Chapter 3 : Sudden Engagement, Sudden Annulment
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‘Is this other world madness?? Am I going insane??’

The music was getting louder and more intense.  It was reminiscent of the beginning of “Night on the Bare Mountain”.

‘Was a fucking super villain making an entry?!?’

As the music got more intense, a man entered through the door with a bang. Dramatically posing with a Michael Jackson crotch grab. A handsome man with hair a dark purple hue. His face almost identical to Richard, more mature and a mischievous flicker in his deep purple eyes. With a raise of his hands and a small clap, the music instantly stopped.

“Richard darling, it’s so good to see you!”

It was clear to all present that this was marquess Jan Wild Thorn, father of Richard Wild Thorn. Wearing a full purple suit and a white shirt underneath with a black bow tie, he stuck out like a sore thumb. He smiled as he stared at Richard.

Looking at the stunned Richard with his eyes open wide, Jan was ecstatic. Jan loved to be in the center of attention. But no matter what he did Richard among all his children was the hardest to get attention from. In fact, Richard would completely ignore Jan’s antics whenever they met.

‘This is the second time I stunned Richard, last time I had to pay an entire entourage of 50 people to accompany me’

‘Definitely paying that composer double!’

As much as Jan would’ve loved to bask in his glee, he knew he was on a tight schedule and couldn’t dilly dally. As such he sat down in front of Richards desk to get to business.

“I’ve sent your engagement request with Lana Fable to the Bormann viscount family”

“Cancel it.”


The tables had turned, now Jan was the one wide eyed and confused.

“B-but Richard, you… the request has already been sent… you can’t just do something like that… What would the other families think of us??”

“Cancel it.”

‘Is he on one of his mood swings…?'

“Richard… maybe you should think about this… once you’ve calmed down…”

“No, Cancel it.”


I had enough of this world and its people already, and I haven’t even been here for more than an hour.

‘Evil maids after my life, violated by a giant gorilla and now a fucking sudden engagement?!’

It wasn’t a normal engagement either. Lana Fable, she was the main character of the game. The heroine of all people was getting engaged to Richard. I could only curse at my lack of game knowledge; I didn’t even know she had been engaged to Richard before.

‘Done with this shit’

Since coming to this world, I had been the one being completely tossed around by its whims. I was scared, terrified even. In a completely unknown place, I had acted as subdued as possible, fearing for my life. Like a lamb tossed into a pack of wolves.  There was no time to think, no time to let my had wrap around the situation. It was one thing after another.

‘Enough is enough damnit…’

Other protagonists had knowledge of the world they were in, I had almost zero. They had skills or were special in some way, I wasn’t.  They had over powered systems helping them every step of the way. I had nothing of the sort. I even tried calling ‘Inventory’ or ’Open storage’ in my head and nothing fucking happened.

I clenched my hand into a fist as I got up from my chair and made my way out of the study.

“Richard! You can’t just do things like this, enough is enough! Do you know how much I had to put up with since your mother passed!?”


Richard had never been the same since his mother passed. A complete drunken mess, Jan knew the reasons so he let him be. That Richard had come to him with an engagement proposal, Jan at the time had thought Richard was finally moving on and had been very happy. But what he was doing now, finally crossed a line for Jan.

As he angrily shouted at the leaving Richard, Richard slowly turned around at the door.

“Let me make myself clear. I don’t want any engagement.”

His voice wasn’t loud by any means, yet they resounded in the ears of everyone present in the room. It was cold and grating. Shivers were sent down the spines of the people present.

As Richard said those words, he looked deep into Jan’s eyes. The entire study room dimmed as if something was eating away at the sun's light, his yellow eyes glowed as the only bright light in the room. The temperature started dropping rapidly. No one in the room could breathe properly, their heads started to spin and eyes started to blur.

When Richard didn’t hear another refute, he calmly left the room making his way to his bedroom.

As the door closed with Richard’s departure, the dimmed room got brighter and the temperature rose to a more normal level. Silence filled the room with now four people left in it. The butler that announced the arrival of the marquess and the butler that accompanied marquess Jan were in quiet a state. Both with a wet patch on their trousers and faces with looks filled completely of fear.

Jan and Dorota were in much better shape. Yet even they could still feel the fluctuation of mana present in the room. It was a sharp stinging sensation that tried to penetrate their skin, their eyes were affected the most, making their vision blurred and watery.

Taking a moment to relax, Jan slowly stood up to leave. He didn’t know why Richard wanted to annul an engagement he asked for, so resolutely at that. But it was clear that his intentions were very firm, considering he dared to use mana against his own father. Looking around him at the three other people, he noticed Dorota was in much better condition than the butlers.

‘Richard always did have an eye for putting people in high positions…’

He knew of Dorota becoming the head maid recently, giving a slight nod of approval he called her.


“Yes, master Jan?”

“I’m very sorry for the trouble my son causes you”

“No, no, he could never!”

“It’s alright, I know of his ways. You don’t mind cleaning up in here do you dear?”

“Not at all master!”

To those words the two butlers with their faces completely red, promptly left the room. Looking at the clock on the wall, Jan knew he had wasted enough time. He quickly started to make his leave.

Left alone, Dorota had a lot to think about. Her young master was truly a lot different up close. As cute and meek as he was, it seemed he had a firm frightening side to him as well. To the point that he would dare use mana against Jan Wild Thorn.

Wild Thorn was a title given by the late king himself, it was not just a family name. Jan was a soldier who fought in the late wars, with so many contributions he had been ranked a general in the human kingdom’s army. He was truly a fearsome individual completely capable of killing multiple groups of soldiers alone.

Although, seeing the young master’s actions since morning, Dorota could tell that was an accidental outburst.

‘He’s probably regretting his actions now’

“He’s like a fierce kitten”

Humming a little tune with a smile, Dorota went out to find a mop.


When he heard the engagement was to Lana Fable, something snapped inside Richard. Richard who was already overwhelmed and stressed could no longer handle it and instinctively refused. With that refusal he made a firm decision and let all of the pent-up anger and stress out of his system, which caused the mana outburst. He was completely blind to the situation and tension in the room.

“Is he mad? Fuck!”

“What if I get thrown out before I can figure out anything??”

“Shit, shit, shit”

Richard who had no clue of what he had done, was now pacing around the room in complete panic.