Chapter 14 : Meeting
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A gaze…?

It was not the same disgusting worm like eyes of the rambling children. Nor was it the perverted eyes of that so called priest. No, the gaze had an emotion, fear. Sweet tantalizing fear.

How long has it been…

So long that I had forgotten such sensations. A pleasant shiver, my whole body trembled as it traveled down my spine. My hair that flowed down on the floor, curled in excitement. My presence was hidden from beings of this world, those who were capable of seeing my form numbered few. Those few had the capability to free me from my shackles.

‘Mother hasn’t forgotten me… This is a sign’

I knew I had to find whoever it was that saw me, it was a once in a lifetime chance for me to be free. With my tongue, I tried the best I could to make room for me to speak by pushing the tight horse gag on my mouth.

“■■■■ ■■■■■■ ■■”

My chants were unintelligible. Still, the silver buckles on my body tightened my bindings thinking it were another escape attempt.

Treating me like an animal…

The nauseating stench from my unwashed and charred flesh. The oils from my sweat adding fuel to the runes on the straps that had burnt my body black. I had suffered this sensation many times, and now, not a single nerve was left to feel the pain. Yet the disgusting smell of my charred flesh and sweat always brought back the memories. Even without sensation, the feeling was as real as the first time. Tears formed in my eye as I bit down on my gag.

Endure… Once I’m free… Every single church of that wretched demoness will burn to the ground!

As unintelligible as it was, the first verse of my chant had done the trick. A single eye formed behind me in an incorporeal form. With it, I could move and look around as I pleased. An emotion I hadn’t felt in years appeared in my heart as I gazed at the grey lifeless strings that were attached to my bound body.

Not a single one left… May they have found their way back to mother…

A moment of silence, before my eyes caught the sight of a newly formed lustrous blue string. The second verse of the chant had worked. Now I only need to follow and hope the third verse had worked as well. My eye weaved through the crowds of lowly humans, following the blue string to its source. It wasn’t long before I found them. A human male and his maid, they were walking towards the palace gardens. The string was attached to the young man’s right pinky. His black hair was sleeked back with oil, bright yellow eyes that seemed to glow in the dark looked straight ahead, as he walked with a slightly slouched back. He wore a long sleeved, white button up shirt. It was tucked into his long dark black trousers, held in place by a leather brown belt.

Found him…

There was a tinge of disappointment in my heart. I knew it was impossible to find one of my own in this place. Yet a part of me still held onto that small silver of hope. The duo looked like any run of the mill noble and his attendant. The noble seemed slightly agitated even nervous. It was hard to believe this was the person who had seen me. I couldn’t read his emotions other than a feeling of nervousness, that sensation of fear I had felt was nowhere to be seen.

Was I mistaken?

My eyes landing on the maid, I could immediately tell the maid wasn’t normal. Her face was shrouded in mana, as if she was trying to hide her appearance. It wasn’t simple mana manipulation either, it was something even I would’ve missed, had I not been in this form.

Is it her? Did she misdirect my string to attach to the noble? Why does it feel as though she knows I’m here?

She couldn’t possibly see me, especially not when I was like this. Yet a great sense of danger kept me from going closer. It was instinctual, as though I was prey hiding from the predator. Regardless I wasn’t willing to let such a rare chance slip by because of fear. But I couldn’t act now.

The ritual will start soon…

The time of the ritual was getting close, the eyes and ears of the demoness’s dogs were on high alert. Even I was forced to look over that flesh puppet of a human baby, so as to make sure the ritual would not be disturbed. With my strength as it was now, even if I removed my shackles, I would easily be captured given the situation.

My chance will come… Mother gave me this sign; she watches over me even now. I will wait.

I’ve suffered for thousands of years… what’s a few more hours in comparison…

Till the time was right, no matter how long it took. I would follow and wait.



‘There’s a fucking eye ball following me…’

*sigh* ‘Seriously what the fuck?’

Since the incident I had thought of talking to Dorota about her powers. But I knew there was no way of me talking with her without making her suspicious. I wonder if she even believed I had memory loss in the first place. I was fairly certain she had already started putting most of the pieces together. As for me being actually Richard or not, I don’t think she cared as much about that.

But I still like to keep the illusion of us being on equal footing even for a little longer if possible. So, I opted for what I thought was the safest question and safest way to ask.

“Are you trying to annoy me by having Bertha be invisible to others?”

Her answer was very Dorota-esque, sounded absolutely annoying to my ears and she wouldn’t further elaborate.

“Hmm, Bertha is always invisible though. Your eyes are just weird young master.”

Translating from Dorota speak. Simply put, I could see things like ghosts or spirits (I think they are at least). Whether this was a skill Richard had or it was something special only to me, was a complete mystery. Regardless, it wasn’t a skill I want. Considering there was no on or off switch, we end up in situations like this.

Right after running away from the monstrosity that was Slenderman Sadako in a BDSM outfit, I felt something tug at my right pinky. A blue string had attached itself to me, and try as I might, it wasn’t coming off. I could easily put two and two together, I saw something I shouldn’t have seen and now this had happened.

The floating eyeball in the sky, was something I saw from my peripheral vision while I was toying with the string. It was keeping a relatively safe distance from me and Dorota. I wasn’t keen on it figuring out I could see it. I kept my eyes forward completely ignoring its presence. As for Dorota, I can only assume she knows and is just watching me panic and sneakily snickering to herself.

‘Evil hag’

As much as I would love to keep worrying myself stupid about this, I had more pressing matters to attend to.

‘Bormann should be right through this archway’

Viscount Steward Bormann was waiting for me in the patio of the royal garden. He was Lana Fable’s, the main character’s father.

‘I seriously forget sometimes that this is actually a game world. The more I read the books of this world, the less it feels like one…’

I was now in a complete open area, a clean stone path led to the dome shaped patio. It was built like a bird cage with vines and flowers running in and around the steel white bars. At the very center was a round glass table. You could make out the silhouettes of at least three people. The surroundings were a lush dark green, with white lilies in full bloom. The full moon peeking out of the clouds illuminated the shrubbery with a blue glow. Small yellow glowing lights could be seen flying around the garden.

‘Lilies and fireflies, I guess it’s summer or mid-summer? I haven’t read any books on the seasons and weather of the world yet… should work on it once I get the chance’

My mind was going into other tangents again.

‘I’ve played out multiple scenarios in my head of what would happen in this meeting.’

‘But, knowing this world and common sense, none of these situations will played out the way I want it to’

I hate interacting with people and I wanted to just leave immediately. It may be too late to just turn around and leave now. It still amazes me to this day that I willingly went to the tavern and caused such a scene. But I suppose I’ll have to leave worrying about that for another day.


Infront of me was viscount Bormann, a large intimidating man. Piercing brown eyes were narrowed as he stared at me approaching my seat. He had short orange hair neatly combed to the sides. Twirling his villain like mustache between his large sausage fingers. A brown waist coat over his long-sleeved white shirt, the buttons were strained holding his large gut. As eye catching as he was, my eyes were on the two girls standing behind him. To say I was speechless was an understatement.

The girl to the right was looking to the side. Orange short bobbed hair that reached her jawline, her dainty nose was held up high. Her arms folded wrinkling her beige one-piece dress. Her round brown eyes were scowling. It was fairly easy to tell from her posture and eyes, her mood was sour. Even then, it looked cute with her white face sprinkled with freckles, as she tried hard to hide her displeasure.

The girl next to her had her head lowered. Her skin was an unblemished soft bronze. Dark red hair bordering black reached down her shoulders, it was layered and scruffy. She was wearing a beige dirndl. Her hands were tightly holding the hem of her long skirt as she looked down at her feet. Her green eyes that were covered by her bangs from her downward glance, would occasionally steal a glance at me. I could feel my face twitch almost breaking my composure.

‘How the fuck am I supposed to keep a straight face?’

The girl on the right was Annabelle Noel, and the one on the left was Lana Fable. Both of whom I remember quiet vividly, considering the sex scenes I had seen in the game. Lana being the main character, of course had the most sexual encounters of all the characters in the game. Anna on the other hand, hers wasn’t as pleasant as the main heroines though. Which ultimately led to her premature death.

The game really didn’t like the side character girls. Every single one was a potential love rival for the main character. Once the main character conquers one of the heroes, the end for a love rival was less than pleasant. They specifically have a segment in the end credits just to show the fate of the girls. One even got burned at the stake, accused of high treason. As for Anna, she ended up being set up in an arranged marriage with what the connoisseurs of hentai refer to as, an ugly bastard.

‘As for how she dies specifically I don’t recall. Probably suicide? But seeing that she is alive, the world probably hasn’t progressed far into the game itself…’

There was a feeling of discomfort as I sat down, looking at the two girls.

‘At this point I almost wish the eyeball would do something to end this situation’


‘Ooh the young master’s eyes lingered on the two girls there for a second. Could it be he had his way with both of them? Taking another woman whose friends with his fiancé? How raunchy!’

‘Wonder if that’s his taste? Ah! but he was even looking at his sister lewdly too! How scandalous!’

Of course, this was complete speculation from Dorota and something else to tease the young master with when they were alone. Dorota as always was standing right behind Richard. If one wasn’t focusing on her, she would easily blend into the surroundings and disappear. As teasing and carefree as her thoughts were, her senses were working at maximum capacity. Since stepping down from the carriage numerous eyes had been on her and Richard. She may have been confident in escaping the bar brawl, but not from here. This was Leonard Bartholomew’s castle, the place was watched over by the ‘Council of Grey Hats’, as well as the ‘One Eyed Church’. She was amazed by Richard’s and Marie’s composure, the immediateness of the eyes probing them as soon as they stepped down from the carriage was enough to almost make her flinch. But this wasn’t the reason she was on high alert. It was the reaction Richard had once he entered the castle hall that made her slightly worried.

Using her magic, she was able to sense something dangerous lingering near them. She had Bertha search the surroundings, but whatever it was, it was completely hidden. In most cases, Dorota wouldn’t care in the slightest. But now she was in a situation where she couldn’t use her monochrome world. With the number of watching eyes in the castle. Disguising the activation of the spell with beasts adhering to different gods was bound to fail. But this didn’t mean she didn’t have any tricks up her sleeve. With her subtly moving the mana around the vicinity like a spider’s web, whoever or whatever was targeting them was bound to be detected once it made its move. Without a doubt she was ready to completely annihilate anyone who would dare attack her.

‘For now, let’s just enjoy young master’s plight. There’s been an awkward silence for a while now. Pfft, He’s completely tongue tied.’

Her gaze turning from Richard to look at the fat noble sitting in front of him.

‘Who would’ve thought, I’d meet another fat noble. Is young master the weird one for being so skinny?’

Bormann was the first to break the silence.

“So, Richard, tell me… what was the reason for such a drastic change of mind?”

Before sitting down, Richard had given a lingering glance behind Bormann, at his daughters. But now he was looking down at the table. It felt as though he was calculating a response. Slowly looking up at Bormann, he answered with a question.

“When did I send the letter?”


“My letter professing my love, when did I send it?”

Bormann looked confused but, he still answered regardless.

“It arrived two months ago, near the end of the winter Harvest festival”

“Was your daughter at the festival?”

“Yes, but what does any of this have to do with the engagement?”

A tone of impatience could be heard from his voice.

“Well, that is your answer.”

Richard looked straight at Bormann’s eyes as he spoke,

“I was drunk, I saw a beautiful woman and got completely enamored in my drunken state and sent that letter.”

‘Pfft, Young master really is talking out of his ass... And that odd habit of just staring straight at people when he gives a statement, as if what he’s saying is irrefutable’

Dorota’s observation was as always, spot on. As for why she knew Richard wasn’t speaking truthfully was simple. He had a habit of keeping his eyes off the people he’s speaking to when making up words. Occasionally rubbing his palm with his fingers, and only looking at them directly in the eyes once he figured out what to say.

‘It does make me wonder what the real reason is though, for him to end this engagement. I asked around the other maids, but I couldn’t figure it out. They all said the young master was completely love struck at the time. And he wasn’t willing to humor me on the matter either. But I suppose, this is truly ‘grade A’ entertainment!’

‘Oh, he’s not done?’

Richards gaze slowly moved away from Bormann as he looked up at Lana. She visibly flinched at the gaze directed at her, clenching her skirt even tighter. He bowed his head slightly before speaking.

“I am sorry. It was an impulsive decision not made in the correct state of mind. It is not that I don’t find you attractive, you are extremely beautiful. But it is simply that it would be unfair towards you to do something like this. As mesmerizing as you are, I myself would prefer to be sober and know the person better before involving myself in such a thing as marriage.”

‘And here I thought the fancily dressed young lady on the right was young master’s fiancée.’

Through all this Dorota noticed that Bormann was oddly calm. Considering that what Richard was saying would be complete and utter nonsense to any father who cared about his daughter’s reputation. One would think Bormann would’ve already pounced on Richard and started strangling him. The girl in question on the other hand looked as though she was about to cry.

‘Ahh, young master made her cry! Looking at that smug look in his eyes, he didn’t even notice!’


I thought I had ended all this pretty quickly. After saying my piece, the look in Bormann’s eyes felt like they approved. I was quite happy with myself seeing that I could quickly leave and go back to the library.

‘I do have a way with words!’

My smugness lasted the same length as a virgin experiencing his first time. It was extremely short.

“Why beat around the bush Richard? Just outright say its because of the cursed mark.“

My first reaction was of course,

‘Who the fuck is talking when I’m already done and said my piece?!’

Looking up, I was greeted by eyes filled with complete utter distain. The level of hatred I was feeling from those piercing brown eyes were enough to make me want to crawl into a hole.

“Drunken stupor, Ha! Of course, the kind of excuse you would hear from an absolute spineless piece of trash.”

Confused my eyes went to Bormann, his head was down looking utterly annoyed. As though he had expected such a thing to happen. And I was even more confused beyond measure.

‘I just wanted to end an engagement…’


Lana Fable was a cursed child. She was born with the mark of a heretic, a birth mark in the shape of a crossed-out eye. She was the second born of Steward Bormann’s legal wife. To Bormann who was an entirely religious man, this was the same as his god forsaking him. He went to the highest of clergymen he could afford with his power. To find an answer for this situation.

The answer he had gotten was, “Look after the child until she reaches adulthood. After that, her fate is her own.” So that was what he did.

Young Lana was treated just like any other child of a noble. She was given toys and dresses for her to play and prance around in. Taken care of just like any normal child. But Bormann kept a distance from her, he could not see her as his daughter with that mark on her body. And the rumors of her circumstance traveled down to even the lowest of servants working in the household. They would actively avoid her given the chance, as superstition when intertwined with a magical world is truly terrifying for the common folk. Yet there were exceptions-- his wife Ariel Fable, his mistress Mila Noel and her daughter Annabel Noel.

With his wife having passed six years after birth and his mistress passing away just two year ago, Annabel was the only person left by Lana's side. If Bormann had a choice, he would keep Annabel away from the cursed child. But the girl was more stubborn and headstrong than he was. She would scream bloody murder while brandishing a mace if anyone dared to even look at Lana the wrong way. Honestly the situation was extremely favorable for Bormann when Richard had asked for the engagement. Bormann’s mind would’ve been at ease. With Lana having become 18 this year, he finally had an excuse to rid of her from the household. Without having to deal with his daughter’s anger. While at the same time gaining the connection to a powerful backer. And although he was disappointed, being the religious man he was he couldn’t fault Richard for not wanting to have this engagement. His brother was an archbishop, it was completely reasonable to not want a marriage with a cursed woman.

“What? got nothing to say? Spineless piece of utter human trash. Do you enjoy being insulted by woman, you disgusting worm.”

Looking at Annabel cursing at Richard, Bormann could only be thankful he had taken counter measures on her bringing a weapon. The thought of his daughter brandishing her mace running after Richard inside the castle walls sent chills down his spine.


“Oh? The bug seems to be trying to communicate.”

“What cursed mark?”


I thought I asked a sensible question. But looking at the utterly confused faces of the three individuals, it seemed I was wrong. My gaze landed on Annabel. It was as though I could feel the anger boiling inside her. Taking precaution, I covered my ears slightly.


I was right. Seriously what was wrong with this world’s woman? Every single one has a screw loose. Marie is twitchy, Dorota is annoying, Bertha is just downright scary and this one is a literal ball of anger. To think I came here to have a civilized conversation.

“I’ll ask again, what cursed mark?”

“Tch, trash you’re trying to play dumb?”

‘God damn bitch just answer the question! I have no clue what the fuck is going on’

“Are you going to explain or are we just going to go in circles?”

Narrowing her brown eyes even farther as she stared me down, Annabel finally relented.

“The heretic mark. She was born with a birthmark resembling it. A bunch of bullshit made by a bunch of old men in white robes.”

To her words, I was again slightly confused. But if it was a so called ‘heretic mark’ than I of course needed to know what it was.

“Which one?”


“She has 3 birthmarks. The first under her left shoulder blade. Second just above her pelvic region. And the last one is on her left leg’s inner thigh. So, which one?”

For some reason my words had an odd effect on the people around me. I didn’t know why, but it felt as though even the floating eye was judging me at that moment. Looking around me, my eyes went from a shocked Bormann and Annabel to finally rest on Lana. Her face was upright and completely bright red.

It was at that moment I understood the error of my ways.


My thoughts concluded in one word, before I was pounced on by a tigress.