Chapter 25- Fighting a infinite supply
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 They quickly retraced their steps and exited the woods. 

"Which direction is the town?" 

"It should be in that direction." Touyo pointed towards south, and Koto scanned the horizon. [There's a blurry object in the distance. I can assume that's the town.]

"Alright Touyo, lead the way." 

"Roger roger." Touyo saluted, and turned to the towns direction. She started marching, with a sense joy of being helpful. Koto and Kokoro took notice of this, and whispered to each other,

"How old is Touyo?" 

"I have no idea. She looks like she's older than us, but acts like a child."

"Yeah, you picked up a weird AI."

"A very amazing and weird AI." Koto and Kokoro separated, continuing to follow Touyo. They continued to walk towards the town for 6 minutes, then they finally reached it. They walked past the gate arch and entered the town. They town wasn't a nice clean town, with it bustling with people, nor was it destroyed and empty with people. There was people, it was mediocrely cleaned, but there was this ominous aura surrounding the people. Koto then spoke up,

"I don't like this place, it's giving me a bad feeling." 

"We don't have anywhere else to go, but I do agree with you." Kokoro said. 

"Let's still try to get somewhere to talk and rest, but be cautious." Kokoro and Touyo nodded, and they followed behind Koto who had already taken off. They walked down the street and were being stared at, with unfriendly eyes.

"They don't seem to like visitors." 

"I can tell." [Touyo is right, hopefully this goes smoothly.]

"Let's ask where we can rest." Koto said. Koto then walked up to woman, carrying a baby in her hands. 

"Um excuse me, can you.." Koto saw the baby in the woman's hands, and was surprised from what he saw. The baby was covered in a rag, but that wasn't the bad part. The baby itself was bleeding from its eyes, ears, and was covered in blood.

"Yes, how can I help you." 

"Um never mind." Koto sprinted back to Kokoro and Touyo,

"We need to leave. Now!" Koto grabbed them and led them towards the arch. However the gate suddenly shut itself, and all the people minding their own business, turned to them. All bloody, and gnarled up. [This is not good.] 

"Kekek, you thought I only controlled the Desolate Woods. Though it was my starting point of control, I have control of a 50 meter radius from there." The same voice from the woods reappeared. [Dammit. So this is the damn witch's doing.] Koto scanned his surroundings, and saw that the only way to leave, is to go up. Koto grabbed Kokoro and Touyo, then he jumped between the houses and the wall. Just as he was about to reach the top, Koto struck his head onto a invisible barrier. He fell down, but caught himself and landed on his legs. 

"Kekek, you really thought I didn't think about that. Anyways, this is the place where you die." The voice disappeared and the zombies started attacking the group. Koto, Kokoro and Touyo prepared to attack. Koto sprinted forward, going for the head. 

"Elegant Flow." Koto cleanly cut the head off the zombie, then went from one zombie to the other. The amount of enemies slowly diminished and they were gaining the advantage. [We can beat this.] The voice then reappeared and spoke words that shook the group,

"Oh by the way. I have an infinite supply of zombies." The zombies started digging up from the ground; re-spawning in. [Well there goes my hopes of living.] 

"We need to regroup, let's meet up on that building." Koto jumped up to the building he pointed out. Kokoro and Touyo pushed back some zombies and got up to the building. 

"What's the plan you were thinking?" Kokoro asked.

"Apparently, since the witch has an infinite amount of zombies, the obvious choice is to go for the controller." Koto said.

"I understand what you're saying, but we don't even know where they are." 

"That's what the witch wants you to think. If the witch has a radius of 50 meters, and they started this at the Desolate Woods.." Koto paused mid sentence and waited for Kokoro and Touyo to figure it out. 

"Ooh, I know." Touyo said in an enthusiastic voice. Koto signaled for her to continue.

"The witch must be somewhere either in this town, or in the Desolate Woods. However the game wouldn't make an impossible boss, and the witch would be in the city." 

"Bingo, now my plan is for you to distract the zombies, while I go looking for the witch myself."

"What!? That's pretty much suicide!" Kokoro and Touyo yelled out. 

"Not. If I had reliable friends to distract them good enough." Kokoro and Touyo were surprised from the sudden input, but after more convincing, they yielded. 

"Don't worry. I'll be fine." Koto waved goodbye and jumped down.