter 28
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-Leon’s PoV-

On the battlefield, it is hard to distinguish an ally and a foe… especially if they’re just corpses.

Similarities between demons and humans are certainly there. Leon saw countless times a demon corpse being brought back with human ones. Some are just too mutilated to say them apart.

However, the situation he was in was very different. Only demons could be seen lying around. Leon was happy about that… but it still gave him chills…

It was evident that all of them were killed by one person. The corpses all looked the same. No matter the size, gender or race of the demon… They were decapitated.

One thing was off about those demons… They didn’t have any other wounds, as if killed without resistance.

‘What an idiotic plan.’

Leon thought he saw right through Jack’s plan. A plan to get Leon to believe that they weren’t enemies. He wouldn’t fall for it.

‘Forcing your own to die like that… Truly demon-like.’ 

“I won’t fall for your tricks, Jack!”

Jack was confused but even more annoyed.

“Tricks? I just did like one-twelfth of your work!”

‘Twelve. Same as before.’

“You think I am easily fooled? Doing this and putting your sword aside won’t make me trust you more!”

Leon tightened his grip.

“Then say to me what will.”


“I hate misunderstandings, so I’d prefer if we’d fixed this up quickly.”

‘Is this another trick?’

“...Take off your mask.”

“A~h, can’t do that. My face is very ugly, you see. Besides, you won’t recognize me anyway~.”

“...What did I even expect from a demon.”

“Hey, hey, who said I’m a demon? I don’t think I am one.”

“This conversation is going nowhere… Take out your sword.”

“Or what? You’ll fight a weaponless person? You aren’t like that~.”

Leon leapt forward and swung his sword filled with Aura.

Although the hit range was wide, Jack managed to avoid it by flying up.

“Hey! I thought better of you! Who does that!?”

“...I’m not merciful towards demons.”

“Then why are you attacking me?”

“...I have enough proof!”

Yet again Leon tried attacking. He was at a disadvantage because Jack was in the air, but he also has a Wind affinity, so he used a spell to gain some height.

“Oh my~, aren’t you slacking off on your training? Still can’t fly?”

Leon could, but it was too hard swinging his sword without a stable ground.


Upon landing, Leon looked up. Jack was high in the air, looking at him… mockingly.

Leon pointed his sword at him.

“...Scared that it will end the same way as before?”

“Sorry? I can’t hear you from up here! Speak louder!”

“You-! Get down here and fight me!”

“Ahahaha. What if I don’t want to? You know, last time I acted on emotions a bit… Won’t happen again~.”

For a moment Leon stopped and closed his eyes, then he sheathed his sword.

“Right… We both know how it’ll end anyway.”

This time, his provocation worked. It was hard to tell because of Jack’s mask, but he got closer to Leon.

“...That’s because I don’t want to kill you. You noticed it too, didn’t you?”

That was true. Never did Leon feel true Killing Intent in Jack’s blows… except one time…

‘That day… He escaped so easily… I can’t let that happen again.’

“...You wanted me to trust you?”

‘I need to win some time.’

“Hm? Yes?”

“I will give you a chance.”

“Oh, wow… I won’t show you my face though~.”

“...Let’s just talk.”

“Fine by me!”

“...Who are you and why are you following us.”

“Hehe, so you knew? As I said before I’m Jack… Can’t say much more, but as for why… You could say it’s related to my greatest wish?”

‘Greatest wish? What is that supposed to mean?’

“Can you elaborate?”



For a minute there was an awkward silence. Jack just waited, while Leon didn’t know what to ask.

“...Are we done?”

‘...I still need more time, and… Is he really Jack?’

“...Are you the same Jack I fought before?”

“Hm? Why? I am me. Why would you even ask?”

“...You changed your mask… Behave completely different… Even the fact that you’d just converse like this with me is strange… Except for the sword, nothing is resembling “you”.”

‘Though it does remind me of someone… The way Black Shadow behaved… it was similar.’

Jack, who was leisurely relaxing in the air suddenly halted and slowly came down.

“Completely… different… you say? Right. This isn’t how Jack should behave… Thank you for reminding me, Leon.”

The atmosphere around Jack changed. His posture changed. There was now less movement… even his breathing became more shallow.

Leon started recognising the Jack he met before.

“I do not see a reason to continue this drag of time. Goodbye.”


But he didn’t wait. Just like always, Jack disappeared.

‘I can’t let him escape like that!’

“I know of your plan!”

“My plan? Let’s listen to your bluff.”

‘Should I… actually tell him what I know? Damn it, I didn’t think this through.’

“...I’m not dumb. I know those corpses are not here just to impress me.”


‘He… confirmed it? Then…’ 

“We ruined your previous plan, so your plan b was to… Summon the leader by sacrificing a part of your army.”

“...You think I did this to summon a stronger demon than myself?”

‘Not even refuting that he’s a demon.’

“Isn’t it obvious? How can this sort of siege be done without a commander? And you clearly aren’t fit for that role.”

“...I see.”

‘Almost here… Just a bit more…’

“Say, Jack… Are the kids… demons too?”

“... They are humans.”

‘...There is something wrong with him… Even without Naty here… I can tell… It’s the truth… I’m glad, maybe they are just being manipulated… What else do I ask? How do I make him stay? They are so close…’

“Do you like this name of yours? Don’t you think it doesn’t suit you?”

“...I never liked fake names… But those are necessary.”

“Maybe an old nickname would be better?... Black-”


From a distance, Agness was rushing to Leon.

‘They’re here!’

Not far away from Agness was Naty, and behind her… was an army.

“And don’t forget about me!”

Aloin was there, as a volunteer to fend off the demon invasion.

Jack did not show any reaction to this… as if he already knew.

“Was this your plan? How useless.”



Leon prepared beforehand. He thought of a way to fight Jack’s artefact, it was something he used before.

Jack looked at Naty and thought.

‘Four circles. Holy Light Source… Interesting.’

A spell that made the target shine with holy light. It was especially effective against demons, so Leon thought it will work for sure… Now, Jack was also curious.

“It hit!”

“We succeeded!”

Naty and Agness were happy to be of help to Leon.

Jack was beaming with light… though still less than Aloin’s armour.

‘It feels uncomfortable’, is what he thought.

“Naty! Agness! He’s strong! Assist me!”


Naty buffed Leon and Agness stood in position, awaiting Leon’s move.

Leon’s sword was shining not as much as before, Jack noticed it.

“...You won’t win against me like that.”

“Haha! But I’m here to help!”

Aloin jumped to Leon’s side.

“Soldiers! Formation 23! Do not let the enemy get away!”

And the army would not stand still.

However you look at it, Jack was at a huge disadvantage. Encircled, again, but this time not by mindless demons. Soldiers would attack according to orders. 

Flying away too wasn’t possible. With Agness here, she could interfere with the wind that makes Jack fly.

A situation where you could only fight… or beg.

It was hard to tell how Jack reacted. Right now, he was motionless. Maybe due to fear, maybe due to confusion… or perhaps he just didn’t care.

Everyone simply thought he was confident. They became naturally irritated because of this arrogance.

‘This time you won’t escape!’



Before Leon gave the command, Jack came down and struck his sword in the ground.

“This is stupid.”

“...Surrendering is a wise choice.”

“I’m not surrendering. Why are we even fighting?”

“...You… You want to fool your way out of this!?”

“How can I fool you when you have a walking lie detector right behind you?”

Jack pointed at Naty. The soldiers all around them were confused but dared not to make a move.

“After calmly thinking about it, I came to a conclusion. Leon, we will meet like this many times in the future, it is unavoidable. So making an enemy out of you is a bad idea. I will let you question me.”

There was mumbling all around.

“Who do you think you are!? You are just a murderer! Someone like you doesn’t need to be questioned! Justice will prevail!”

“Aloin stop!”

‘I can’t waste this opportunity.’

“...Fine, but make it brief. He will surely die by my hand!”

Jack could only wonder why Aloin was so hostile to him.

Leon stepped forward.

“Naty, check his every answer.”


With his sword in hand, Leon came closer to Jack and pointed his sword at him.

“I will ask the question that everyone here wants to be answered… Why did you kill General Torum and his men!?”

His voice was enhanced with Aura to intimidate Jack.

“They were demons.”



“He’s lying! Kill him!”

It was obvious that the army that was once led by that man would have such a reaction, but…

“...It’s the truth.”

“No way!”

“It cannot be!”

“Everyone calm down! He may have been fooled himself! What evidence made you be so sure!?”

Leon yet again came closer, pressuring Jack.

“You saw it yourself… And that Saint of yours saw it too.”

“...What do you mean?”

“The Blood Ritual.”


“...His blood didn’t mix.”

“What is he saying!?”

“That can’t be true!”

“Why didn’t we know about it!”

Quiet! The reason why Torum’s blood didn’t mix was that the other party was a demon!”


“That makes sense!”

‘...The army is undisciplined without a commander they respect.’

“Are you really saying that? Do you believe that boy to be a demon? And even if he was, what crimes did he commit to be killed?”

Jack’s unwavering voice was heard by everyone. It didn’t matter if someone was speaking over him, they could clearly hear him. There was no Aura in his voice, nor did he scream, he spoke calmly, with a monotone voice.

“...He betrayed humanity.”

“Not knowingly.”

“Doesn’t matter… If he was a demon… He should die. Demons and humans cannot coexist.”

“Death to all demons!”

“Die! You scum!”

“Kill him!” 

“Revenge for the General!”

This was starting to annoy Leon… and not only him.

“You people. Do you not see the corpses bellow you?”

Still calmly, Jack spoke to the men while looking at Leon.

“What of them!?”

“Must be your underlings!”

“I was the one who killed them.”

“So what!?”

“Yeah! So what?!”

Leon too had something to say.

“Why did you kill them?! It was for a ritual, right!?”

“No. I do not know how to perform rituals.”

This confused Leon for a second.

“Then… why did you do it!?”

“To save those men. I presume you understand how many of them would have died just to win more time for the capital, if not all.”

Now there were no shouts of anger… Everyone just looked at the Saint.

“...He isn’t lying.”



“Is he our… saviour?”

Leon didn’t falter.

“Why did you have to save them!?”

“...I don’t understand the question.”

“Was there an ulterior motive!? Like to get closer to us!? Or clear your name!?”


It was an immediate answer… however.

“That’s a lie.”

“I knew it!”

“Kill him!”

Quiet! What do you have to say for yourself!?”

Leon’s sword was nearly in front of Jack’s face.

For the first time during the interrogation, Jack moved his head.

“You… Does it matter to you all if I had a motive? I saved your insignificant lives.”

“We won’t fall for it!”

“You demon!”

“Execute him!”

Jack saw hating faces. The same people he saved… now wanted to kill him.

“Ungrateful… Why did I even do it?”

For a brief second, Killing Intent could be felt in the air. A very small amount not aimed at anyone, but Leon was able to notice it.

He placed his sword on Jack’s neck, making him look his way.

However what Jack looked at was not him, but someone behind him.

Jack calmed down.

“...I will ask one more question. It will decide your fate.”

“Go on.”

“Are you a demon?”

“I don’t know.”


“...That’s not a lie?”

Even Naty was surprised.

“...How can you not know?”

“Is this your first time seeing someone who doesn’t know his parents well? Aren’t you the same, Leon?”

“That… Then let us check.”

Leon took away his sword and placed it on his hand.



“I don’t want to know it.”

“You don’t get a choice.”

Leon’s expression became darker, he looked at Jack as if he was nothing… as if he was in the palm of his hand.

Jack didn’t show a reaction… but something changed about him.

“Ha…Haha…Hahaha. AHAHAHA! Did you really think your puny spells would work?”

And he was gone… Only a light breeze was left behind.



“Even the light disappeared!”

Leon’s plan didn’t work.

Jack escaped yet again.

‘Damn yoooou! Jaaaack!’




-Mixen’s PoV-


“What? Were you worried? Haha, there is no way that would work. This is a power given to me by God after all.”


“I tested it before, that’s how I was so sure.”


Whitey seemed a bit annoyed.

“Yeah… Leon was so irritated… I can’t help but want to mess with him…”


She became even more annoyed

“That’s right! I did it before so why can’t I do it again!”


The kitty was now screaming out of frustration.

“Kekeke, he enjoyed his lovey-dovey time with Melissa, so why don’t I give him more of it? I got a great idea in mind!”


“Ouch! Why are you biting me? I’m even flying at a slower speed… Are you hungry?”


Whitey knew she could not win, so she conceded.

“I’ll eat too, there is a good spot nearby, hold tight.”


Mixen went to a flower field inside a forest. It was small, but had many different flowers… It also had a great view of the moon… Mixen wanted to take Naty here, though it didn’t go as planned.

“Ah, we’re here.”


Whitey was gradually getting used to such fast travels.

“Here you go… It’s fish on the menu today.”

Mixen gave her cat food that had fish as its base, and took out some canned fish soup… What Whitey ate looked, smelled and even tasted better than that soup. Mixen didn’t complain though… but he did complain about something else while laying on the ground.

“The sun is too bright today, my eyes hurt.”


“Pfft, don’t choke.”

Sometime after, Mixen returned to the capital. He let Whitey roam around, and himself went looking for something interesting.

‘Well, well, well. What do we have here?’

The fight was still ongoing, so there were almost no guards inside the city. Leon and his team too were fending off the demons.

While looking around the city, Mixen saw something that piqued his interest.

‘There is no way that someone so proficient at Stealth would be up to no good, right?’

Mixen followed the man and was surprised at his destination.

‘Mary’s house? Oh wow, this will surely lead to some big arc in the story… Maybe even some character development? Let’s see how it will play out…’

Mary was not home, but was doing some shopping and Natan was at the pharmacy, so the suspicious man just sat there and waited.

‘Waiting again? Bummer…’

It was unknown when Mary will come. Mixen got bored quickly and so did the man.

Mixen decided to rest his eyes for a moment and the man started sharpening his dagger.

‘That looks sharp… Is he an assassin? Should I… No. I won’t meddle in the story anymore…’

Mixen slowly started falling asleep…




“Oh! Hi! Look, look! I’m almost finished!”



Didn’t you just figure out how to create a chair?

“Hehe, I was diligent. Do you like my hut?”



It’s cosy.

“I know, I know, always wanted it to be like that.”



There is no bed.

“Do you think it’s easy to create things in here?”


“What!? No way! Is that a f*cking castle!?”

It is.

“You can freely change things in here!?”

Always could.

“...Then why not get rid of those nasty bodies?”




Some things I cannot change, nor do I want to.

“Why wouldn’t you want to get rid of it? Are you still not over your guilt?”



It isn’t as simple as just having guilt.

“Then what is it?”



To not forget what I’ve done… and to not repeat it.

“...I see… But you still feel guilty, don’t you?”



How can I not? 

“Didn’t you say they were brainwashed?”


“If it’s long-term brainwashing, there is no way to get rid of it. Don’t you know that?”



I do… but I haven’t tried anything to save them.

“But you did research it, right? You did what you could, move on.”



It’s not a matter of trying… I killed them. I made their families suffer…

“So what? People lose their families all the time!”

But I was the one who did it to them.

“And? Do you care about their lives? You shouldn’t, think about your own first.”

I never cared about their lives! And you know it! It’s about me-...




You aren’t him.

“Huh? Who?”





I still don’t understand who you are.

“...You are f*cking weird, you knew that?”




I did.

“Man, I thought I was good at reading people, but you are just like my old man, un-f*cking-readable.”



This reminds me…

I have a debt to pay.





“Hello, you little assassin.”

Without answering the man tried attacking Mixen.

“No, no. That’s not how it works. You go to sleep.”

*Thud* *Boom*

After being hit on the neck, the man’s heavy body fell to the ground.

“Where do I put you? An abandoned building should be fine.”

After bringing the assassin to the nearby building, Mixen tied him up.

“Wakey, wakey.”


The man woke up, though still didn’t make a sound.

“Now, care to tell me why you’re here? You chose a ba~d spot by the way.”

The man was silent.

“...Are you a mute or something? Let me check.”

Mixen performed a very painful move that he learned in his previous life. It is a move that in his army days he used to make his allies respect him, and his enemies fear him. A move with a simple name… titty-twister.


“Ahaha, reminds me of the old days. Hey, so tell me, why. are. you. here.”

“...You won’t get your answers, just kill me.”

“Ohoho, I could simply use that, but you’ll probably just sh*t your pants and pass out, so~... Here hold it.”

Mixen took out a weird-looking tablet.

“Oops, you’re tied, right. Here you go.”

After placing the tablet in that person’s hands, Mixen expected a particular reaction… but there was none.

“...It doesn’t work on you? Oh wow… You might be a valuable lab rat then.”

The man was confused but still sat silently.

“...Not even a taunt or a squeak?... I was in a bad mood recently, you know? How about we have some fun? Have you heard of waterboarding?”

What followed was a session of fun games that made the assassin understand all of his wrongdoings and confess his sins… it’s a shame he won’t be able to see the light of another day.

“It’s evening already? He sure was a hard nut to crack.”

After getting all the information, Mixen was relieved… and concerned.

“...I should keep Whitey close to me…”




-???’s PoV-

In an office, where only the sound of someone writing could be heard, were a lot of open letters.

One of them said… 

『Is it done?』

The message was sent quite some time ago, but only now did they get a reply.

『Yes. It was sent already.』

It wasn’t hard for the person in the room to notice the answer and switch the papers.

『Good work. How are the other projects going?』

This time, the reply was swift.

『I’m almost done with the small ones, big ones require more time and funding.』

‘...annoying… but useful.’

『You have my permission. I will await good results.』

『Thank you. I will not disappoint you.』

‘...not even asking about him?

『I’m sorry for my brazen behaviour, but may I ask if you considered my request?』

‘Here it is.’

『As I said before, he is not someone you can simply approach.』

It was annoying to repeat the same answer over and over again.

『It would not take a lot of time, only an exchange of a few words would be enough.』

『Then say it, I will relay them for you.』

This time the person behind the letter took some time to answer.

『I don’t think I can do that.』

‘...truly annoying…’

『I am far more qualified to talk with him. It may take you years to work your way up here. Are you okay with it?』

『Yes. I will work hard.』

‘...I really can’t under-’

Someone barged through the door.

“Head! Urgent news! The capital got sieged by demons!”


“That’s not all! Those people were spotted there as well!”

‘...does he mean… I hope not.’

“By those you mean…”

Those, that claim they are yet to pick a name! Those that wear his attire!”

“Damn… Are they involved with the siege in any way?”

“We are not sure… But it’s highly possible.”

“...Let’s hope not… Hide that information. Make it top secret.”


“Now leave… I need to think. I will give further orders soon.”

Subordinate nodded and left.


Deep in thought, the person sat back into the chair.

‘...So many people that I don’t understand… Just who is he, really?’

With a slightly trembling hand, the person continued their work.




-Mixen’s PoV-

“It’s so~ boring. I can’t help but think that I’m missing something fun.”

While scratching his ear, Mixen was hovering high in the sky with Whitey on his neck.


“Are you bored too? I know, I know, it’s gonna be fun soon though, hehe. Just wait till Leon comes back.”


From this height, Mixen could see the battlefield.

“...They seem to be doing well. Should be done soon.”


“Huh? What do you mean it would be quicker if I helped? I tried to! Didn’t you see!? They are ungrateful! Every single one of them!”


“...Yeah… I wouldn’t be able to stop… Sorry for before, it must’ve been unsightly… won’t happen again I swear…”

Even the cat thought that Mixen was behaving strangely sometimes… Like now… as if he was a completely different person… with a voice that sounded the same... yet so different.

Mixen usually talks to Whitey as if she could understand him perfectly, for some reason, even though she’s just a cat… now, however… it seemed that he said it to himself only… she noticed it too.


“Hm? Why can’t we go down? It’s not safe down there either.”


“This whole farce is just a distraction to lead most of the capital’s guards away.”


The cat was now curious.

“You’ll be surprised by this, so listen… They want to kidnap the Saint.”


Whitey was surprised.

“I said you’d be surprised! Hah!”


“That… I couldn’t get that answer… So he probably really didn’t know the answer.”


“Many ba~d people are now hiding in the capital… And who knows what they’ll do? I can’t let you be near them, sorry Whitey.”

“...meow… Meow?”

“The Saint? Oh, she’ll be fine. You know that she isn’t in the city. I took some precautions to protect her family and… Leon will protect her on the battlefield… She’ll probably get scratches though… ah, it’ll be bad for her skin… But who cares, right?”





Oh, look! They’re finally returning!