Chapter 25 Not Worth pity
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Upon hearing Mr. Fu's words, Gao Dakui could not believe his ears. The Song family was so rich and powerful that they can do everything they want. They spent 600,000 yuan buying a pot of flowers without bargaining at all.

Chen Yu was no longer a bumpkin who had never seen the world. In just a few days, he received six or seven million yuan. He said calmly, "Transfer!"

Mr. Fu transferred the money to Gao Dakui's bank account without any hesitation.

The reason why Mr. Fu had bought the Binglu was that there was a basin in Old Master's house, which was somewhat monotonous. If another basin was added, good things would come in pairs, complementing each other and adding a lot of beauty.

When he received the text message prompt, Gao Dakui looked at the string of zeros on his mobile phone and was dumbfounded. He felt like he was dreaming. After counting several times, he was sure that it was 600,000 yuan.

He had never seen so much money in his life. He held his mobile phone tightly as if it were a treasure and grinned foolishly. He was so happy as he was on cloud nine.

Mr. Fu handed the Binglu to the accompanying servant and strode away. The crowd automatically made way for him and delayed him for less than five minutes.

Mr. Fu got on the luxury car and slowly left. Only then did the onlookers burst into an uproar like boiling water.

"Oh my god, that pot of Binglu is really worth 600,000 yuan. They've made a fortune at once."

"We've finally broadened our horizons today. We even laughed at him for being crazy. It turns out that we're the frogs at the bottom of the well..."

Li Dafu kept sighing. He hated himself for not buying it earlier at a lower price. Even if he had to spend five hundred thousand yuan, he could sell it to Mr. Fu and make a profit. He could also build a relationship with the Song family. Unfortunately, he was not so lucky!

The landlady was even more shocked. She had never dreamed that the succulent plant raised by her father-in-law was worth 600,000 yuan. No wonder he treated it as a treasure.

She finally came to her senses and rushed over, desperately trying to grab Gao Daikui's cell phone. She shouted with red eyes, "That pot of flowers is mine and the money is mine. Give it back to me!"

The huge sum he'd just received for a while, Gao Daikui refused to let it be taken away. He pushed the landlord away forcefully.

Chen Yu sneered and imitated the landlady's tone. "What are you doing? What are you doing? The mobile phone is ours. Are you trying to rob us? Be careful or I'll call the police to arrest you!"

The landlady was so angry that her face turned pale. When she saw the money, she screamed, "I don't care! You must give me 600,000 yuan! Otherwise, I'll never forgive you!"

"When you scammed us out of our hard-earned money, you didn't expect this day to come, did you? At that time, I knew that this succulent plant was worth 600,000 yuan. It was you who was heartless. Don't blame us for being unrighteous! Dakui, let's go!"

After being extorted of money, Chen Yu had been suppressing the anger in his heart for a few days. Today, he was finally able to vent his anger.

Looking at the female landlord's expression, They were happy to get their revenge and make another $600,000.

She stood there in a daze and opened her mouth several times, but no words came out. She was humiliated in front of so many people and felt too ashamed.

Everyone knew that she'd sold succulent plant to Chen Yu for 85 yuan. For a time, people took her as a fool and mocked her.

The landlady couldn't bear it anymore. Her nose twitched and she sat on the ground, crying.

600,000 yuan, that was 600,000 yuan. She couldn't save so much money even after working hard for ten years. Now that it was gone, she wanted to die.

But this kind of person was not worthy of pity at all. She did not pay them the money they earned through hard labor. It could be seen that her character was extremely bad. She deserved it.

When the crowd gone, the landlady was still sitting on the ground. She was heartbroken.

If she had been filial to her father-in-law in the past, he wouldn't have refused to reveal the value of the Binglu to her...

Chen Yu and Gao Dakui, who were full of joy, went straight to a high-end restaurant, had a good meal, and enjoyed themselves.

After he ate and drank to his heart's content, Gao Zi Kui leaned back in his chair while smoking, and he patted his stomach and sighed with emotion. "Oh, the world of the rich is really good. When will I be able to fucking eat feast every single day?"

"Work hard. Sooner or later, you will live the life you want!" Chen Yu said with a smile, "600,000 is all in your card. Hurry up and open a moving company to fulfill your long-time wish."

When Gao Daikui heard this, he instantly refused with a serious expression. "You paid for the Binglu, and you persisted in selling it at a high price. How could I accept this、 money? I'll transfer the money to you later."

Chen Yu grinned and said, "We're bros. I recently made a fortune, so I don't need this money. It's better to give it to you to start a business."

Gao Daikui wasn't someone that was greedy for money. He persisted with his principles and refused to accept, whereas Chen Yu persuaded him repeatedly.

At the end of the discussion, they decided to compromise to each other. Gao Dakui took 300,000 yuan to set up a moving company. Both of them took half of the shares and donated the remaining 300,000 to the orphanage.

The moving company was not complicated, which only needed trucks and a few workers. 300,000 yuan was enough to buy a second-hand truck and try it out for a while.

When they returned to the orphanage, they mentioned to Ms. Deng that they wanted to donate 300,000 yuan.

Ms. Deng was shocked at first. She really couldn't understand. One was collecting scrap, and the other worked as coolies. How could they suddenly have money? She even suspected that they had done something illegal.

The two recounted the causes and effects of the Binglu.

It was not until then that Ms. Deng was relieved. She sighed that the two were so lucky. She did not accept donations, because two days ago, an anonymous kind-hearted person donated a million yuan, which was enough to run the orphanage for a long time.

As for the two of them, they should save up some money to get married in the future.

The anonymous donor was Chen Yu. He didn't tell anyone that he was willing to do something for the orphanage.

Since Ms. Deng insisted on refusing, they did not force her. They whispered to each other and began to donate anonymously.

After this matter was over, Chen Yu and Gao Dakui became coolies again and were driven out by Ms. Deng to buy paint.

Because she had received the donations from someone, Ms. Deng planned to paint the walls of the orphanage, so that the children could live more comfortably.

They immediately agreed and rode Gao Dakui's motorcycle, going to the hardware market under the sun at one or two o'clock in the afternoon.

Gao Dakui was used to living a hard life. Although he looked strong, he was meticulous and calculated when doing business. He used to do comparison shopping that It took him more than an hour to buy all the paint.

When they returned to the orphanage again, it was already four o'clock in the afternoon. From a distance, they saw a group of people surrounding the gate in nice clothes. Ms. Deng was also there, negotiating with them.

The two brothers went forward and learned that these people were from a real estate company, asking the orphanage to be removed. The documents were all issued and they must move out within three days.

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