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Exo Drazz had always been a timid child.

While he had become a bit more open to communication in his high school years, he could still get a hunch about the people he wasn’t supposed to talk to.

One such person was Ulura Nightsong.

She was a year older and had already become known as the Queen of Sunbird when the techno-genius enrolled in the deviant-only academy in Deckstoru.

His hunch had been spot-on once again because the tall young woman with long straight black hair, a fringe combed to the sides, skin darker than Seiren’s but lighter than Exo’s and poison-green eyes had proven over and over that she was the most powerful, most beautiful and most ruthless/evil one among all the students.

Hence everyone who valued their lives and had half a brain knew to steer clear of both her and all the students in her class.

The people from Exo’s class were the most reckless, insane or downright stupid people he had met, however, so they engaged in small confrontations with Ulura’s class on multiple occasions.

Never had there been a clash as big and destructive as the one on the day a girl named Yuki Iceflame joined the techno-genius’ class.

The white-haired beauty had become too enthusiastic due to her first ever experience of the mass fights that typically broke out in the canteen during the lunch break, knocking Ulura’s food tray on the floor by mistake, Nightsong’s dreadful gaze having pierced the baby doll as she said:

‘-You just ruined my lunch. So I guess I’ll have to settle with feasting on your pain.’

(Yuki) ‘-Oh, I’m terribly sorry about your lunch. I got caught up in the fights and didn’t see you. I’ll get you a new lunch right away. If your uniform got stains on it anywhere, I’ll pay for it. And anything else I can do to make up for …’ (Ulura grabbed her by the throat and lifted her from the floor)

(Ulura) ‘-Are you deaf as well as dumb? You’ll pay for what you did with pain!’

(Yuki) ‘-I think that’s going too far …’

Ulura created a blast of thin green laser beams from the hand she was holding Yuki by the throat with, those lasers cutting the walls, ceiling and floor of the canteen in several places, the students who were within the range of the attack managing to respond fast enough by creating shields with their devas to block it.

Yuki herself was thrown back a couple of meters and crushed in the floor with more cuts on her uniform and skin, by that time the boys from her class having gathered behind her with angry expressions, Hikaru helping Iceflame up, Exo being the last to join the boys’ group.

He wasn’t able to fight but he could at least protect his classmates from Ulura’s wrath. If there was anyone who could make him stand up for something, it was the hot heads from his class. And in spite of having just joined them, Yuki was one of those hot heads as well now.

The girls from the class also gathered around the baby doll while Nightsong’s classmates gathered around her, Drazz looking around and realizing all the fights in the canteen had come to a stop and everyone’s attention had been focused on the two classes.

(Hikaru) ‘-It was an accident, Nightsong. Give it a rest.’

(Ulura) ‘-You her babysitter, Summerbolt? Care to take her punishment? Your valiant stunts won’t work with me, though. It’s her pain I long to see.’

(Seiren) ‘-Bitch, if pain’s what you want …’

Yuki looked at her classmates and then stepped forward, looking serious now.

(Yuki) ‘-You want to fight me for what happened?’

(Ulura) ‘-A fight is an overstatement, but you can call it that if you want.’

(Yuki) ‘-I’m fine with that so long as you don’t hurt anyone from my class.’

(Tokura) ‘-Yuki, you don’t have to do this! We can handle this …’ (King pulled him back, Tokura looking at the giant)

(King) ‘-It’s her choice, Tora. You know everyone’s got to prove their worth in Sunbird.’

(Vega) ‘-They don’t have to prove it by going up against Ulura, though!’

(Yuki) ‘-Just let me deal with this, OK? It’s my fault, anyway, so I’ll take responsibility. Don’t jump in without even knowing how the fight’s going to turn out.’

(Ulura) ‘-Let’s go to the inner yard, then. Best place to fight without holding back.’

By the time all the students in the school had got to the rectangular grass-covered area of Sunbird’s inner yard with oak trees that had circular benches built around them in its four corners and one bigger and one smaller oak in the centre with the biggest bench of all the five in the area around them, Ulura had a mocking smile on her face.

She stepped closer to Yuki who had also stepped forward but with a serious expression, the rest of the students having formed something like a circle with a large diameter around the opponents.

(Yuki) ‘-Are there going to be any rules to this fight?’

(Ulura) ‘-The fight will end when I decide I’ve made you suffer enough.’

(Yuki) ‘-That’s simple enough.’

Cracks appeared on the ground around the baby doll’s feat as she jumped up over ten meters, enveloping her fists in ice and getting ready to hit the ever-so-confident black-haired beauty with them, many green lasers starting to swirl around Ulura’s body and shooting at her opponent in a number of fast long-range high-precision attacks while Yuki was still in the air.

The newest member of Exo’s class immediately enveloped her entire body in ice, managing to dodge a few of the lasers before being fully armored by the ice, landing back on the ground but having changed her trajectory a bit because of Nightsong’s attack.

Many more lasers were sent to Yuki, but these were in the shape of concentrated bullet-like shapes, the white-haired beauty realizing with shock that her ice armor couldn’t fully stop them, her shock providing an opening for Sunbird’s queen to teleport right in front of her through a single green laser beam.

Right after coming out of that laser beam, Ulura split her body in a number of lasers that cut and pierced her opponent’s ice armor with high speed, leading to its total destruction soon enough, the attack having reached Iceflame as well.

Her school uniform was also cut to pieces and she fell to her knees, left only in her lingerie and with a number of cuts on her skin, Nightsong returning to her normal form behind Exo’s classmate and grabbing her head before she could fall on the ground.

(Ulura) ‘-The smaller the shape used for an attack, the more concentrated amount of the deva it will carry. That’s why laser bullets can get through your armor better than laser beams. You don’t even know that and agreed to face me? (Ulura now channeled tens of green lasers from her arm to the palm of her hand so she could run them through Yuki’s head) Maybe I went overboard right from the start. Oh, well. I guess my feast won’t last as long as I thought.’

A crack of thunder echoed through the inner yard as Hikaru appeared in front of Ulura, having grabbed Yuki’s shoulder to pull her away from the attack, Seiren coming out of a burst of bright red fireworks behind Nightsong and grabbing the wrist of the hand she was planning to use to further hurt the duo’s friend.

(Hikaru) ‘-The fight’s over. You won.’

(Seiren) ‘-Now let her go and end this so everyone can go back to class.’

Ulura’s irises turned to a brighter hue of green as her rage was unleashed upon the rivals with a 360-degree barrage of laser beams and bullets, each one enveloping himself in his deva to defend against that attack.

(Ulura) ‘-My victory against her was assured from the start, you insects! I didn’t come here just to defeat her but to enjoy her pain!! And since I haven’t had enough of that, I might as well make you two suffer some as well!!!’

A chill was felt in the air as a hand grabbed Seiren’s hand that was holding Ulura by the wrist, starting to cover his skin in ice, turning out it was Yuki who had done that, Blackscale looking at her dead serious face now.

(Yuki) ‘-Step back. I’ve got this.’

Seeing Iceflame’s response, Hikaru and Seiren both smiled.

(Hikaru) ‘-I was just thinking you went down too easy.’

(Seiren) ‘-If you don’t want us to step in again, kick this bitch’s ass, girl.’

The rivals teleported back to their classmates while Yuki got back on her feet, Ulura looking rather irritated now.

(Ulura) ‘-I didn’t hold back with that last attack. You shouldn’t be able to move freely.’

A decisive smile appeared on the baby doll’s face then as she took her battle stance and started covering her body in ice again.

(Yuki) ‘-I’m not your ordinary deviant.’

(Ulura) ‘-Your ice armor again? That’s not going to work against me.’

(Yuki) ‘-If you’re so sure, go ahead and finish me already.’

The black-haired beauty smiled mockingly again as she puffed out her cheeks, sending an ever greater barrage of laser beams and bullets than the one she had unleashed against Hikaru and Seiren from her mouth but this time focusing the

roar-type attack on Iceflame rather than going for a 360-degree range.

Ice walls formed around Exo’s classmate as the beams and bullets reached her, icy spikes coming in rows from the ground between her and Nightsong, eventually reaching Sunbird’s queen.

She was fast enough to send pillars of wide laser beams through the ground around her to destroy the spikes, as one of those spikes broke into pieces, Yuki coming out of it and landing a solid hit on Ulura’s face.

(Yuki) ‘-I didn’t have much of an incentive to fight you before but after you attacked Hikaru and Seiren, things got personal! You should’ve walked away after the first round, Nightsong!!’