Chapter 10
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Documents laid in front of the 4th Prince detailed everything about Iridescent and its founder. Copies of the documents were in the hands of each advisor in the room. The Prince took a moment to rub his temples before glancing around the room.

It was clear that Iridescent could no longer be ignored. From the moment King Blonsall issued his declaration for his son’s to compete for the throne, the 4th Prince, Prince Roland Blonsall, utilized his connections and strengths in the market to start building an army.

His thoughts were rather straightforward. Why compete diplomatically with other Princes when he could just take the throne by force with some preparation? Initially, everything was going well. Prince Roland was able to collect resources to build his army up and expected to be able to use it within 4 years.

However reality rarely follows dreams and since nearly half a year ago, there was a massive redistribution of merchant priorities. The driving force behind it? Iridescent. The company sprang from the imaginings of a 6 year old terminally ill child who had long been socially outcasted from the upper nobles.

If it wasn’t for her family being Duke titalage, the girl would have likely been stomped from existence already. However the title protected her to a certain extent despite being an outcast and her father Duke Reviarra was a highly trusted advisor of King Blonsall which added an extra layer of protection.

The redistribution of priorities forced Prince Roland to renegotiate his contracts with merchants and pay a premium to retain first access. Initially, the cost wasn’t too great and Prince Roland found it acceptable as far as market swings were concerned, however that sentiment dramatically changed overnight.

“How can a 9 year old little girl expand so aggressively?”

“Prince Roland, this servant doubts Sol Reviarra is the true leader of Iridescent.”

“Oh? Why not?”

“It’s unthinkable to believe a 9 year old child has this capability. If it’s true, then Sol Reviarra is a monster hiding in human skin. This servant believes it more reasonable that Duke Reviarra leads Iridescent and allows his daughter to act as a puppet head.”

Prince Roland considered his advisor’s opinion. He, too, found it difficult to reconcile the aggressive business moves of Iridescent with a 9 year old girl. The problem, however, was that Prince Roland had met Duke Reviarra many times and knew the man didn’t have this capability.

As a Prince, he had full access to the reports kept about any of the King’s ministers and while Duke Reviarra excelled in many things, business acumen wasn’t one of them. Everything he understood about the Reviarra household suggested a life of ministers or advisors for national affairs and not merchandising. ‘Yet this little girl…’

His thoughts couldn’t help but question the one variable that seemed the most obvious despite how unbelievable it was.

“Let’s continue under the premise that Sol Reviarra is leading Iridescent. The question is does this Prince compete, crush, or enlist them?”

“Prince Roland, this servant would suggest to enlist Iridescent. Duke Reviarra is already a close aid for the King. Bringing his allegiance to us would gain us the most benefits. As it stands, Duke Reviarra alone has a significant degree of influence over other ministers. If the Duke’s fiscal power was included, it could be said that the Reviarra household can single handedly determine who sits on the throne.”

“This servant disagrees. Although the Reviarra household holds an extreme influence, going along with and relying on them to obtain the throne would only make Prince Roland’s reign unstable. The throne has to be grabbed through Prince Roland’s direct efforts. This servant suggests crushing the Reviarra business. Prince Roland would showcase substantial management capability and would also increase his influence among supporting merchants.”

“Although crushing them is feasible, this servant doesn’t think Iridescent is weak enough to be crushed. As this one sees it, Iridescent is expanding rapidly while still maintaining its strength. A normal business with mediocre management would hollow itself out after expanding so rapidly and yet we see the exact opposite with Iridescent. Lady Sol Reviarra has shown the ability to expand step by step while maintaining absolute control over the company and retaining its strength to keep pushing. This servant suggests competing against them as our only option, however this servant doesn’t believe our competition would benefit neither Iridescent, nor ourselves. If the Prince could obtain Iridescent, that would be the best outcome.”

Prince Roland listened intently at the various arguments and plans presented. He always made sure to surround himself with educated men who held differing perspectives. Despite his older brother losing the Crown Prince title, his actual influence in court had only grown since.

Despite not falling behind, Prince Roland had always focused on the market and expanding his military strength in stealth. In a way, his father, the King, ruined many of his plans by announcing the competition publicly.

He tapped his finger on the desk in deep thought. Each adviser continued to argue their position after seeing the Prince remained undecided. After a few minutes of listening to the three men, Prince Roland gestured for the men to stay silent before asking for the remaining advisers’ position.

Each member raised their hand to show support for which position they supported.

“Oh? This Prince is somewhat surprised at the aggressive outlook. Most of you support crushing Iridescent? How confident are you that Lunar Supply can crush them?”

The original adviser to propose the plan stood once more to speak for the group.

“This servant suggests strangling the Reviarra territory of exports. With Lunar Supply’s connections, purchasing the buying power of merchants headed for Arcgate would be a simple matter. Luner Supply could then force Iridescent to sell at a loss and undermine their primary business model. Eventually, they would have to honor their contracts with the Arcgate farmers forcing a liquidation.”


Prince Roland found himself attracted to the idea. He had a rather aggressive disposition to start with and remaining defensive never sat well with his character. Given the choice, he would lean towards taking action against a competitor rather than negotiating.

As Iridescent had a known business model and there was a viable plan forward, Prince Roland green lit the program. “This Prince orders you, crush them.”


The men left the room to carry out Prince Roland’s orders one by one. After the last man left, Prince Roland knocked a series of codes against the table. Ratcheting sounds followed by a sliding bookshelf sounded off to his side.

Clad in heavy armour, a Knight walked from the hidden entrance and immediately genuflected.

“Prince Roland, this servant reports as ordered.”

“This Prince assumes you listened to the entire discussion?”


“What is your opinion?”

“If this servant might be so bold.. This servant believes the Prince should bring Lady Reviarra to the Prince’s side if the Lady is truly in control of Iridescent. Her talent can only be described as monstrous if it’s true.”

“How should this Prince bring the Lady to this Prince’s side?”

“This servant believes bringing the Lady over as a mistress would be the quickest method, however with the Lady’s health factored in, this servant would instead suggest utilizing the current plan to apply pressure and negotiate for the Lady to join the Prince as a business adviser.”

“You’re suggesting this Prince blackmails a little girl?”

“Prince Roland, this servant believes a talent, as heaven defying and monstrous as Lady Reviarra, be treated as a unique and potent medicine. Although the Lady expects a short life, this servant believes her value would boost the Prince’s position in ways neither this servant nor the Prince might predict. The Prince has always surrounded himself with talent and diversity. Though Lady Reviarra may be a woman, her capabilities are proven to the extent of even forcing her way before the Prince’s eyes.”

“Then this Prince will do as you suggested… If this Prince fails to obtain the Lady, what would you suggest?”

“This servant suggests destroying the Lady in that scenario. She would be far too dangerous if she fell into any other Prince’s palm.”