Chapter Ten: Not All Secrets Are for Sharing
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The rest of the journey to the hidden mansion was uneventful, save for the whispered insults that were intentionally just loud enough not to be missed by Akio. 


Every step forward pulled at the stitches in her back, and for most of the venture was full of stumbling over herself. The loss of Akio’s eye had greatly offset her balance. It would take time to adjust to being without it. 


Hawke walked beside her, placing a hand around her waist for extra support. 


Originally Akio had refused his offer for help. But after the fifth tumble, she stifled her pride and accepted it. Now that they were hidden away from everything, maybe she would have the chance to fully recover. 


The tunnel opened into a large cave, small streams of twilight shone in through natural stone cracks, prompting the growth of the green house garden beneath it. There were other less natural lights within that kept the planets warm in the night, dim enough not to be noticeable, while bright enough to prove useful. 


A waterfall ran into a small river that took up a large portion of the cave. The gentle pale green waters rippled beneath the stone bridge the group crossed over no more than five at a time. 


Akio took a bit of extra time to lean over the side and admire the beauty of the shining scales from the water's occupants. The various types of creatures sparkled like jewels in the dimly lit cavern. 


Someone bumped into her, almost sending her over the side. “Keep moving, weapon.”


“Screw off, Chester,” Hawke growled, shoving him back. 


With a roll of her eye, Akio crossed over the bridge, stepping onto the blue grassy ground. Brightly colored varieties of flowers and trees filled the space, most glowing with self produced light. It was like traipsing through an orchard that was decorated for a celebration. 


A sweet scent filled the air around them, similar to what Akio had inhaled with the mask on her face. Perhaps several of these plants were medicinal. Later on, she’d have to come sit in this peaceful place, if the vigilantes allowed her to. 


It was nice how when she inhaled that scent the pain of her injuries was minimized.


After continuing to drag herself with Hawke’s aid through the trees and flowers, Akio and the vigilantes emerged on the other side where a grey and marble mansion sat naturally in the cave. The details within it made it seem as if it were a delicately carved statue. The spirals, lines, and protruding shapes that resembled various different species were crafted with skill. 


“Beautiful, isn’t it?” Hawke asked, breaking Akio from her trance. 


His arm still rested on her lower back, which put him in an awkward bent down position on her right. It was rather comical how Hawke had to carry himself in order to help her. The height difference was amusing.


Akio nodded. “That probably cost more than I’ve made in my lifetime to build.”


Adjusting his ash brown ponytail, Hawke looked over the mansion. “Not really. If you catch the sales on what you need, import, and use the natural resources of the cave, it’s only about thirty Drexi’s.” He released his hold on Akio and puffed his muscular chest out with pride. “Me, Bolivar, and Haim built it together. It took a few turns but, it’s gorgeous, isn’t it?”


Unintentionally Akio’s mouth fell open. “Really? Ho-- It’s amazing!” 

Three. Only three worked on that? Starshit, that must’ve been a lot of manual labor. 


Hawke’s face tinged pink at the compliment, while hosting a sheepish smile, which looked oddly adorable.“Thanks! I did the majority of the detailed work of the species. It’s always been a hobby of mine.” 


“You could make a lot of money from something like that, why haven’t you tried to become an architect?” Akio questioned as the two of them hung back from the rest of the group. 


The smile on Hawke’s face disappeared. “I’m a monkek, architect careers are reserved for merchants or higher. Besides, with my status as a human in sector 5 no one would ever hire me even if it was something I qualified for.” 


There were limits to careers based on social status? Akio hadn’t heard much about that in the briefing. Unfortunately, there were a lot of things she didn’t know about the sector. The briefing only covered what was necessary for her to know in order to carry out her assignment.


Akio frowned. “That’s stupid. I heard that the sector was specist, but I didn’t think it was to that extreme.” 


Why did Hawke refer to himself as a human when he was a Harken? Maybe the others didn’t know or they hid it for his sake. Waiting a few counts until the others were out of earshot, Akio couldn’t keep herself from asking. “Why do you keep lying about what you are? I saw your wings.”


Hawke’s head snapped sharply to the side, his entire body going rigid. “What?” 


Looking around again, Akio leaned in, keeping her voice low. “When the secret force beat you, your clothes tore and I saw your wings. I know you’re a Harken. Why are you hiding it?”


“I-it’s complicated,” Hawke stuttered, reaching up to rub the back of his neck. “Just don’t tell anyone else about this, okay? The only ones who know are Haim and Indra, I haven’t told anyone else.”


Akio nodded. “Your secret is safe with me.”


Was Hawke a newer member? Or perhaps not everyone in this group was equally deserving of trust. 


Exhaling, Hawke looked away. “Thanks, Akio. Someday, we’ll talk about why. But as of the moment, you’re a stranger, and I don’t feel comfortable spilling my secrets to you.” 


“I understand, I don’t expect you to,” Akio stated with a reassuring smile. “We should probably catch up with the others.” 


Without sparing a moment Hawke wrapped his arm around her lower back again, and they started toward the large entrance. The rest of the walk was in complete silence, leaving Akio to wonder what sort of a secret was so great that the majority of the people Hawke knew were kept from being aware of it. 


Akio couldn’t help but be curious about his origins. Anyone that harbored a secret carrying the amount of fear swimming in his golden eyes had the type of past that brought forth doom. How long would it be before whatever he was running from caught up with him? 


All secrets came to light in a matter of time, whether it be through words, or the destruction they wrought on those kept in the dark. 


….. ……. …… …….. …….


After being shown to her room, and given some pain medication, Akio collapsed into the wonderfully soft bed, allowing her eye to drift closed. The combination of the events of the day and the drugs brought out an exhaustion she was unable to fight. 


Just as soon as she fell under, she shot upright, clutching at her abdomen. Sweat dripped down the side of Akio’s face and her heaving chest. It was just a dream. He couldn’t hurt her. 


“But I’m innocent, Six, why would you try to hurt me?” 


The sweet mocking words trilled in her ear. The words uttered repeatedly as the claws ripped through her flesh. It had been awhile since any sort of images from Saso had bled into her nightmares. The scalpel through her back had felt so similar, it must have brought it back to the forefront. 


Shaking it away, Akio grabbed a glass of water from the nightstand, lifting it to her lips with a trembling hand. 


Jacque is not here. He can’t hurt me. Not anymore. Not ever again. 


Scuffled movement made Akio jolt, the glass dropping from her hand and rolling on the floor. She threw off the covers, grabbed her knife, and crouched behind the bed in a defensive position. 


“Hey, hey, it’s okay, Akio. It’s just me,” the figure said emerging from the darkness of the corner. “I’m so sorry for frightening you.”


Akio’s brow shot up and she lowered her knife. An involuntary shiver spread to her body from her bare feet on the cold stone floor, freeing her from the last of the remnants of the dream in her hazy mind. “You staking out the corner of my room without consent is not okay. What are you doing here?”


Hawke grimaced at the sharpness of her tone. “I’m so sorry, it wasn’t really an optional thing. Indra needed a break and I was the only one willing to watch you.”


The small space of the room seemed to shrink at those words. Hawke’s position in the far corner was only a few strides away from the bed she stood behind. Would this group allow no privacy just as the commanders had?


Scoffing, Akio crossed her arm. “Watch over me? I don’t need a caretaker.” 


“It’s not like that.” Fidgeting with his long black coat sleeve, Hawke stood silently for a moment. “You have a week-long period where you are supposed to be watched, it’s a policy for all new members to ensure the safety of others. There’s been more than one attempt to infiltrate the group, but that’s usually spotted and dealt with in the first two days. They were all very sloppy.” 


“Ah, that makes sense.” Akio nodded at the acceptable answer. Though part of her wondered if Hawke had volunteered for the position in place of someone else. . . he seemed oddly eager to be around her. “You sure there isn’t anything more to it than that? I’m sure others would have been capable of watching over me.”


Looking up into his eyes, Akio intended to get a read on him. Did his presence here have to do with his secret?


“You’re still recovering, why aren’t you resting, Hawke?” Akio asked pointedly. 


Hawke’s large golden brown eyes looked up at her, wafting uncertainty, confusion, and fear. “Th-there’s something I want to tell you, but, I can’t just yet. Though part of me fully believes I can trust you.” He swallowed, fiddling with his shirt sleeve again. “Can I ask you something about your past life?” 


Lowering herself into the basic hardback chair by her bedside, Akio nodded. It was annoying how doing so little could feel like so much. Recovery without a healing capsule was going to be long and irritating. “What do you want to know?”


Hawke moved back to the dark corner, sitting down in a similar style chair across from her. “Did you ever work with the Commander? The lead dude?”


Straightening her spine, Akio grimaced when her oi’ek pulsed a pale blue, thrashing about in fear. Just the mention of the leader made her feel sick. Even before the day he tested her, the Commander had gripped her hearts with unavoidable terror. “Yes. For a short time.”


Leaning forward in the chair, Hawke placed his elbows on his knees. “Did he ever mention anything about spending time in sector five?” 


Akio cocked her head to the side. “No. The Commander never shared anything outside of the task at hand. Why?” 


Hawke let out a long breath. “That’s not all that helpful. I was worried you knew.”


What was it Hawke was hiding? How did it relate to the Commander? 


Akio narrowed her eye. “Knew what?” 


“That I’m his son.”