Author Tag-In: Act 2 is here!
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I was going to do this as an author comment, but then I figured out that this would take much more than what an author comment could regularly handle or should be. So I just decided to do another author tag in. I have a few things to announce.

First off, I'm finally out of school. I just graduated last Friday and I can count myself as a part of human society. I don't know what to think about that except, fuck I have to pay taxes now. Now that I'm out of school, I can finally keep writing for a long time. 

As for Act 2 itself, I was planning on releasing it sooner. However, the combination of power losses, internet losses, and family events just decided to spring out of nowhere, so I just decided to wait for the start of the month. Hell, my internet is slow af right now which is making it a pain to write this, but I gotta do it somehow. But Act 2 is finally out now, and what can you expect from it.

Well, it'll be much longer than Act 1, I will say that. I don't know how much longer, but there are things that I gotta do that will take much longer to flesh out than Act 1. To be perfectly honest, I'm not a fan of how rushed the final arc of Act 1 feels. Especially how the arc started, I think I could have done better than having Ty just look down an alley at an unfortunate time. 

Act 2 will also be much darker than Act 1. There's a lot of trauma in these character's lives, and it'll come into fruition as the story continues, slowly getting darker and darker. Don't think that I'll get rid of the constant sex puns though. I like making puns about genatalia as much as I like writing about characters having mental breakdowns and moments where the moon darkens and the mountain laughs. 

So, I hope y'all can enjoy Act 2 as I continue to write. I hope everyone has some Happy Reading.