001 : Great – so this is isekai reincarnation – now what?
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I, a fair maiden of more or less twenty something, died.

No, truck-kun was not involved - or so at least I think.

For the moment, the last thing I could recall from the final hour of my past life was a stark white light above me and that I was being shook around a bit by a fuzzy looking white dressed woman.

Small parts of my current life welled up in me and I realized I was now three years old - and I was sitting on the floor of my own room, a small distressed looking teddy bear gripped in my chubby fist. A few random toys were strewn around me, but nothing that looked interesting.

In my mind's eye I remembered recently seeing boxy vehicles travelling at great speed, moving pictures on walls, smells and noises of a busy city - but who I had been, and what I had done, that was still unclear, as if my small brain could not yet hold all the information.

Ugh… so... reincarnated, huh? I did not expect that - I mean, who would?

I guess I was lucky I didn’t become aware of my new life until now - having to go through the first three years of childhood as an adult has to be one of the most embarrassing things I can think of - especially the potty training part.

Hm, looks like I was in some kind of Victorian styled bedroom - but the room was huge - much larger than what would have been normal in Victorian England.

A covered bed on one wall with a small set of steps leading up to the mattress; an intricately carved door on the next wall, obviously the main entrance; the third wall had two armoires with a suspiciously blank space in between them - I could just about make out the thin outline of a camouflaged door in the wall, hiding as I recalled the ensuite bathroom.

Finally the forth wall - well it wasn’t much of a wall as such - six green-tinged glass French doors interrupted the wall, with the middle set of doors being the widest and slightly ajar, allowing a soft breeze to caress the insides of the room. The lacy curtains in front of the French doors swayed in the moving air.

The afternoon sun - and somehow I knew it was afternoon - was streaming into the French doors - so that would be south, right?

Outside I glimpsed a wide and deep balcony with stone railings and a few garden type furniture pieces - several chairs, a table, complete with an umbrella, that sort of thing. A covered swinging sofa was also just visible to one side.

Beyond the stone railings a lush garden spread out, ending at a large pond or possibly a small lake.

In the middle of the sparkling flat water, I could just about make out a glass domed structure glinting in the sun.

Looking back at myself - I was dressed in a pretty light lime frock with ruffles and frills. 

The buttons looked to be green glass - they couldn’t be emeralds, right?

My hair was short and fluffed out untamed in all directions.

The shoes on my tiny feet were black comfortable flats, and I wore soft white stockings all the way up past my knees.

Although I was on the floor, the round loose beige carpet under me was fluffy thick and soft, while the rest of the room floor was polished hardwood.

This is an isekai, right?

You are supposed to get special cheats, right?

Let's try this!



"Um, game scween (screen)... chawactew  (character) sheet... info... stats...!"



Nothing, nada, zilch, nichts, niente...

Other than I sounded like I had a short tongue, nothing wanted to flash up in front of me.

So... no status type screen like in a computer game, huh?

Maybe I needed an adventurer's card instead - and what three year old would have one of those.

Or maybe one had to go through some sort of initiation or "blessing" ceremony.

Well, guess I need to find out more about where I was, who I was, who my family were - and maybe most important, can I do magic?!?!

There was a full length mirror in one corner and by bending myself only a bit to one side, I could see myself - hehe, I looked cute!

But... what's with the red pupils and light lime hair? 

Are these contacts?

And did some maniac dye a three year old's hair green???

I blinked a few times, but could not feel the familiar slight irritation that contacts used to give me.

Carefully, I poked my eyeball - ouch! That was a dumb idea, me!

No contacts - so "red" was my real pupils coloring - weird...

Scratching my chin I pondered for a moment - I suppose things might be a bit different in an isekai - this didn't feel like earth, somehow.

Once the stars were out I could check if there were any familiar constellations - that would prove if I was still on earth!

Huh, that clock over there looks... also sort of strange.

One, two... twenty-six 'ticks'?

And only one hand - must be the hour hand - I wondered if the days here are split into twenty six hours?

As I was counting the number of ticks on the clock face, the hand had moved a tiny bit in the clockwise direction, so at least that was familiar.

The clock hand was pointing to around what would be the one o'clock position - in this case, if the top tick was zero or noon, then it was now a bit past two in this world.

I didn't feel hungry - and I sort of vaguely remembered having eaten lunch with several people in a large dining room - but for some reason I could not recall their faces at the moment. And I sort of felt the food to be, well, "meh". Unexciting. Or maybe that was specially cooked bland for a three year old - after all, at my current age I would not be eating anything spicy yet.

Oh, there is a coloring book here - as I half expected it was full of fantasy creatures, such as ogres and dragons and animals with three heads, lions with wings, a giant serpent with nine heads - all standard fantasy creatures. Past me had attempted to - rather sloppily - color in some of the images. The crayons were pretty - all very vibrant colors - and smelled slightly of beeswax.

There was no writing at all in or on the book - I wonder if I will have to learn this world's language? Hopefully I at least got a cheat so that I could skip learning my new mother-tongue!

After flipping through the coloring book, I felt that just sitting here was boring.

Even though I was still lacking most of my past memories, I already felt too old to play with the toys around me.

How long were they going to leave me up to my own devices? Sure I'm now only three, but shouldn't someone be teaching me something already?


Hm, what about going onto the patio?

I wobbled up onto my three year old legs - whoops - balance time!

Staggeringly I made it to the open French doors without falling once.

With one hand holding onto the lacy curtain I struck a guts pose, the free hand raised up in a fist to the ceiling: Go, me!

OK, so lets try and reach that table and chair set...

Wobble wobble wobble... 

Pfhew, this was more tiring than I expected, but I did finally get to the garden chair, the edge of which I gripped with my pudgy paw.

The chair seat was just about even with my chin - somehow I doubted I could climb up in my current form.

So what next? I glanced around - the garden I could now see much better was well kept. I could make out several meandering paths through the various flowering vegetation with intermittent free areas sporting benches. In one spot I could make out a small fountain bubbling serenely.

Feeling someone was watching me, I looked up.

Something white and furry about the size of a dinner plate was looking down at me from the garden table - a black button nose with two piercing purple eyes in a wide fluffy white face topped with two round fluffy ears was all I saw.

The fluff was so strong with this one I could not make out a mouth and barely noticed it had two white fluffy paws slightly gripping the table's edge.

"Hewo! (Hello!) How awe you? (How are you?)" 

"A nice hello back at you, small Lady." [Furry unknown beast]

The fluffy face rolled over onto its back, the fluffy round ears brushing my face, the short furry paws waving up in the air.

"And I am doing wonderful, thank you. Such a polite child!" " [Furry unknown beast]

The voice was low but gentle, and one eye winked - but I still could not see a mouth of any sort.


This fluffy fluffy talked at me?????