Arc 2: Princess of White (6)
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The time lasted seven days.

It was the best of times.

It was the worst of times.

It was the time for losers, and it was the time for victors.

This was the brief narration of the week which built to the Princess of White’s arrival on a day-by-day basis.

Day 1

The Loser


Betty read the morbid infighting presented on the table. Meanwhile, Carolina sat beside her, smiling like it was her birthday.

Betty should have known this would end like this. With Spade sponsoring the investigation mission, the up-and-coming nobles, anyone who wanted accomplishment and name recognition, came to the recruitment drive with their own demand. It was an impossible task to appease every selfish request and suggestion.

After the initial flood of personal meetings, Betty successfully cordoned herself inside a temporary office, while Carolina exploited every single second to drum her misery to a new height.

“Oh look,” Carolina gleefully picked a paper. “This is from Baron Edward Scissorhands; ‘I humbly request my son and the finest troop of Scissorhands be the leader of this expedition.’” Carolina giggled, “How brazen.” The Deputy Commissioner grabbed another paper. “Oh, there is also this one from Count Sven Svensson,” she skimmed the letter, “long paragraph of flattery, ah, here it is. ‘I know my nephew will be a great addition to the Military Police. This is his resume and the post he serves. Please write back for further discussion.’” Carolina snorted. “That old fart should start dreaming.”

Betty banged her head against the table flooded with requests, “This is hell. What did I do to deserve this?”

Hearing that, Carolina silently gagged at Betty’s raw obliviousness.

The Victor

Xia checked Ciel’s calculation on the black wall of the cave.

“I think you get the distance to the forest wrong,” Xia suggested.

“Ah huh,” Ciel made some corrections on his Anti-Slomrath plan. “And completed.”

Xia went over the calculation and recalled, “You know, you remind me of Betty when she was younger. She loved making a plan like this and often asked me to stay with her throughout the night because she is afraid of ghosts.”

That one caught Ciel unprepared, “Wait, afraid of ghosts?” He tried to process the information. “That, of all things, is her weakness.”

“You won’t believe how far she tries to hide it,” Xia giggled. “That is the greatest Achilles heel of the Capital Number 1 Bachelorette. She would have been easy picking if any of her admirers found it.” Xia snorted. “My sister might excel in social maneuvering and politics, but she is pretty easy picking, if you know her buttons.”

Inside the residence, Caislean gaped.

Caislean: My master, I think this woman is a must-have if you want to have a percent of victory against Betty.

“Anyway,” Xia spoke. “How was your childhood? Come on, I always want to know how baby gods behave.”

Ciel sighed, “Lords didn’t have a childhood. We were born fully formed. Let us say my history sucks immensely. I can name more people I hate over the one I like.” Ciel remembered those days, “I would like to say Slomrath is the worst asshole, but at least he isn’t deluded, thinking he is a force of good. That honor went to Yume,” he made a face, “that holy tyrannical asshat believes it is his mission to lead the world into an age of glory. Sophia is downright condescending, but even she agrees Balor is a creep.”

“I don’t know those names,” Xia replied. “Let's talk about someone I know,” she grinned, “like Lord Erlang! The heroic warlord who once rallied the martial temple against the Yulong Empire.”

“He lost, right?” Ciel watched Xia’s sunken expression. “He probably led a suicidal charge like a muscle head. He is the most muscle-brain among us.”

Xia tried to salvage the images of her childhood heroes, “What about Romulus?”

“That guy is okay,” Ciel smiled a little as he watched Xia lighted up. “He is too stern, but I believe he will make a great dad someday.”

Xia’s expression fell a little at the reminder of fatherhood, “What makes you say that?”

“He always led from the front,” Ciel recalled the wolf fondly. “That guy is too honest for his own good. Sure, we hate each other, but he won’t assassinate me.” Ciel smiled. “Instead, he will march down the battlefield and punch me in the face. He is brutally honest that way.”

Xia laughed more than she did in years, “This is the first time I hear someone talk about historical juggernaut like he knows them personally.” Xia then remembered a guy. “Oh, what about this guy,” she clicked her finger, “he has been in charge of Montgomery for centuries. People said it is the blessing from their god, but I always suspect there is something funny about Maximus the Grand.”

Ciel coughed like he had eaten something strange, “Maximus the Grand? That ass-kisser actually calls himself that now? Did Yume quit life or something to let that self-aggrandizing idiot in charge?”

Xia fell to the floor in a fit of laughter.

Day 2

The Loser

Betty looked toward the horizon, mentally removed from the cheers and parade for the departing army. She pulled an all-nighter to sort the details and finally met the impossible deadline after a few close calls.

The army of mages and knights, armed with the latest magical technology, departed from the open gate of enchanted crystal. Horns and trumpets roared as the waving soldiers rode toward what they believed was the future of fortune.

“To think you actually completed the logistic plan for an army in one night,” Carolina clapped, unaffected by the lack of sleep. “I am impressed. I actually plan to use that to dock some points. Wow, you a true superwoman,” she gave Betty a thumbs-up, “great job! My expectation is blown away.”

Betty sighed. She showed a deep green envy for her nemesis’ resistance to insomnia. Next, there was a meet and greet, and a meeting with Spade to march through before the solace of sleep.

Maybe, just maybe, Betty thought, I am too harsh on Xia.

The Victor

Xia did a stretch, satisfied with a well-rested night and a good meal in the cozy little cave.

Ciel sat opposite her on the newly made stone-table. Two cups of Amy’s brewed coffee sat on the tiny table of growing affection.

Xia started the conversation she wanted to have for some time, “So which one of your relatives is in charge of Curtis?”

“You already have a guess,” Ciel said.

“I do, but I want to hear from an expert,” Xia replied. “I want to know who my father is trying to fight against.”

“Okay, so what is Curtis known for,” Ciel replied.

“Well, we had an industrial revolution a while back,” Xia said. “Sure, our magic technology is always good, and we had a grandmaster artificer back when my father was alive.” Xia made a face. “But after my father died, the Magic Tower took over and pretty much transformed the capital. They renamed the capital from Romulus to Hecate.”

“Magical technology,” Ciel mumbled. “I have four people in mind. Are there any too-good-to-be-true holy maiden, a creepy witch or a snowstorm?” Ciel suddenly hit the realization. “Wait. Hecate? Isn’t that Etaceh spelled backward?” Ciel facepalmed. “That two-faced, gloating smartass never gets humbler, does she?”

Xia was happy to receive the confirmation. “Wow, I have that guess, but to get it confirmed is another thing entirely.” Xia asked the bigger question. “Do you think you can beat her?”

“Depend,” Ciel replied. “I already told you how a Lord works. The question is how entrenched is she?”

“She is the leader of the Magic Tower,” Xia answered. “Betty studied under her for a while when our grandmaster artificer quit following my father’s framing. But I heard she started avoiding Etaceh for a while now,” she took a sip from her cup, “typical Betty’s jealousy. She always wants to be at the top. The moment she feels someone might surpass her potential; she freaks.” Xia made a face. “The worst thing is she always lets that impulsiveness get the better of her.”

“That sounds like an interesting story,” Ciel said. “But I am assuming the level of technological reliance of the capital is through the roof.”

“Hell yes,” Xia nodded with fervor. “I heard they just replaced the palace’s windows with these smart displays, and the golems’ delivery system is all the rage. There is also the fact Spade kept printing books, claiming the new hi-tech, automated industrial ring around the palace, will be the new face of Curtis.”

Ciel flinched, and Xia realized she might be in serious trouble.

“Ciel,” Xia asked. “How bad is it?”

“Xia,” Ciel considered the best way to break the news. “I am sorry, but your revenge attempt is gone. I hate to say this, but Etaceh is unbeatable. All those reliances — all the convenience — those are faith power. You know what Slomrath is capable of, and he doesn’t have an entire magically advanced capital on his side.” It was then Ciel got into the tall-order waiting for them. “There is a reason Etaceh engineered all the changes. Her title is the Lord of Mechanical Magic. She can assimilate technology and Mana. Whatever you do, do not step into the capital, Xia. By this point, Hecate is pretty much her body.”

“Oh,” Xia was surprised she wasn’t more upset. Normally, she would be crying in the corner of despair, but now she felt at peace, somehow freed from the strange burden. “That is unfortunate.” Xia then found a more pressing problem. “So, what is Amy cooking for dinner?”

Day 3

The Loser

“I can’t believe this!” Betty threw a tantrum in the throne room. “I worked overtime to send them on their way, and they have a gall to stop midway in another fief for a party!”

On the throne surrounded by golden statues, Spade laughed heartily, “Betty, let the troops be merry! It is just a little break. This is a first mission for most of them.” Spade seized the opportunity to have a verbal stab at his annoying cousin. “Are you perhaps upset that they are cleaning up your failure?”

“First, Xia isn’t a part of my faction!” Betty yelled. “Second, my source said she is still alive. I will only believe she died when I see her corpse.”

“You are getting emotional,” Spade snorted. “I am counting on you to help manage this situation, cousin.”

Betty believed that must be one of the most insincere things Spade ever said.

The massive door to the throne swung wide open, and the hooded Commissioner of the Military Police arrived.

“This is unbecoming of you, princess,” Hunter Westerna reproached Betty with a stern voice. “The dispatch troops didn’t break any regulations.”

Betty bit her lip and left through the door. She knew Spade and Hunter were planning to make her the mean villainess who drove the soldier excessively compared to the all-merciful Spade. She won’t fall for their baiting. It was a fact, to get forward in politics, you must be able to take losses.

This was simply one of those times.

The Victor

In the cave of love, Ciel finally opened up to Xia about his Authority. Instead of throwing a fit, Xia was laughing hard.

“So that is your Authority?” Xia giggled. “A glorified marriage contract that is pretty much useless on its own,” she slammed her fist on the table at the hilarity several times, “and I think I have it bad! You, of all people, with the womanizing power? You? Ciel, you are the last person who can seduce and gather that kind of harem.” Xia wiped the tears of laughter from her eyes. “I am sorry, but you are just too honest to be a harem king.”

Ciel was surprised, “I half-expect you to kill me.”

“Oh, so I am one of the candidates,” Xia took it better than anyone expected. “Normally, I will get mad at you for even daring, but I have to admit Amy cooks every meal, and extra power is a decent deal.” Xia blushed a little. “Plus, after hanging in that hell for so long, I am grateful for being needed.” Xia turned even redder. “I love the fact you come out and admit that to me, instead of trying to lower my guard. Other people may not like it, but I prefer honest people. In fact, I am relieved your power doesn’t require you to be worshiped like the others. Plus…”

Xia made a mischievous face.

“Plus what?” Ciel asked with bad premonitions.

“Nothing,” Xia smiled like ‘nothing’ stimulated her harder than cocaine. “I just dreamt up the perfect revenge plan.”

Ciel changed the subject. The normally straightforward and honest Xia scheming like a supervillain gave him a nightmare, “Can you explain how the Magic and Aura works? I just entered the world last week, and I need a better life expectancy measure.”

Xia whistled, “You want a teacher? Why not? We have nothing but time.” She stretched and gathered her Mana as a demonstration. “Okay, I will try to sum this simply. Aura and Mana are mystical powers tied directly to life. Aura is a fighting spirit, essentially acting as an invisible armor against attack. It can even be used as a force-multiplier. An advanced practitioner of Aura can even read the opponent’s intent and react at a superhuman level.

“Mana is a little more complicated. It is the power of this world divided into five colors: Green, Blue, White, Black and Red. Each color has a different philosophy. Each mage is blessed with a specific color of Mana. Some even have several colors. Mages spend their lives trying to unlock all the secrets of their colors. That is how the Rank of each Magic is devised. The higher the Rank, the greater depth the mage delves into Magic. ”

“You mean higher the Rank, the more power”

Xia made a face, “Not exactly. I probably needed an entire day to explain how the colors and Rank work. These are really high concept stuff.” Xia cracked her knuckles. “Trust me, if I awaken your Aura today, you won’t have the energy to remember all the philosophy lectures. So, let's start with the basics and see whether a Lord has an Aura.”

Turns out Lord like Ciel had Aura, and Xia gleefully awakened Ciel. Ciel himself believed the reason Xia was so enthusiastic was the fact she got to share the joy of being massacred by an invisible sledgehammer.

Still, Ciel had to admit that the soft, heavenly touch of Xia’s palm wasn’t so bad.