CH. 1 – ROB robbed me one wish!
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"So… I almost got hit by TWO trucks crashing at each other." I look at ROB (Random Omnipotent Being) if what I had said was correct.

"Yes," said ROB.

"Then I fell into a sewer." I crossed my arm.


"Then… the sewer system exploded?" I raised one of my eyebrows.


"And NONE of these are your fault?"

"Yes. see the news for yourself." ROB created a 65-inch flatscreen TV that's SOMEHOW connected to earth's network. The TV shows the current news, my death.

"… one casualty, the drivers of the trucks are in critical condition, they had been brought to a hospital. The blame fell to the reckless Tosata driver and unmaintained sewers. …" ROB pressed the fast forward button on the remote that he hold. "… Mismanagement and corruption are the cause of the sewer incident. We interviewed experts on their views for the gover—." ROB made the flatscreen TV and remote disappear.

"Blame your luck, the drivers, and your government," said ROB.

I pinched my nose bridge. "So, now what?"

"Well, they'll fire some government offici—"


"Well, heaven, hell, take my job, —"

My eyes open wide. "Wait, what?"

"*cough* I meant, reincarnate."

"Okay…." I squinted at him. "I chose heaven then."

"Really? Not reincarnation? Let's see your list of sins…." A VERY long sheet of paper pops up.


"Minor sins included. They're usually longer." ROB created a golden scale. He scrolled the paper and put it on the left side of the scale. Another sheet of paper pops up. "Your good deeds." He put it on the right.

"Why use a scale?" I questioned.

"Why? I'm not gonna read these long a** paper every time someone arrives."

I gave him a judging look.

The scale started to tilt downwards to the left.

'That means I'm gonna go to hell?'

"You either go to hell or reincarnate. Chose."

"I can still choose?"


"I choose you, Pikhachu!"

«System error 376, resetting.» The dimension glitched back to when ROB answered my last question. (Aka. Sorry :v)

"I choose to reincarnate," I answered. 'Who wants to go to hell?'

"You got four wishes."

"Make it five!"




"Fine, four."


"Didn't you say 'I got four wishes'!?"

"Yes, I said three."

"No, you said FOUR."

"You got three wishes. See? I said three."

"Ugh!" I flail my arms around and give up. "Fine…."

"What do you want?"

I think about it. "First, a multiverse travel ability."

"Granted, but you must finish the main mission on each universe before you can travel to a new universe. A basic system will be given to you as a bonus."

"Second, skill creation."

"Denied, but you can get skills thru special missions."

"Can I get a skill creation skill thru it?"

"No. I banned the skill."

"Oh." Banned? I wonder how many skills he banned…. "Third, Make my skills uncopyable, unstoleable, unremovable, unmodifiable without my permission when I'm in full control of myself."

"Granted, but others could still get the skills thru normal means even though you have them, otherwise some world would break."

"Erm… I'd like to be reborn in Hunter X Hunter."

"My Hero Academia it is!"

"WHA—" my voice cut by ROB's finger snap as everything went black. '—T!?'

And so, the only thing I could hear was, "Push! Push lady! Push!"

I won't be serious writing this book… I'll use «System error 376» to *cough* correct the timeline from my terrible jokes *cough*. Won't overuse the error though. As I said, this book is for fun. This book's chapter length depends on where I want to cut it.