The Common Belief
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Common Belief, shapes Reality.

Your perception of the world is dependant on your viewpoints of what it is, and so does everyone else's.
Therefore, whether if you believe what I am about to tell you or not is also dependant, on yourself.
I am not here to convince anyone to totally believe in my strange tales, some even I find it hard to accept myself.

Anyway, if you are to read on, I will tell you about the good, bad, and ugly of a parallel layer of another dimension that fabricates on top of ours that we know frighteningly little about. This layer has no concept of Time, Distance, or Space. Everything floats around in a chaotic form, simultaneously nowhere, and everywhere.

If you aren't confused yet, trust me, it gets only worse.
But Before we dive any deeper, there are 3 fundamental rules that you should keep in mind:

        1. Don't believe in everything, but don't deny everything either
        2. Do NOT attempt to open your third eye if yours isn't naturally gifted (will explain later on)
        3. Whether you treat my tales as absolute BS or believe in me, enjoy my tales

Alright, that being said, and if you made this far, you are ready.