Passage to the sixth Layer
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Carefully, I take step for step forward. Soon, I will leave the Seventh Layer, and enter Territory I have never been to before. My oldest Memories are here, at the edge of the Seventh Layer, at what marks the entrance to it: The white spiralling ring.

I have heard and read lots about it back in the settlement, and even approached it a few times, be it on recon tasks, or just to fulfil my curiosity. Yet, I never would have dreamed to ever pass through it, to ever leave the only space I have ever known.

But, at that time, I also would have never imagined to meet a woman as Lyza, and to have a solid reason to take on a journey upwards.

Finally, I see the ring. It has been almost two weeks since I have taken on the travel, and I have not been particularly slow. It is just that the Seventh Layer is massive, and I have to be cautious while travelling as well.

A large, twirling ring of dazzling white light is rotating in front of me, drawing in glowing matter from seemingly nowhere. It illuminates the whole cavern, which also led to abnormal plant growth. Only the middle of it is pitch-black, so much so that it is impossible to discern anything on the other side.

I decide to take a final break in known territory. Despite offering a excellent food source, primordial beasts seem to avoid this place if possible, even to the point where I have seen a herbivore accepting its fate of being mangled by a Spitgobbler instead of fleeing into this area. I have heard vague explanations about that from other Recon- and Science Units, but they also said that for us, this place is relatively safe.

I sit down on a rock covered with blooming moss, after spreading my equipment on the damp meadow grass covering the ground. It is very quiet, and I enjoy that for a while. From time to time, something falls out of the black space in the middle of the ring, and duds on the ground. In the few minutes I sit here, I see three pebbles, a wooden log, two unidentifiable bones and an egg-shaped relic, presumably a sunstone. It has something soothing, just the right for my worked nerves.

Still, this wont get me any further. I go over everything spread out in front of me, a last time to make sure I got everything, and also to make this moment last for a little longer.

Most importantly, the White Whistle.

The Letters for her Daughter.

The Blaze Reap.

I pick every Item up as I go over it in thought, inspect it, and put it back down.

A blue stone necklace, a keepsake that I have for as long as I can think.

While inspecting the necklace, I notice my hands and fingers shaking. I try to stop that, but can't. When I set off, I didn't think leaving home would affect me like this.

I inhale, and exhale deeply. The rest of my equipment consists of a few rations, some utility relics, and the small backpack I use to store everything in.

Except from that, I only have my helmet, my charge cover, and my ringed cape.

In another situation, I would have prepared for what is coming way longer, to ensure my safe travel. This time, however, I can not afford to loose overly much time.

I pack all of my stuff back into the backpack, strap Blaze Reap to its side, shoulder the pack itself, and get up.

"Here goes nothing...."

I position myself right under the middle of the circle, and raise my arm upwards. Then, I fire my hand into the air, it flies for a few seconds, passes the black mist, giving my chills in the process, and continues to fly, until it finally hits something I can grab hold of.

I close my eyes, and pull in my arm.