Chapter 8: Beast Tamer
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Hunting in the forest as a loner is very dangerous.

Getting the prey and being patient when following it while avoiding the groups of monsters or humans that surround you is exhausting.

Not abusing the prey so as not to ruin its distribution in the forest is stressful.

Facing humans is very annoying.

The human in front of me is a complete newbie.

Although his armor is of good quality ...

His posture is terrible, his wariness a disaster, and there is no confidence.

Although his weapon is excellent ...

He's scared and his hand shakes in front of me.

It would be very easy to assassinate him and then leave, but the problem is that he is not alone.

Two humans protect him behind the bushes and three others have blocked my exit.

He is a bait.

"So that's the wolf of rumors ..."

"If we take it to the auction we will win a lot ..."

"Shhh, shut up ... her ears from him are really good ..."

I'm glad at least one noticed.

But an auction huh, should have gone elsewhere to know it would end like this.


I just leaned over and growled at the boy to turn and run towards his companions ... Worthy of cannon fodder.

I run quickly and ignore him as I pounce on the one with the bow and bite his neck.

Since they are going to sell me, I don't think they will kill me.

I dodge the silly boy's sword as he leaped on the other and kicked his shield back to the previous spot.

At this point everyone has revealed themselves and is furious.

But at this point the fat man's magic is in effect and my body feels very tired.

I look at him and lick the blood from my snout.

Seeing his shocked reaction, I tried to laugh but everything went dark.

"... a beast very well known recently for its successful hunts and very good at stealth, many have died to capture it but at last it is here, we ensure its strength, look at those fangs, excellent right? Let's start the offer with 2 coins of gold".

When I regained consciousness I was chained inside a cage.

Looking at the place, it was like a secret base somewhere within the city, but hardly anyone hid their faces from it, so it must be legal.

There are common adventurers, discreet nobles and some very arrogant.

In the end I was sold for 25 gold coins to a noble girl in an adventurer outfit.

Before I left the place I managed to see the next one on sale and I was very surprised.

"Now it is something special and what everyone is here for ... if exactly our dragon cub, I must assure you my friends that he is a very pure breed ..."

A baby dragon? They are crazy?

If any adult dragon finds out, he will destroy the city just to take it away.

Who doesn't know that his race is nearly extinct and will protect his descendants with everything they have?

Definitely the people of this world are crazy.

While I was complaining in my mind, the girl who bought me and the manager completed the transaction and then began to chant a very long spell.

When I finished I felt a tingling inside my body and a strange affinity for the girls in front of me.

Hehehe now I have an owner.

After that they released me from my cage and ordered me to follow her, I tried to resist only to realize that no matter what I thought I would automatically do it like I was a robot.

It looks like that evil spell from a certain novel, maybe it should have a very strong will?

But seeing the beautiful figure of him I decided to give up temporarily, if she is a crazy sadist or something like that I will try to escape.