Chapter 46 We live in a ninja society.
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I passed by granny and took my sandals off without having to use my hands, which is quite the feat since they have straps, and headed for the stairs.

After climbing them, and dropping Takao onto his bed, more like a futon... and reluctantly tucking him in.

I could not help myself from sighing...


Seeing that idiot sleeping so soundly without any issues makes me wonder just where exactly did I go wrong?

...This isn't exactly my first rodeo doing this cr*p!

It happens far more regularly than I'd care to admit

This guy passes out, almost 1 out 4 training sessions we have.

He usually wakes up when I drag him around or when we're close to his house.

-!?... No, it can't be.

...I have carried this guy on my back already 32 times.

It is the most time I have ever carried anyone on my back, ever! Even when comparing it with my previous life.

Not a record I was happy experiencing.

But I owe his grandmother a lot, and my entire existence as "Itsuki" has already been tied to this moron.

He keeps babbling my name around... so much for being incognito.

- *sigh* I think I know where I went wrong... It's greed. As always I was too greedy.

Live has a weird way to pan out.

Feeling dejected I leave the room in a defeated atmosphere.

I then close the door of Takao's room and went down the stairs.

- (...though I have to say, it is a good thing that Akane Oba chan lives on the outskirts of the Uchiha clan... I don't really feel like coming here whenever I can  help it.)

I just feel so uncomfortable being here.

Every time I come to this place, I feel slightly tense.

Not just because this clan runs the police; but because... there is this slightly unsettling atmosphere in the air.

I really don't know how to describe it... but I feel that people are behaving artificially to some degree and that their behavior is somewhat forced... It's a bit scary.

But maybe I am just imagining things... because I doubt that is true for everyone living here.

I'm getting that feeling mostly from adult men, but from their behavior, they don't really seem to be on edge...

Like there is some sort of barrier between their real emotions and the ones they openly display on a daily basis.

...could that feeling be distrust? Or anxiety?

Maybe...though it feels different from what I think people would feel in their situation... but I guess it comes with the territory, such as being raised in a shinobi society and all.

But not everyone has a bleak demeanor or is slightly tense.

Besides them, other adults such as women and elderly people show a more wide variety of emotions.

Some look resigned to their current situation.

Others don't seem to be that worried or melancholic.

Just pretty much living their lives.

I say that because as someone that only comes once in a while in this part of the village, people aren't usually that open to my presence, but since I'm just some unknown kid; they hardly care about putting on a fake front for my sake.

They probably just think I am just another orphan from their clan or who came here for some other reason... which both are not entirely wrong or right conclusions.

Though overall, I feel that the children and the non-shinobi members of the clan that lives here are behaving about the same as any other villager you can find throughout the whole village.

Maybe...that's because those guys aren't ninjas, or associated with them in any direct ways... besides being friends, family, or spouses of course.

Most clans don't really want their entire family to become ninjas.

Because it is dangerous obviously.

Though a lot still go through with it.

Perhaps, it is a cultural thing or a lack of better prospects.

You'd have to be an expert or a university professor in various fields to be able to give a clear and concise answer as to why the entire world goes along with the crazy systems that are put in place.

Clans are like a microcosm of that entire system; if I am being honest.

But also, larger clans settlements are like tiny villages within inside the village.

I know that because I have visited other clans.

Sadly, I was only able to visit 2 major clans so far due to my current need for knowledge about this world.

Though, I did try to go to the Hyuga clan... but the entire clan is like surrounded by a quite tall/large fence.

But after the whole Hinata affair, it is better to not push my luck any further than that... at least with that clan specifically, at the moment.

Those Hyuga can be a pretty snobbish bunch of A-holes... though, I haven't met anyone besides their princess but they seem to be like that within the anime.

Even if it may not be so clear-cut as that in reality, there's probably a certain amount of truth on the matter.

After all, these are the same people who pretty much, for a lack of a better word, enslave their own relatives into subservience from the age of 5... they can't be all that nice.

Even if Hiashi...or Hizashi (I can't tell which is which) appears to be a dotting grandfather in Boruto.


Just thinking how people can change while growing older is a pretty scary thought, hope I don't end up the same.

Regardless, of not being able to peek at their private corner of the village, I was able to understand more or less how major clans within Konoha generally operate... at least from my point of view.

Can't be too sure of anything after all.

Since I don't really have anyone to fact-check me, and google isn't a thing here.

...But from what I was able to see, these settlements have like their own stores and commerce or at very least centers of financial activity... which is kinda weird.

Maybe, similar things existed in my previous world but honestly, I couldn't really tell.

Most of my memories are of several cities... so I guess I used to live or lived in diverse cities throughout most of my old life.

Clearly, I am not the best person to analyze everything on display.

Though, If I am to guess correctly... I'd say that those side hustles are run by incompetent clan members.

Or simply because being a full-time ninja has its own set of problems or because there's a risk that if everyone is molded into becoming a fighter, there's no way to make the entire clan properly function as a unit.

After all, even cavemen have societies based on hunters and those who take care of menial tasks.

So perhaps being a ninja is just the front business of the clan and the rest are side ventures to buy more weapons and whatever else they need.

Being a ninja does pay least decently, right?

I'm not entirely sure of the entire mechanics of shinobi culture, but it must be the case.

Ninja economics was not among the priorities that Kishimoto sensei wanted to flesh out during his manga run.

He was more interested in Sasuke and Naruto's awful couple fights and the issues they had in their relationship.

But, from the bulk I have seen, it does seem that it pays quite decently (Ten Ten once talked about taking an entire month off...but that was filler.)

Otherwise, people would be risking their lives for pennies, which doesn't seem sound. Or at least a savvy business decision.

...Regardless of that, a lot of clan members have their own businesses, which are managed by them or with the help of the clan.

Many of the elderly, retired people, women, and sometimes even children seem to operate their own ventures.

Even Ino's family also seems to run a flower shop, and that part is definitely canon... just never seen it here yet, though I haven't really been looking for it.

Their entire clan is useless to me after all, or at the very least not among my top priorities but if I ever need them for something...I'm willing to take a chance, just not with Ino's family.

Her father is a jounin in charge of an entire division or department.

So he must have plans in case something bad happens... they definitely are not an easy target.

A lone chunin from their clan is my best bet at most.

But to think that a powerful clan head and his family would also run a flower shop on the side is a bit out there.

Not just them, but other shinobi seem to do similar things as well, and when you take into that even children can sometimes operate small businesses is not exactly what someone with my previous world's sensibilities can fully grasp.

...Which is really weird, if you think about it. I wonder if we have a code of health or labor laws of some kind.

...It doesn't seem so cut and dry, but there's probably one, right?

No really...I do think there's one.

We're not savages.

Maybe just more loose on some labor laws but still...

And to be fair I guess, it is not that weird, I do believe things like that also existed in my previous world, now that I'm able to fully rationalize it; but just not around me.

- !?

As I was heading toward the living room I saw Akane Oba-chan watering some of the flowers in her backyard.

Seeing her watering the plants with so much care, I could not help myself from going towards the backyard.

- Ara? Homura-kun are you interested in flowers?(Akane)

- Huh? Yes, I study plants in my free time. I believe that knowing about flowers and plants is very important for becoming a ninja in the future. (Especially if they can turn into a giant ass 1000 hands Gundam!)

- Homura-kun is a truly diligent child when it comes to training. Ta-chan is always telling me, how you train so much every day. I really did not expect a boy like you to take time to study about plants as well.(Akane)

- Of course. Nature is important. ( Yes...It is important. Hashirama and Madara are able to poison an entire village with mokuton style... if what I saw in the manga is to be believed. I need to be prepared for such eventuality... not that normal poison works on me though)

- Oh!? I have an idea. (Akane)


- Why don't we plant ourselves a few new flowers, what do you say?(Akane)

- Uh, sure. (Again, not really how I saw my day going...but what the heck?)

- Good. Wait here.(Akane)

I watch Akane oba-san go to a little shack that doubles as a storehouse in her backyard, till she manages to open the door and go inside.

- *yawn*! Today is really a weird day after all...pretty soon I have to take the entrance test... Wasting time should be the least of my priorities (But one day isn't gonna change anything)

That's right, I'm going to have to take the test soon...

I have been trying to stop training with Takao to get more time to train but, it's futile. The kid is obsessed with me.

Like a nagging little brother.

*Sigh* that's the relationship that I wanted to have with Shisui-san...

Though, I've seen him about 2 more times since the last year.

...I wasn't going to let Shisui slip through the grasp of my fingers after all, but he hasn't really trained me after the last time he promised to.

Just showed me a trick where he kunai holds a kunai with his fingers, then he makes it vanish god knows where, then he shows me the palm and the back of his hand, after that he makes a fist with his hand, and then as if by magic he'd open it to reveal that he was holding a bunch of kunais in between his fingers...

I was surprised.

I was really surprised, that the thing that he chose to show me after such a long time was just pure utter nonsense... that I almost could not believe it.

...Though, I have no idea how he did.

I wish I had been using my skill at the time.

Even though I can slow down and replay the entire event in my mind, sadly, I wasn't really looking or paying attention to his hand, when he executed the trick.

So, I'm a bit clueless as to what had happened at the time, though C, runs several hypotheses on it whenever I have free time.

I will not be played as a fool by anyone.

I have my pride too!

It is just hidden behind my huge ass amount of shamelessness.

So I wil-!

- Ah! Gran-!?

- Sorry to have made you wait Homura- kun, Just wait a moment for me to undo the scroll.(Akane)

Akane Oba-chan came back and to my surprise, she was not carrying anything related to gardening but a scroll.

However, I initially did not think much of it besides it being weird but the words that came out of her mouth after that are what made me truly shook me to my core.


A cloud of white smoke came out from the scroll and a tiny sack appeared on top of it.

- Phew, I can still do it properly.(Akane)

- kuh, kuh... (She! She! She did the unsealing technique!!!!!!!)

A-Akane Oba-chan can use ninjutsu!?

C-calm down Homura!

I-I have seen regular-looking people do that all around the village before, it's not a big deal.

If we think about it's not really a big deal.

This is Konoha, AKA the most powerful ninja village in the whole world! (allegedly)

And Akane-oba-chan is an Uchiha after all.

There's no way that she can't use a supplementary type of ninjutsu.

Y-Yes, that's right.

If Sasuke can perform the Gokyaku no (fireball) jutsu by being like 7 there's no way an elderly woman can't perform such a technique in her...her... Actually how old exactly is Akane Oba-chan?

Before, I never really tried to think much about it or ask her, since it would be rude to try to guess or demand to know the exact age of a lady.

I may be shameless, but I have the soul of a gentleman when it counts... but that amnesty ends today.

From what I know...Konoha was created like 70 or 80 years ago...maybe even 60. years ago.

....Or something... ARHG! I don't really know! I don't like to read history books.

...but maybe I really should in the future.

But there's no denying one thing...

...Akane- oba-chan is old.

There is no denying that.

But she doesn't look to be old enough to have hung out with Madara or Hashirama.

So, even if we say that she is about 60, she was probably about the 2nd or 3rd generation of people born within Konoha.

...Yeah, that's probably right. (Trying to convince myself)

Those guys were already in their 30s when they founded the village and Madara was like over one hundred when he died... Though he looked pretty good for a man his age and even had all his teeth... sure, he was a little bit crazy since he was talking about people living inside dreams.

That is so delusional that it sounds like something only an extremely old person who is about to die or scared of his mortality would ramble about.

No one with a sound mind could take it truly seriously... but I bet he was simply...I can't come up with feasible excuses, he wasn't exactly an honest man or a good person throughout his life.

Though, I can end all this speculation with one simple question.

Come on, ask her!

Ask her now!



Why can't I ask her?!

Why can't I do it?...who am I kidding?

I know exactly why I can't ask her that...

*sigh* pathetic.

I am such a pathetic mess.

A coward through and through.

How can I ever amount to anything?... hahaha. It seems that the only thing I can commit to... is talking out my ass.

-!? Itsuki-kun are you alright? you look a bit pale.(Akane)

-*sigh* It's nothing oba-chan, I just wondered why... I can be so useless sometimes...I'm a failure. I can't compare with the other kids... next year...I'm going to fail...

- Eh? Are you alright? You seemed to have seen a ghost after I released the bag of seeds from the scrolls and now... Ah! Are you perhaps interested in fuinjutsu?(Akane)

- Ah?! (Why is she telling me that? Is she trying to bait me into something? Just to be clear, I am not a paranoid individual. I am actually a very calm and composed person... it's just that these d*mn Uchihas are always up to something! I swear! I almost had a heart attack when she finished uttering that entire sentence)


But there's no time like the present!

She didn't weave any seals, so it has to be easy enough for me to do it... perhaps this is my chance to finally learn something useful for once!

Come on, Homura!

You can do it!

- Yes!!! Can you teach me, granny!? Can you!?

Akane Oba-chan started scratching her cheek with her left pinky and then smiled a little bit forcefully as if she was struggling with what to say next.

-...But I don't really know if an old lady like myself could teach you properly, and besides Homura-kun has not yet even entered the academy. So it is unli-!(Akane)

- Please Akane oba-chan! You're the only person I can ask as of now. I have no one! I really want to do good in my academy entrance! Please!

I immediately went full dogeza, and stopped Akane oba-chan from finishing her sentence.

I could tell that she was trying to convince herself into backing out of her own proposition.

She was obviously trying to tease me or something, but it doesn't matter to me!

I will use whatever I can, to get further ahead! Even if it is only just an inch further!

So if my forehead has to hit the ground as hard as it can, as if I'm trying to imprint my forehead deep enough to leave a mark; so be it!

- *Sigh* Homura-kun, please get up. I was just trying to tease you a little bit, but you don't have to be so serious about it. I will tell you all I can about unsealing items. A-at least as much as I know... or remember. (Akane)

- Really!?- I raised my head in order to take a peek at her face.

- Yes, so please don't do that anymore. It's really bad for my heart. (Akane)

- Alright!- Immediately try to get up after confirming her answer.

I felt so happy about my current situation that I was almost about to jump in a celebratory move, but was able to restrain myself from doing so by remembering that I have a cool image to uphold.

Although, it wouldn't matter if I did.

From this day on, I enter the history of the shinobi world as a legend!

The legend of my rising to prominence!

The rising of the most talented shinobi hero.

...well, the title is still in the works.

I will workshop something later.

Chapter end

*said that I wanted to update something by the end of this month but couldn't do it.
But technically it is still July somewhere around the world. ;p*