Chapter 12 : Calm Before The Ball
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“I’ve already told you damn miscreants!  I- WAS - IN - MY - LAB!”

“But Elder-”


Two young officers were forced out of the study room by Hermann’s indignant shouts. You could see their fluffy tails and long ears droop as they dragged their feet out to leave in defeat. Their long-sleeved black uniforms had the insignia of the knight order printed on their turned backs. They were from the investigation department of the Knight Order. Having found traces of Hermann’s mana disruption circuitry, they were here to investigate. Hermann was a genius like no other when it came to using mana efficiently. His own mana pool was at the level of a toddler, yet his mastery in circuitry allowed him to reach the level he was now. Suffice it to say, his magic circuitry had no equal.

‘My own genius has failed me once again!!’

He could only lament at his own brilliance.

“Master! Too loud! You’re going to wake Apple Bottom!”

His young apprentice Juan was currently squatting next to a white and red puddle. To prove the boy’s words right, the puddle started bubbling. With each pop of a bubble on the puddle’s surface, the puddle would rise higher, making mounds. Soon, it’s height was the size of the apprentice’s knee. Its form had turned into a white balloon animal. It was in the shape of a dog. Completely white all over, except for its own bright red tush.

Giving its own pudgy body a vigorous shaking to get rid of the dust, Apple Bottom was now wide awake. As it always did once it was awake, now was the time to play. With a squeak in each step, Apple Bottom pranced around, in between and all over the old wizard. Clearly an infuriating experience for Hermann, having a near invincible and untouchable being make a fool of him. He was now completely drenched in slime.

Apple Bottom was a result of an experiment Hermann had conducted using slimes and plastic balloons. He had unknowingly created a slime without a visible core. Slimes were powered by their core-- round metal objects or rare minerals inside their slimy interior. Removing the core would essentially kill the slime. Apple Bottom on the other hand, his core had completely fused into his slime body, making him impossible to kill.

‘If I knew this things behavior would get so unruly, I wouldn’t have given it to Juan!’

Using one hand to control the mana around him to encase the hyper puppy in a bubble and another hand to dry himself off. Hermann was truly irritated.

“JUAN! Put the damn thing back to sleep!”

“But… … you woke him up…”



A soft almost inaudible mumble, Juan wasn’t keen on hearing a sermon from his master. Taking a small wooden stick out of his robe pocket. He waved the stick in the air, making the bubble follow him as he left the study room. Hermann could only shake his head disapprovingly.

‘When will that boy learn, Mages don’t need wands! The world isn’t like those children’s books!’

‘Well, at least he’s stopped doing all those nonsensical chanting. Progress non the less!’

Having dealt with the slime puppy, Hermann was seated in front of his desk. A headache was what awaited him looking at the amount of paperwork he had to deal with. Seems his attempts at avoiding all this work yesterday had come to truly bite him in the ass. No matter how much he denied it, the old coots in the council wouldn’t believe him in the slightest. Especially because of the main culprit of this entire situation.

‘All this! All because of a damn ungrateful brat! To think he would come back after all these years and have the nerve! THE DAMN NERVE! Not even a single letter from the boy in all those years. Causing all this trouble for his master, and doesn’t even come visit!’

“Since he’s attending the ball, I’ll be sure to give that Richard a damn spanking! Damn ungrateful ingrate!”


“James the doctor told you to not move around so much…”

“Oh, come on Charles! Stop being a damn wet blanket! I’ve been cooped up inside for too long already, let’s just hurry and get some drinks.”

“I haven’t

been outside

either… but

that doesn’t mean

we have to be in such a rush. The tavern won’t just disappear. Enjoy the scenery a little!”

James was stuck inside the estate because of his head injury since the journey. Charles being the one who was looking after James was also stuck inside with him. In any normal scenarios both of them wouldn’t mind in the slightest being completely cooped up inside. But the room they were assigned was completely isolated from the world. For the two that enjoyed gossiping and eavesdropping on others, this was complete and utter torture. After an arduous bout of begging, they were able to convince Sandy to let them go outside.

“What damn scenery! Look around you, it’s the same as our village. Just the houses are bigger.”

“Well… at least enjoy the fresh air a little, it’ll be good for your injury.”

Saying so, Charles took in a deep breath. A truly horrid stench permeated his lungs, he could only force himself not to dry heave in front of James.

“The great fresh air you’re taking in, my dear compadre, is the stench coming from that dog who just shat right next to you!”

Looking at Charles who was now pouting as he slowly followed behind James, James couldn’t help but comfort him a little.

“Look, I know you have some bad memories in that tavern… But we won’t stay there long, in fact we can just take the beer in my flask and leave. Okay?”

With a small nod of assent from Charles, they resumed their journey. It wasn’t long before they reached the end of the market district. Going straight from where they were now would lead them straight to the adventurers’ hub, “Borras & Chomp”. But the closer they got to their destination; they couldn’t help but notice a trend. There was an ever-increasing number of knights and uniformed investigators on the road. 

“James…” “Charles…”

There was a twinkle in each of their eyes. Even the most dim-witted individual could tell, something had happened. Not to mention the two adventurers, and for them this was an opportunity. After being stuck inside for so long they wouldn’t pass out on something like this! Giving each other a knowing glance, they calmly walked down the road, while having a conversation through their eyes. A skill they learned from years of working together.

‘Charles, see someone we could use?’

‘Not yet… they all look so serious… no way we’d get any information out of them’

All they needed was a victim person who would humor them. Someone that would be willing to divulge some information on what’s going on. This would be a lot easier if there were other adventurers like them, but it seemed there wasn’t a single one in sight. James could feel Charles tugging on his sleeve.

‘Over there James! The two Haskins near that lamp post!’

‘Good find Charles! They look like they have a lot on their minds, let’s say we do the good olé lost and scared, grumpy and stubborn routine’

‘We really need to work on those names…’

‘Later! Now we go onwards!’

‘Aye, aye captain’

With a smile plastered on each of their faces and a skip in their step, they made their way to the dog eared and tailed investigators. As though noticing danger their drooping ears shot up straight as the two adventurers neared them. One was a young woman, her skin was dark, bobbed hair a deep auburn shade with bright green eyes. The other was a man slightly taller than the woman, his short hair a mellow grey, with fair skin. His eyes were the same as his hair a mellow grey. Fluffy dog like tails and pointed ears the same color as their hair sprouted from their behind and above their heads.

“Um… Excuse us officers… we were wondering… if you might know the way to uh… Borras & Chomp”

“Charles we’re not lost! Just follow the damn road!”

“Ignore him… we’ve been walking in circles for hours now, I’m sure we are completely lost, I fear we might end up as specters haunting the roads soon enough… or even worse one of Okra’s trapped souls!”

“Hmph as if the wandering god would care for an imbecile like you! I told you we just need to go straight!”

With a dissatisfied snort, James turned his head away.

Looking at the two adventurers that approached them, they couldn’t help but compare and contrast the two.

Charles was 22, yet he didn’t look his age. He had bright orange hair that was scruffy and unkempt. His face and skin were fair and soft like a baby’s bottom, with freckles running across his nose bridge. If it wasn’t for the guild badge, he wears on his shoulder, with his short stature he could easily be mistaken for a young boy of 14-16 years. People would easily put their guards down around him due to his innocent looking appearance. Even now his round green eyes had a twinkle when talking to the Haskins.

In contrast, James was the complete opposite. His skin was slightly tanned, giving a light bronze shade. He was gruff with short dark brown hair and a stubbled beard. Considerably tall for a human, he towered over most people. He looked less like an adventurer, and more like a renegade soldier. With his plated shoulders and leather jacket with a long sword strapped to his belt he was quite a sight. His sharp brown eyes were looking away from the Haskins with a deep scowl on his face.

Seeing the two Haskins were slightly vary of James, Charles put on his best smile before speaking to them.

“Ah!  Apologies, I haven’t even introduced myself! I’m Charles and the stubborn steaming man behind me is James. We just want instructions to get to Borras & Chomp and we’ll be out of your ha- fur!”

Since the road they were on was leading to Borras & Chomp and it was littered with knights and investigators. It was only sensible to know that whatever was happening had a relation to Borras & Chomp. Seeing Charles disarming smile, the two Haskins faintly smiled, feeling that he was truly being genuine.

The male Haskin was the first to speak.

“The tavern is currently closed off for an investigation.”

“The whole place was blown u- mph!”

The female Haskin clasped her mouth with both hands to stop herself. The male couldn’t help but give a sidelong glance at his companion in disapproval. Though they weren’t given any strict command to keep the situation under wraps, he would’ve much rather not deal with explaining things to random people. But the damage was done, he could already feel the questions being bombarded on him. Looking back at the two adventurers he felt a tingle run down his spine and ruffle his tail. The eyes on both the adventurers were twinkling like stars.

“Would you be willing to elaborate…”

The two adventurers took a step forward as they asked in unison. The male Haskin couldn’t help but take a step back.

‘Why do I feel like I’m going to be devoured…?’


Dorota stood in front of an almost rundown shack. The words “Fairy Tale Magic” was written in cursive on a sign board that was being held by a single hinge. It had been almost 10 years since the last time she was here. The placed looked the same even back then.

‘How is this place still standing?’

Even more amazing was the fact that the place seemed to still be in business. She was in the lowest and poorest district of the city. It was unimaginable for any customers here to afford a single thing in the place. At the same time the store was completely tucked away from the eyes of the people. But looking at the small sign that had ‘open’ written on it through the dusty window, the place was still running.

The chime of a small bell signaled her entrance as she went inside. The interior was shockingly different from the outside. Shelves and desks neatly lined with odd objects and trinkets, even a few curious liquids filled bottles could be seen. The dark red wooden floors and boards were completely free from dust. A few well-placed ceiling lights on the high ceiling were illuminating the interior with an orange glow. The entire place gave off a warm welcoming feeling.

The sound of shuffling could be heard from the back of the store. With a few indescribable groans and slapping sounds, one could only wonder what was going on.

“I’ll be out in a minute dear customer!”

A bubbly cheerful voice spoke from the closed door behind the front desk. The sounds coming from the door grew louder with a few loud banging’s and slaps, before the sounds finally died down. The small door opened as a large woman wearing a large black sun hat, adorned with a red ribbon and a dark black gown entered the room. The large woman was the equivalent of one Bertha and a half. She seemed to take up most of the space in the small store with her towering height. Her hair was a bright orange, long and frilly. Her face was riddled with freckles that covered almost the entirety of her fair white face.

“Sorry for the delay dear customer. Just a small accident with a Brawling Vine potion.”

As she dusted her black gown, she slowly looked down at the potential customer that had entered her store. Her emerald like eyes widened as she laid them on Dorota. Before Dorota could even react, her face was buried completely in the bosom of the large woman.


Dorota had to struggle to get her face out of Ruby’s soft flesh.

“Ruby… put me down…”

“Ahh… Sorry!”

Ruby apologized as she put Dorota down gently. Dorota looked slightly annoyed as she tried to tidy her now ruffled hair.

“I got a little too excited Dory… But you can’t blame me! It’s been so long!”

With a small sigh, Dorota slowly hugged Ruby’s knees.

“I missed you too Ruby…”

Sensing Ruby’s hands move to grab her again, Dorota added with a small voice.

“Rebecca, if you lift me again, I’m leaving.”

With that Ruby was restraining herself as best as she could until finally Dorota ended the hug.

“So… how’ve you been Dory?”

“Mm… About the same. The worlds still the same as a few centuries back.”

Ruby already expected an odd answer like that from Dorota. Before she could scrutinize Dorota, she felt something amiss. With a tinge of fear she asked,

“Where’s Betty? Is she trying to spook me again?”

It was an amusing sight looking at the giant woman, as she scanned her surroundings in fear.

“No Ruby, Bertha is watching the young master right now.”

“Oh, thank g- wait, young master?”

Looking at Dorota, Ruby realized she was wearing traditional maid clothes.


“Too loud Ruby!”


“We can talk inside, or aren’t you going to invite me in?”

With an apologetic look, Ruby invited Dorota into the back room. Sensing the occasional gaze from Ruby’s emerald eyes, Dorota knew she had a lot of questions ahead of her.

The room was spacious enough to move around in, while at the same time felt really cramped. Large number of books were stacked all over the floor. Shelves and cupboards filled with herbs and odd liquid bottles. The center of the room had a large table with empty mugs and plates stacked on top of each other. Next to it was a fire place with a large cauldron, a green liquid was boiling, making ominous bubbles that popped occasionally. Finally at the very end of the room was a large wooden bed, neatly made under a small round window. A few stuffed animals of varying sizes were laid neatly by the sides.

“Have a seat Dory”

With those words, a small plant sprouted from the wooden floor board. It grew rapidly, twisting and turning forming a small chair, just the right size for Dorota. Taking a seat, Dorota couldn’t help but ask about the state of the surroundings.

“Hmm, I don’t get as many guests as I used to Dory.”

“Oh? What about that fine gentleman you introduced to us last century?”

“Mm…? Don’t change the subject! I know what you’re trying to do!”


“Bromell Herbal Tea, or Goblin Brew Coffee?”


While making two cups of tea, the conversation between the two-woman started. Which was more of an interrogation session for Dorota, as Ruby grilled her for every single bit of juicy information she could get. The light in the room soon became dim, as the sun was slowly coming down. The occasional giggle and chuckle could be heard between Dorota and Ruby as they continued conversing.

With a bit of added flair, Ruby spoke jokingly,

“The feared Dorota Salazar, now a humble maid. Oh, how the mighty have fallen.”

“Says the Grand Witch who lost her man, whilst using a love potion”

“Low blow Dory…”

With a hurt expression Ruby drooped her head down. But seeing as Dorota wasn’t buying her sad act, she gave a slight cough before speaking,

“So, I know you didn’t come here just to talk Dory. You never visit for that kind of thing.”

Dorota felt slightly embarrassed, since Ruby was right. She never did visit just to check up or talk with any of her friends. Granted most witches were long lived, and they weren’t exactly the most social of people. Even then, most would keep in touch with each other using letters at the very least. Something Dorota never did. Which was why she was always amazed by how welcoming all of them were whenever she visited.

“Come on now, out with it! We don’t have all day. The Brawling Vine Potion is almost done brewing, and I don’t think you’re willing to spend the rest of the night here helping me deal with that.”

“I need a Black Willow potion…”

“Ah a Bl-”

Ruby stopped herself for a second.  She couldn’t believe she heard that right.

“Are my ears playing tricks on me? I almost thought you asked for a Black Willow potion…”

“I did”

“Oh! You did”


Looking at Ruby’s face, Dorota could feel what was coming. She sealed both her ears with her hands and braced herself.


Ruby slammed the table with her palms as she stood up. The clangs from the multiple plates and dishes on the table added to the noise. Ruby was just as loud as Dorota had predicted. Dorota already knew convincing Ruby to make that potion would be an almost impossible task. This was probably why she was avoiding the topic since coming here. But she was determined, she wasn’t leaving without getting Ruby’s approval to make that potion.



Laughter echoed through the cathedral’s halls. Unheard of in a place of worship. if you followed the sound, you would reach a small study room in the very depths of the cathedral. A handsome man with blonde hair set in front of his desk as he continued laughing uncontrollably. A man in white clerical robes was prostrating beside the desk.

“Forgive me for my outburst…”

Finally calming down, he spoke with a slight cough. A soothing voice, soft yet not to the point that one could not hear him. Hard to believe such a bellowing laugh came from such a soft-spoken individual.

“I’m unworthy your eminence”

With the calm, the emotion in the eyes of the handsome man faded. Grey and lifeless, his stare felt as though he was blind. Looking from an outside perspective the situation wasn’t strange at all. It was common for men of the clergy to prostate before those of higher standing. Yet for Leon, the man in white clerical robes, this was truly a frightening experience. The one he was prostrating to was Archbishop Archeus the Beloved, one who is favored by Loreal, Goddess of Insight. His grey eyes were bestowed to him the day he was ordained into the church.

To the common people and those outside the church, he is known as benevolent and loving. For the people of the church, he is known as the Seer of Heretics. His eyes could see through your faith. At first this was wonderful news, prayers and fasts were held praising the All Seeing One for giving them this boon. But as time went, the number of ‘Heretics’ in the clergy that were identified was so large it eventually became innumerable. This in turn led to rumors among the lower clergy, that even the slightest hint of unfaith in front of the archbishop would lead you being excommunicated or worse, tortured and killed. Leon could feel the sweat completely soaking his back. Silent prayers were sung in his heart to calm his fear. But one could only wonder if the prayers would work in front of one favored by the same god of faith.

“You may leave”

Being dismissed was music to his ears. With practiced movement, Leon stood from the ground and bowed with his right hand in a fist firmly placed upon his heart.

“May the single eye watch over you, your eminence”

“Blessings, young watcher”

With that, he made his way out. Archeus couldn’t help but chuckle silently looking at the damp back of the leaving priest. He softly spoke out loud in the empty study.

“That one, his heart is in the right place.”

No one answered back, but he knew his voice was heard. Focusing back on the letter in hand, he could feel the laughter well up inside him. It was from his sister, the entire letter consisted almost entirely of cursing towards their younger brother. You could almost feel a malevolent aura seeping through every single word. Only hours from his arrival and he sends ripples down the entire system.

‘Truly, never a dull moment with him around.’

As for any problems arising from this, Archeus wasn’t worried in the slightest. Considering Richards statement of his mother being insulted, even his father Jan would raise hell in the kingdom much less blow up a tavern.

‘Caroline’s existence is special, if it is proven she truly was insulted than we can easily make this matter rest.’

‘But it is worrying, that black fanged serpent… Could Richard be involved with a priest of the Grey One? If so, I must surely go give him a sermon! I can’t have my younger brother fall in to the hands of the misguided!’

‘As his older brother I must put him back on the righteous path of our beloved goddess!’

As Archeus was worrying about his brother following a misguided religion. A faint dizziness seemed to come down on him. A feeling he had felt a few times in the past.

‘Your holiness…?’

His grey toned eyes seemed to start blending into his eye whites. When both irises completely disappeared, Archeus’s mouth opened to speak.

An ethereal voice spoke as Archeus opened his mouth. A mix of elderly and young, man and woman. His voice was followed by whispers of young children, singing hymns praising the Goddess Loreal.

“Show yourself, chained sinner of the mist…”

Echoes of the hymns and his voiced mixed together reverberating in the room. A tall lanky humanoid figure appeared in front of the door. No sound or even an inkling of movement was seen nor heard. Bound in what seemed to be a straitjacket. Pitch black with silver buckles tightening the multiple straps that kept it restrained. Long straight black hair cascaded the ground and masked its face. Eight inches long pointy elven ears, with grey toned skin with multiple round piercings drooped from the side of its head. The lights in the room dimmed and started flickering. The children’s singing grew louder. The monster shrunk back in discomfort at the sound of the singing children.

Each word spoken from Archeus mouth was said slowly, with a feeling of a strong weight pushing down on the monster.

" Watch over the child”

As soon as the words were uttered, one silver buckle snapped releasing one of the many straps tightened around it. You could feel its breathing get heavier, as though a large burden was lifted from its shoulders. From the gaps through its long hair, a glowing red light could be seen. The creature was mono eyed.


One word, spoken in defiance. An unpleasant voice, the same sound as a nail dragged across a chalk board would make. Its voice seemed to scrape at the walls and windows of the room. The hymns grew louder, pressuring on top of the creature forcing it to slouch its back. Unable to stand the pressure, it left the same way it came, disappearing into nothing. Soon the voice of the children started slowly dying out. Archeus’s grey eyes returned to normal, his right hand formed a fist tapping his forehead and heart.

A sigh of relief escaped his mouth. The feeling of being possessed and losing control of your own self was always an unpleasant feeling. The pope would soon send orders telling him of the reason. But from the situation that occurred now, Archeus new something was bound to happen on the night of the ceremony.

‘May the All Seeing One watch over me and my family’

Repeating the holy gesture Archeus murmured a silent prayer.



A completely uneventful quiet day for Richard, even Dorota wasn’t around to annoy him. Spending the entire day inside his room researching his ever so amazing book. Which he found was helping him even more than he had thought.

He had nothing but praise for the anonymous author who wrote this. Other than the occasional discomforting chill. The day was, in his words truly comfortable and enjoyable.

‘Did I catch an otherworldly flu?? I’ve been sneezing nonstop today; I’m even getting shivers down my spine…’


‘Is this how I die?’ A/N: Death by the common cold, how tragic.



Scribble hub says its been a 7 month hiatus for this series. Damn that is a long ass time. 

Well first of all, lets talk about the reason for my leave, shall we?

(Before we go any further, my dads A OK right now).

I think it was around when I uploaded the 9th chapter, my dad got sent to the ICU with which I believe the correct medical term is Intraventricular hemorrhage (I'm not exactly sure I wrote that write), a type of internal bleeding from the brain. I stayed overnight everyday at the hospital at that time. And while that was happening, my colleague at work took a vacation leaving me alone at my new job. And my college classes started at the same time. So yeah, you can imagine things weren't exactly sunshine and roses. I kind of just got tired after chapter 11 and couldn't really think of how to progress the story. Scratch that, I knew where the story was going. I didn't feel like writing anymore. So I just stopped. 

But after awhile the hectic times got better and I did start writing again. But my mind wasn't exactly in the same mind space as when I first started writing the story. So none of the flow of words made sense in my head when I typed it all in. Even the tone felt all wrong while reading.

Even now the flow and tone feels wrong when I read what I've written. The reason I'm posting again, is simply cause a friend that read my earlier chapters and this chapter, told me the writing was fine. If a reader thinks its ok, then I guess who am I to complain? Other than that, I felt uncomfortable keeping this unfinished.

I won't give you guys a schedule, I might upload 5 chapters a week, or even 2 chapters every two weeks. No promises. But the story will finish eventually. If you want me to write faster, buy me a Kofi or something. (When my lazy broke ass finally gets around to making an account... which will probably be never)

So in short, again...

よろしくお願いします (yoroshiku onegaishimasu) 

ヾ( _ _ 。)