Chapter 15 – Job and Money
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Once out of the fishermen's guild, Marlon leaned against a wall and engaged in a great indoor conversation with the AI. Luna was meowing around him, still excited about all the stuffed fish she had seen in the guild.

"Loki, what do you think I should choose?"

"Only what would be beneficial to you and especially useful directly. Don't choose professions that would depend on other people. And I think you should also limit yourself to those that are feasible without a lot of tools..."

"I kind of agree with that. No blacksmithing apprenticeship, then. Let's go see what exactly is in the neighborhood."

So Marlon spent most of the morning exploring the craft district and discovering the many, many professions that anyone could learn.

Loki was right that he could never choose everything. There was literally every job needed to run a company available in the neighborhood.

There were the professions of the land, such as farmer, horticulturist, landscaper, or even forester and woodcutter! There were others, like scribe, explorer, weaver, or even priest.

Every field had its share of professions, and many of them were completely useless for an adventurer who wanted to rise socially. Even if they all had their advantages.

Marlon had learned, for example, that being a farmer could allow him to grow edible food much faster and more efficiently than if he tried to do it himself. He had imagined growing vegetables until he could grow legendary ones, but he couldn't accept that vision. This was not the kind of adventure he wanted to have.

No, the professions that attracted him most were those that were most practical for him, and there were a few.

Hunter, first of all, because he understood that it was essential to his survival.

First, it would allow him to feed himself regularly, in addition to the job of a fisherman. Secondly, he would learn a lot about the various creatures of this world and the best way to hunt them, which would prove to be a huge advantage, even against the other players. Baiting a herd and directing them to their enemies was something he fantasized about, even though he knew it would probably not be as easy as that.

Loki had also approved this choice, which confirmed Marlon's decision.

"I think, strangely enough, a cook would be an appropriate choice as well...I feel like the higher levels will allow you to get some very interesting effects."

They had heard a cook bragging in front of the building about his profession with a person who seemed to be an acquaintance. He had spoken with a very high volume of the different effects that his food could give to those who consumed it.

"It's funny though. They send you into a world of magic and make you think it's a game, but it's really close! Even food can give buffs like in video games! We didn't have any information about the professions at all, and we didn't care about them at all, thinking they were useless...what a huge mistake! Just for finding out about all this, I don't regret the choice I made to disembody!"

Marlon found the situation somewhat ironic as well. A lie that turned out to be much closer to the truth than expected! Laughable, if only his life wasn't at stake as well as his chances for revenge!

"I find that cooking could be good too. Effects on my vitality or physical abilities would be incredible in addition to what I could do with the runes...but I'd stop there on the food trades. Don't talk to me about specializing as a pastry chef or baker! Even I have my limits!"

Loki laughed at this joke but quickly regained his seriousness as the other professions were less clear.

"You may laugh or think it's stupid, but I can think of two other vital professions for the future. Herbalist and Alchemist..."

There was a silence, but the AI's tone when she answered was very serious.

"I think I see where you're going with this, and I think it's pretty...interesting. It might make your life easier in a lot of ways."

"If all professions work the same, then alchemist is a must. If only to play dirty tricks on my opponents. I don't care about honor, if I can win by poisoning them, it will save me a lot of trouble. And on the other hand, if I can gain effects through concoctions, like in the RPG games of the Earth, can you imagine the possibilities? Herbalism would just be for me to get raw materials..."

They discussed this for a long time, weighing the pros and cons of many other professions. There were so many that it took them longer than expected, but finally, they came to a consensus. The occupations Marlon had already chosen were sufficient for their future plans, and if they didn't know which one to take, it was because they didn't need it now.

"Okay, so it's going to be fisherman, hunter, cook, herbalist and alchemist."

Announcing them out loud made the young man realize that advancing in all these professions in addition to his fighting skills and his main class was going to take an incredible amount of effort. But this did not scare him in any way.

The next step was to go to each guild counter and register as an official practitioner to get the tattoo.

Marlon started with the Hunters' Guild, and when he entered the building, which was overlooked by a sign consisting of a bow and snare intertwined, he came across a very taciturn figure, who gave him dark looks throughout their conversation.

In his thirties, with his eyes sunken in their sockets, the man had a deep scar crossing his face from right to left, passing through his nose. Part of his head was bald, but this seemed to be due to an event rather than premature baldness, as the skin seemed to be blistered on this part of his body. His appearance was quite intimidating and he played a lot in front of the young man, throwing him intimidating looks and threatening smiles.

His chimera seemed scalded by the man's appearance and feigned two or three times to him, but the latter did not even glance at him.

But all in all, everything went well, and he ended up affixing the Seal of the Hunters on Marlon's forearm in the same way as the fisherwoman after the latter had expressed his interest in the profession of which he was the representative. The drawing of an unarmed bear trap and a snare were surmounted in a circle where the foliage of a forest could be guessed. The number one was marked on the right side of the tattoo, which seemed to represent the level of the profession. He noticed that the same number was present on his fisherman tattoo.

He didn't linger and left quickly, not without checking the Guild store, which had prices as astronomical as those of the Fishermen, preventing him from buying anything, but letting him appreciate the not inconsiderable quality of the items presented in the catalog.

All he had left was the ridiculous sum of ten copper Amecareth, the only survivors from the village of Takpes. He cursed himself inwardly once again for being tricked there, but the sweet memory of his revenge brought a refreshing smile to his face as he walked out of the Hunters' Guild.

He now knew how to set much more elaborate traps, how to hunt from downwind so as not to alert his prey, or how to effectively butcher his prey once captured, but he was not used to the way this knowledge was directly accessible to him, as if he had always possessed it.

The registration as a Cook was a simple formality, as a plump matron welcomed him and offered him a delicious sandwich before validating his registration as a Beginner Cook. She got his tattoo on hisleft arm and therefore did not see the other two on Marlon's forearm.

The cook's tattoo represented a fire on which meat skewers were cooking. Rather iconic as a representation thought the young man.

Immediately, recipes and cooking techniques came to mind. Some of them he already knew, like spit roasting, but others he had never seen or tasted, like how to prepare sausages or blood sausage, for example. He also sensed intuitively that the ways of doing things differed from Earth, perhaps because of the famous Mana that the fisherwoman had told him about.

The learning process was as strange as ever, and he really felt that a higher power had crammed a jumble of information into his head that he could only really grasp once he needed it.

But it was just a hunch, as his level was not high enough to confirm his instinct.

He didn't bother to visit the Guild store this time, knowing that only great disappointment awaited him there.

Once outside the building, he bit into the sandwich and gobbled it up in less than five minutes because it was so delicious.


You have consumed Matron's Sandwich

+5 strength for the next 6 hours

+50 hp for the next 24 hours.

The young man satiated threw the last crumbs of the sandwich to Luna, who threw herself on it and gobbled the whole in less than a few seconds. He felt a new force invading him and a feeling of power took possession of him, circulating in his veins, his muscles, and his spirit. Incredible well-being appeared and he widened his eyes in front of the effect of the sandwich.

"Haha, that's exactly how the other cook was bragging! You really can be buffed like in a video game! Unbelievable! They'd all go crazy at the Consortium if they knew that! Although they must be watching us, that's for sure. Haha, the Emperor must be green with rage! It's so beautiful that if I had a body, I'd almost dance a jig! Hahaha!"

Loki's hilarity confirmed Marlon's suspicions that the Emperor must really be the target of the AI's revenge, even if he didn't know the reasons for it yet.

Three tattoos were now embedded on the young adventurer's arms, and he wasn't about to stop there.

Only things began to get complicated when he asked to be registered as an alchemist.

The woman who greeted him, who looked to be in her fifties, with many gray hairs dotting her black hair, had a disapproving lip movement when she saw Marlon's other tattoos.

"Young man, are you making fun of me?"

With a gesture of her hand, she pulled her hair back behind her neck and seemed to scrutinize Marlon intensely as if to read through him.

"You can't seriously choose more than two professions! And now you tell me that you want to become an alchemist too, the fourth profession! The art of alchemy requires a lot of time, investment, and above all seriousness!"

The young man decided to play the truth card.

"I need the jobs I choose, ma'am. I am an adventurer who faces a lot of dangers, and many are the obstacles I would encounter on my way in the future. You can see that the previous three professions are aids to food survival! Your profession is of course above, and I intend to dedicate all my efforts to it! Alchemy will allow me to poison my enemies and heal my allies!"

He mentally crossed his fingers that his flattery a little too obvious for his taste would work. And it was fortunately the case. His pride flattered, the woman gave him a charming smile as she placed her finger above his third tattoo, on his left arm.

A light blue vial appeared where she had placed her finger, topped with the number one representing the Beginner stage of the profession. Behind the vial was a mortar and pestle, the symbol of the alchemist's profession.

Knowledge burst into Marlon's mind and he understood many things instantly, such as how to extract the essence of a plant and concentrate it to get the maximum effect. He also knew how to create antidotes and potions, or at least how to prepare them. No recipe seemed to be related to the profession of an alchemist and he asked the woman curiously, who answered with a burst of laughter.

"We are all very secretive about our recipes, young man. They all require research and experimentation. Besides, they are the main source of income for our profession, so we don't share our discoveries as freely. Once you have made some discoveries on your own and advance in rank, some basic recipes will be available. But don't expect to discover treasures. Those can only come from your knowledge and the many attempts you make..."

Marlon understood completely, but couldn't help but feel a slight disappointment when all the other professions had revealed more...content.

Again, he didn't bother to stop at the guild store and left after thanking the female alchemist for letting him register as a beginner alchemist. He would have to come back and buy materials for this profession because he knew he would need them, thanks to the knowledge he had implanted.

Pestles, mortar, portable alembic, so many instruments that he could not do without if he wanted to progress in this profession which seemed much more demanding than the others.

He decided not to waste any more time and headed straight for the Herbalists' Guild, only a few meters from the Alchemists' Guild. Even these guilds were arranged intelligently and according to their interdependence.

When he entered the main hall, a strong smell of flowers invaded his nostrils and instantly transported him to another sensory universe. The mix of dozens, hundreds of flowers that adorned every square inch of the Great Hall was an ode to sensitivity and beauty. Never had Marlon smelled a more delectable aroma, and if it were put into a perfume and used on a person, he would gladly devour that person to keep that scent close to him a little longer.

He stood with his eyes closed and his head raised to inhale the scent as best he could, at the entrance to the Hall of Herbalists, for at least a few minutes before a voice interrupted his delectable sensory meditation.

"Isn't that an unforgettable scent?"

Being interrupted in his moment of oblivion triggered something in Marlon's psyche that felt the icy hatred he was becoming accustomed to grip his heart again.

He opened his eyes and could not help but cast a look filled with murderous intent at the person who had cut him off from his sensory delight.

Luna's back was bristling and she was violently feigning towards the woman who had interrupted Marlon.

Only, this wave broke as soon as it had formed as he saw the woman who had addressed him.

She seemed to be straight out of a male fantasy. She was tall, luscious and had curves that would make anyone imagine all sorts of things. Her body was the color of ebony, and her face was thin and soft at the same time bordering on perfection. A curly hair fell down her back and her eyes were two burning embers seemingly able to light the fire in the heart of any living being.

She had, all the same, a movement of retreat whereas the glance of Marlon announced imminent violence to him, but recovered as quickly as this glare disappeared from the glance of the young man.

"Whoa, easy, boy. I'm sorry I interrupted you, but you could have stayed like that for hours. This is the welcome we give our dear visitors to show the beauty of our profession and encourage vocations."

Even her voice was warm and engaging. Everything about this woman incited seduction and carnal pleasure. Marlon, who however was not necessarily very sensitive to this kind of charms, found complicated the only fact to have to concentrate to address him.

"I reassure you, it even has an effect on me, even though I'm just an artificial intelligence. I think we're still dealing with a facet of magic I don't know about."

She raised an eyebrow as she saw the young man making efforts to resist her ravaging charms.

"Haha, amazing. You're holding up pretty well! Come on, we've played enough."

She picked up a flower in front of her and crushed it between her fingers, releasing a pungent fragrance that burned his nostrils slightly.

At once the pressure exerted on the spirit of Marlon faded and he did not have to apply himself anymore not to jump on this superb woman. She was as beautiful as ever, but he was in control of his instincts again.

"The effect just disappeared on me too. You must know how it did that! A simple smell can't affect me, there is much more behind this plant. I bet it still has to do with that famous mana."

" did you do that?!?"

"Haha, that's an intense effect, isn't it?"

Marlon shook his head to rid himself of the last reminders of the hold he had been under.

"No, I mean, how did you make the hold disappear by simply crushing a leaf? That's amazing!"

The young woman with generous forms suddenly became more serious and straightened up, the aura she gave off changing instantly to become colder, more imperious.

"Do you really care?"

Seeing the young man nod and wait for an answer from her, she nodded in turn and so answered him.

"The charm that acted on you is due to several things. First of all, an intact Flower of Desire. The one I just crushed, but I think you understood that. This flower influences mana and corrupts the thoughts of everything, instilling a desire in their hearts. It's incredibly powerful and uses the very essence of magic. Throw in a little magical manipulation as only a Grandmaster like me can, and you have a cocktail that can bring almost anyone on this planet to their knees."

"Eu...I'm going to ask a silly question, but why don't you dominate the world, if it's so powerful?"

She burst into a much deeper and more generous laugh than before, the young man's question having really delighted her with its simplicity and sincerity.

"I like you! Simply because the effects have limits. In time, already. After an hour or two, the effect wears off. And the same person will become insensitive to the Flower of Desire for several weeks after that. Otherwise, believe me, I wouldn't have bothered! You want to become a Herbalist, if I'm not mistaken?"

"Indeed! And before you lecture me, I know I've already chosen several professions, but I wouldn't do it if I didn't believe in my abilities..."

She took Marlon's arms and only had an amused reaction when she saw the four other tattoos embedded in his skin.

"I like your ambition, and your choices are pretty singular. Well thought out, but singular nonetheless. It probably would have been easier to hire help than to progress alone in these different paths, but if that's your desire..."

She placed her finger on Marlon's left arm and the tattoo accrediting his membership in the Herbalists' Guild immediately appeared. A bouquet of medicinal plants topped by a pale green cross became more specific as the woman removed her finger from the young man's arm. The number one had also appeared, indicating Marlon's current junior rank.

As soon as this was done, knowledge entered the new Herbalist's brain as if an entity was forcing it in. He now knew herbs that could slow down infections, as well as others that could numb all limbs for several hours. He felt once again that this knowledge was only the top layer of the iceberg and that it would take a lot of work to transcend the basic level of this profession.

"I'll come back to you. I can't afford the herbalist equipment right now, but it's only a matter of time."

"With pleasure, young adventurer. Call me Ivy. May I know your name before you slip away?"

"Mar...Revenge. Call me Revenge. I'll be back in a few days if all goes well."

Ivy gave him a knowing wink as he walked out of the Great Hall and Loki giggled in his mind.

"I think you have a ticket with this beautiful woman! Don't be denied, I'm sure I would enjoy the show too, hahaha!"

The image of Loki watching them in full carnal act left an unpleasant impression on Marlon and he grumbled against the AI as he took the direction of the arena admiring his different tattoos. All he had to do now was to equip himself properly for each of these professions and progress as quickly as possible to obtain the advantages associated with each of them.

"I don't think we have much more to do here right now, we should head to the arena and find a way to make money."

"Totally agree with you, kid! You've got a job waiting for you!"

With a valiant step, Marlon set off toward the Arena, only having to follow the stream of pedestrians heading deeper into the Eastern Quarter, Luna in his steps with her tail swaying gently from right to left.