Chapter 5: The Weasel Way
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Too bright!

Bathin’ in sweat, drenchin’ with warmth. Me heart pounds loudly as me chest pains me a beatin’.
Just a dream. Just a dream.
I repeat the words to me self, spinnin’ ‘em across me mind.
I’m awake, I’m awake. I’m alright. I’m fine.

I open me eyes, light bloomin' in.
Too much light bloomin' in for me.
I open me covers out o' a lock.

Wranglin’ me self out o’ bed, I snack some toes into me purple slippers an’ clamber me way out o’ me dust-pitched, eggshell-white room.
Clamber, clamber.
Clamber clamber.
Ow me toe, that horrid floor bit me. Always knew that wood wouldn't last. Yup an' ho! I grunt in song.
That's better. Stings a bit still...


Goin' past the fresh hole in me floor an' me desk o' pens an' paper, I find me self walkin' down me hall.
So cramped in 'ere.
Narrowly makin' me way through, I take a jagged right, to enter me shower an' freshen me self up.
Oh right, a shower 'ere is different to the ones in the world I once knew, it rinses you in magic an' cleans you down to your soul. You don't even need soap or anythin'. It works better than a regular shower probably.

After havin' a shower, I walk back out into the corridor an' continue me clamberin'.
Clamber, clamber.
Clamber, clamber.
Not again! Me foots stuck again. Alright, yup an' ho! I grunt in song.
That's better. Stings quite a bit still...

Clangorin' on, I make a quick left, into me tiny kitchen area. Littered in pots an' pans;
tangled wares o' forks, spoons an' knives, barely in workin' condition; an' a clotted an' grimed sink to spill everythin' off.
Clamber, clamber.
Clamber, clamber.
That was the sound o' me hittin' all the pots an' pans on the floor. Didn't lose me feet this time though.

Carefully makin' me way around the mess, I tip toed over to me musty, green kitchen counter.
It wasn't always green...
On the ex-white counter I bring some nead out from a rusty, red container an' spread some glummer an' glam over it—me favourite condiments mind you.
Great meal. Barely ever get to have this since I lost me job.

After snackin' me teeth into breakfast, I turn on the sink, with its magic head, an' give me meals servin' plate a quick skim o' a rinse.

Goin' back through the mess—more clambers hittin' me feet—I go back through me hall an' into me bathroom once again, to give me teeth a hasty brush with magic paste an' then finally head back into me room to get changed.


Dressed, I ramble me way out o' me house, losin' me footin' 'ere an' there, with me at last reachin' me front door's lock half a minute later.

Where's me key? I think to me self. What did I do with it? I wonder.

Unsure where I put me key, I ramble me way back in panic. 
Openin' the drawers o' me room.
Searchin' under me springin' mattress.
Scannin' each pot an' pan on me kitchen floor—
Ouch, I yelp after fallin' over one o' the kitchen pans.
Gettin' up I hit me head on me kitchen counter. Youch.
I climb back onto me two legs an' scramble out o' 'at right mess into me livin' room, through the next door o' the corridor, to me left.

A brown couch sits to me left, with a fireplace in front an' a small bookshelf in the corner.
I reach in between the couch cushions an' search for a while, comin' out empty handed.
I stare through me bookshelf for any shines or glimmers, for nothin' to stare at me back.
I leave frustrated, unsure where to look next. I grab me face in worry.
Yipe. Somethin' caught me.
I take back me hand an' see in me palms, the key I was lookin' for... I open me doors lock an' head outside, holdin' onto me frustration...
Are you kiddin' me?!
Not holdin' on for long I guess. I scream out into the open roads o' the bustlin' street corner, as I make me way out to me son's home, me veins poppin' me a shoutin' an' me blood boilin' a talkin' to.


Heyyy, it's your ol' clay! I declare down the door.

"Oh dad, not seen ya in a bit." Me son says, holdin' a couple stacked boxes in a paused hurry.

How's me Arthur doin'? Keepin' up with your work still? They haven't fired you yet, have they?

"Not this again haha, me works been doing fine. The architecture side hasn't really eased up at all and I doubt it will any time soon.

Need any help around the house? 

"Yeah, if ya don't mind carry one of these boxes for me, they're a bit on the heavy side though."

Ah it's fine, me boots gave me a workout back in the day, but I'm alright now. Where's it headin'?

"To the workshop, Jennifer needs a pair o' hands too, so ya can ask her for help, if that's alright.

No problemo! But really it all depends on whether Jenni will even let me help her to begin with.

"True haha, you two have always butted heads haven't ya?"

Yeah, even when they were but a youngling, they were a feisty one. They caused a few o' me scars if you recall.'

"Yeah, she did, I remember. And I remember how scared I was when ya got back too. Ya seemed so accomplished o' yarself. I won't ever forget that smug look ya had on ya.

Ahahaka! Is that what it looked like to you? I was laughin' me hat off. Quite literally too!

"I would say they were great times but looking back the future is way brighter than that past."

I'm not too sure about that one there Arthur. 'Ose were the days o' me life. Can't quite adventure nowadays like I used to before. I'm 68 years o' age, me back hurts an' I got me retirement to think about.

"Ya've got more and more yet to go, don't worry dad. Ya've still got to reach yar goal remember."

True. But remember Arthur, I don't want to let the boy know about you know what, okay? He'll never trust me again.

"I promised before, I won't tell him. I don't even know how I could tell him."

He's at school today, right? Jenni said yesterday if I remember rightly.

"Yeah, he's off studying hard. We're so proud of him ya know. He's a genius that kid, especially for his age too."

I wish I were that smart at his age. How old's he now again? 6? 7?

"Mhm, bingo. No other 7-year-old I've known is as smart has him. I wasn't even as smart as him when I was 12."

They probably beat me out for when I was in me teens. Ahaka. Yet again, me brains only started bein' decent when I was around 16. Before then I was as dumb as could be.

"Don't beat yarself down about it. No-one's perfect after all."

Fair enough. Anyways, we've been talkin' too long, your arms must be tired by now. I'll take one o' 'ose boxes from ye an' deliver it to the dear wife.

"Thanks, I'm practically quaking."

"Arth! Where are my supplies?! You've been 7 minutes!"

"Coming! I'll be there lickity split! Me dads with me too!"

"That old weasel?! Has he got nothing better to do?!"

I'm really feelin' loved 'ere! 

"Oh, be quiet you!"

Not doin' that till I'm dead! Ahakaka!

"Just get over here if you don't want any more scars!"

Yes, Maam!


"So, what is it you want, you old weasel?" 

Thanks Jenni, I'm glad to see how much faith you have in me.

"I'm just brimming with it, aren't I?"

Well, I'm glad you took the whole 'weasel' name to heart.

"I didn't get it from you."

I know, you got it from that outsider girl didn't you.

"Wow look how respectful you are."

More respectful than you. I saved your life.

"At the cost of what?"

Who cares? Just let me give you a hand and quit whinin' about what's been said and done.

"Fine, get me a wrench out from that box you're holding"

One sec. Will this do?


What, no thank yous?

"When you say quit your whining, you should do the same."

I'll take that as an agreement then.

"So, what are you here for anyways?"

Got nothin' better to do.

"Don't you have to reach that goal of yours?"


"Flint's going to find out one day, you know that right?"

I-I know. It'll hit 'em like a tsunami when they do, but that day will come at a later date, I don't need to worry me self about it too much.

"I bet you won't even call them by their name when it happens."

Whinin', remember?

"Yes, yes."

Anythin' else you need help with?

"No, 'I'm a strong, independent woman' I don't need help."

Ahakaka! I don't dislike your wit, I have to say.

"Well, I've got to say, I dislike your wit, that's for sure."

You can't say a single nice thing about me, can you?

"Earn praise first, then you might get some."

Good words, I'll try and put them to use some time.

"I think you mean you'll keep them in mind."

I'll do what I can. Whatever I can do, I will. I'm not someone to try more than that.

"That's a lie."

Maybe seems so to you, but I've always seen whatever I do as what I can do. Whenever I don't do somethin' I can do is when guilt barges in.

"You always pushed yourself way beyond what was needed, I can't see that as anything other than self-destructive."

Well, if I didn't do it who would? Tribe's sake, you wouldn't even be alive if it wasn't for that way o' thinkin'.

"You know why I don't want Flint to listen to your stories right?"

O' course I do but hidin' 'ose things is just goin' to hurt them more when they find out.

"Says you."

You're whinin' again.

"Quiet, weasel."


"I miss the times before you, I hope you know that."

If it weren't for me, you'd never have met Arthur.

"And that's the one good thing to come out of you."

See, you can come up with the pros when you try, can't you?

"You're so behind the times you know that?"

What do you want me to do? Change me birthdate?

"No, I'd prefer it be removed."


"Quit your laughing and get me something to eat, that's what you can do. Actually, you took some nead didn't you? There was none left when you ran off. How much did you take anyways?"

Enough for breakfast.

"If you want food ask. I'll gladly decline when you do."

That's why I didn't ask.

"Just get me something to eat."

Can do!


'Ere you go, one slab o' shark meat to go!

"I'm vegetarian..."

Oh right.

"Also, do you even know how to cook? It's raw."

I was sure I cooked it. Oh. You're supposed to flip it aren't you. I thought I could hide me mistake by servin' it cooked-side-up, but I must've made a mistake along the way or somethin'.

"You're really inconsiderate you know that?"

Welp, if you don't have it, I will.

"That's disgusting."

That's me alright.



"You know, your stories... I can see why you want to tell them. I won't stop you from doing so, but. When you get to when you're meeting me, try to soften it for them, alright?"

It'll be difficult, but I'm sure either way they'll understand. We've got a long way till then anyways. So don't worry too much about it.

"The way you brush things under the rug so easily worries me, you know."

It's one o' the only times I ever clean, I guess.

"Even now you're doing it."

It's me weasel way, I suppose.

"Weasel way huh? I hope that doesn't run in the family. I want the best for my kid, I hope you understand that."

I do. No chance would I not.

"Then say his name. I want to hear you say it."

Ask me again sometime in the future, as I said before I'll say it when I respect him as an equal.

"You'll never say it then, will you?"

We'll have to see, only time can tell.