Chapter 4 : Since That Day
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That day, after worrying for hours I finally received a letter from my father, telling me he would try and talk to the Bormann viscount about his decision. It seemed my show of firmness was able to convince my father.

Since than a week had passed. The days were mainly spent either reading or just sleeping, with nothing special happening. Most employees, maids and butlers alike who worked in the mansion seemed to actively avoid me. Which I saw as very lucky. Though Dorota and Bartha were an exception.

Regardless of whether she was after my life or not, Dorota was the only one who I personally knew in this world, and she seemed to have believed my amnesia story. Bartha on the other hand seemed to follow Dorota every time I called for her, like a body guard she would actively glare at me whenever I was near Dorota. The first few times this was rather unsettling, but gradually I got used to it and completely ignored her.

From the books I had read, it was truly ingrained in my head that this was a completely different world. With variety of races and its kingdoms and empires spread across continents, the world was truly vast. Listing a few there were dwarves, elves, different types of beasts and even demons. The more I read the less confident I was on my chances of surviving in this world. There even were behemoths, monstrous beasts that roamed the land, sky and sea, towering over everything and consuming anything in their path.

‘Why couldn’t I have been sent to something like the bunny world?? Or better yet a clicker game?? Fuck me!’

As for any means of defending myself. Physical assertion was impossible. Though my body was lean and relatively fit, the amount of alcohol consumed by the original owner had done a lot of damage. My physical stamina was minuscule. As for magic, asking Dorota for tomes and how to use magic wasn’t of much help either.

“Young master, you are much more skilled than me at using your mana!”

“In the first place I can’t even use mana, young master!”

Although I got my hands on some magic tomes, all they said was to feel the mana around you and let it surround your heart and soul.

‘What the fuck does that even mean?!’

After many failed attempts at ‘sensing’ the mana around me, I finally gave up and decided to completely spend the rest of my life inside this mansion without ever leaving.

“I was a shut-in in my previous life, I could be a shut-in in this life as well!”

Unfortunately, it seemed the world didn’t want me being cooped up in my room again.


“Young master, how much longer to button a shirt?”

“Young master, you’re not a child anymore, you need to be quicker at this you know”

“Young master, are you still not ready?”

Dorota had gotten a lot more familiar with me these few days. I don’t know what goes on in the minds of completely mental people, so I just let it be and completely ignore it. Ignoring the problems that come up in this world seem to work very well for my own mental health anyways. But somehow, she always seems to piss me off.

“I’ll be done soon you evil hag! Shut up!”

“Should I call Bartha to help you get ready?”


Currently I was being forced to get dressed to attend a dance of sorts. It was a masked grand ball held at the royal palace. Apparently celebrating the birth of some prince or princess. If I had any level of choice I would’ve stayed home. But it was just yesterday my father sent a letter telling me that I had to attend the ball and apologize directly to the Bormann viscount for my actions. Otherwise, the engagement would be finalized without any say from me.

*sigh*’Fuck this life…’

Looking at Richard in the mirror, I couldn’t help but feel uncomfortable.

‘This isn’t my face… Nor is it my body…’

Richard with his pale skin, bright yellow eyes and dark black hair was completely different from how I looked previously. My hair was dark with stripes of white hair and a scruffy beard, brown eyes bordering black and a bronze shade of skin. Even our heights were different, Richard who looked to be 180cm, while I was taller at 194cm. The longer I looked the more uneasy it became. As though the Richard in the mirror would come out and drag me in.

“Young master, I’m coming in! At this rate you’re going to be late for the ball!”

With a loud bang the door to my room was blasted open.

‘Oi, who the fuck is going to pay for that?’

Looking at the door that was completed shredded into bits by two crazy women, I could only sigh as I decided to just ignore them and walk out to the carriage.

‘Truly an absolute devil of a woman, probably out to bankrupt me before killing me’


For Bartha, the only person she ever cared about was Dorota. Ever since a week ago when Dorota had gone to wake up young master Richard, Bartha had noticed a change. Since that day Dorota who seemed to always have a scowl on her face, was smiling almost all the time. She even seemed to laugh more often.

At the beginning she had thought Richard had used some sort of magic to take advantage of Dorota. So whenever Dorota was called by Richard, Bartha always followed close behind to keep an eye on Richard. The scenes she had seen over the week was hard to believe.

Richard, someone once known as the “lustful ogre” was being toyed, teased and bullied by Dorota who was a complete head shorter than him. Richard himself seemed to just go along with situations Dorota makes for him and angrily calling her names whenever he gets tricked. Completely unlike the rumors that were about him.

Bartha was still skeptical; she had thought of taking Dorota and forcefully leaving the estate to another place entirely. Bartha knew what Dorota had to endure and go through over the years before coming here.

“What do you mean you’re coming with me? Leave you evil hag!”

“But young master! You know absolutely nothing about etiquette! Do you even know how to dance??”


“See! You don’t know!”


But looking at the two near the carriage now, she was having second thoughts. A dissatisfied Richard who was scowling, and Dorota who was smiling from ear to ear as she was pestering him.

‘For now, I’ll just watch over her.’


The carriage ride was the second most unpleasant experience I had since coming to this world. My ass hurt, and my ears had almost started bleeding. A certain evil hag wouldn’t shut the fuck up. The entire ride was “young master” , ‘’young master”. I knew she was having fun from seeing myself in annoyance, if I ignored her talking, she would start poking me while calling “young master”. Every time I scowled or gave a dissatisfied reaction, she would be beaming from ear to ear.

‘Seriously what was wrong with this woman…’

“Young master… mhp! …!!”

As I got out of the carriage, I finally had enough. I clasped my hand on Dorota’s mouth, moving my face close as I looked into her eyes.

“Dorota, I’m only letting go if you promise to be quiet from now on…”

A bit flabbergasted, she seemed to want to say something.

“No talking… blink your eyes twice if you promise. Otherwise, we’re going to stay here like this until the end of the ball!”

As though taking me up on that challenge, she resolutely narrowed her eyes and glared at me.

‘This evil woman is underestimating me’

‘I’ll have you know I was the champion in my neighborhoods staring competition!’

Eventually what seemed like an eternity passed, and Dorota ended up blinking first. My eyes stinging like crazy, asked her again without turning my gaze.

“Give up yet? Nod and promise me you’ll be quiet!”

Finally, when Dorota nodded I let go of my grip and moved back. Honestly, if she just stayed resolute, I would’ve been the one who lost. Since my back was bleeding from the invisible daggers coming from Bartha’s stare. If I was in that position any longer, I might’ve lost my head.

“Young master is a meanie…”

Dorota who was now pouting with her hands crossed mumbled.

‘I’m a meanie?? Then what the fuck does that make you!’

I seriously don’t understand woman, and I understand Dorota even less.