Chapter 14: The Date
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Zenez POV" 

After a few days of rest, Zenez felt a lot better

The first thing he did was call Sora 

She picked up within seconds 

Zenez: Hey 

Sora: Hey

Zenez: are you free

Sora: uh yeah

Zenez: awesome I probably should've planned something but I'm sure we could figure something out

Sora: I was thinking that we could go to an amusement park

Zenez: yeah that could work give me an hour and I'll be there 

Sora: yeah take your time 

Sora quickly walked to Kyras room 

Sora: alright what's the plan

Kyra: alright take him on a few rides after that go on a haunted ride and cling to him 

Sora: but I don't like scary things

Kyra: I know that's why your gonna go on it with him

Sora: ok what else 

Kyra: have dinner with him it doesn't have to be anything fancy but try to make him like you even more

Sora: anything else?

Kyra: assuming you spend the whole day together get somewhere high and as the sun sets go in for a kiss and BOOM that's it 

Sora: but what If I mess sometimes up?

Kyra: Sora you can't think like that, either way, you need to go get ready 

Sora: right thank you by the way

Kyra: don't even worry about it and one more thing 

Sora: what?

Kyra: try to hold his hand 

Sora: Right 

"Zenez POV"

Zenez quickly took a shower, brushed his teeth, changed into a buttoned shirt and pair of jeans, put on his shoes and headed out 

His heart rate was increasing the closer he got 

He idn't know why but he was getting nervous 

Zenez was tapping his finger against the steering wheel when he finally entered her neighborhood 

Huge houses at least 3 stories lined up one after the other 

Zenez: I wish I could live like this

He said to himself 

Zenez couldn't because he had to lay low and look like an average family 

He kept driving until he finally saw Sora outside with who he assumed to be her Dad and sister

Sora was wearing a purple sundress with a white skirt that almost went to her knees 

Zenez: shit she's taking this seriously isn't she

"Sora POV" 

Dad: Is that him?

Sora: yeah 

Kyra: don't worry you got this 

Zenez pulled up the driveway parked and got out of the car 

Dad: that's him?

Sora: dad cmon

Dad: what? He looks so... average why would you fall for him?

Sora: dad stop it already I don't want him hearing you say this 

Zenez walked up and said 

Zenez: are you ready to head out?

Sora: Yeah, let's go

Dad: Zenez can I talk to you before you two head out?

Zenez: of course 

Dad: come inside for a second 

Sora: dad what are you gonna say to him?

Dad: nothing bad don't worry

After they walked inside Kyra said

Kyra: she's gonna scold him 

Sora: I know I don't know why he always does this 

Kyra: he's just being protective 

"Zenez POV" 

When they walked in Soras dad grabbed Zenez by his shirt collar and said 

Dad: all right now listen up when I say this if Sora comes back hurt, sad, or says anything negative about the date your life is over kid you got that? 

Brushing off the vague threat Zenez responded with 

Zenez: of course 

Just so he didn't piss off this man child any more than he somehow already did

Dad: good, and I seriously mean this kid, if you hurt my daughter you're dead, I have contacts 

Out of annoyance Zenez muttered

Zenez: asshole 

Under his breath

Dad: what'd you just say to me?

Zenez: nothing 

Dad: that's what I thought now go out there and make my daughter happy 

Zenez walked out and Sora immediately asked

Sora: he didn't say anything did he? Oh God he threatened you didn't he Zenez I'm so sorry

Zenez: threaten me? No, we had a nice conversation about how he's happy to meet me are you ready to go now?

Sora: yeah 

They walked to the car and Zenez opened the door for her 

After she got in Zenez went to his side and also got in 

As he was pulling out of the driveway Soras dad gave him a look as if to say

"Good choice of words"

Zenez: smug bastard

Zenez whispered under his breath

Sora: did you say something?

Zenez: hm? No 

As Zenez was driving Sora asked

Sora: be honest did he say something in there?

Zenez: Sora he didn't say anything I promise 

Sora: for the last 2 guys he threatened their careers and lives 

Zenez: then he must've changed

Sora looked at Zenez suspiciously 

Zenez thought she knew he was lying and that what he said just didn't affect him

As they pulled up to the amusement park Sora asked

Sora: you're fine with rides right? I probably should've asked earlier 

Zenez: yeah they're fine 

What he didn't tell her earlier is that he HATES rides ESPECIALLY roller coasters 

Sora: great I was worried you didn't like them 

Zenez: Uhm can I ask you what your favorite type of ride is?

Sora: Rollercoasters


Zenez screamed in his head

They got out of the car and Sora immediately chose the biggest scariest Rollercoaster in the whole park

And to his horror there was a very small line only about 10 people

Sora: cmon let's go before the line gets bigger

Zenez: r-r-right 

When they got strapped in Zenez could feel his heart pounding faster than ever 

Sora asked him

Sora: Hey are you feeling alright? you look a little pale

Zenez: huh? Me? Yeah, I'm fine I just haven't been on one of these since I was a little- 

Right before he finished the sentence the roller coaster blasted forward really fast

Zenez felt like he was about to pass out or puke maybe even both

He looked over at Sora and she was smiling having a great time she had her arms off the Lap bar meanwhile Zenez white-knuckling it 

It finally slowed down and Zenez took massive breaths to clear his anxiety 

As they were going up the hill for the final drop Sora said 

Sora: Hey are you sure your alright? you don't look like your having fun at all 

Zenez: I'm... perfectly... fine 

He said through massive breaths 

As they were about to drop Sora said 

Sora: Then why are you panting?

He looked over to her with a surprised and horrified expression and said

Zenez: Because I Fucking. Hate. 

They dropped as Zenez was finishing his sentence and Zenez screamed as they were zooming down the hill


When they got off Zenez was dry heaving into a trashcan as Sora was rubbing his back

Sora: if you hate Rollercoasters so much why do you go on it? I wasn't gonna get mad if you didn't wanna go on it 

Zenez: I did it for you 

Sora smiled, hugged him then said

Sora: well I'm glad you did it

Zenez: Uhm... right, did you wanna go on another

Sora: you're still willing to do more?

Zenez: as many as I need to

Sora: but what if I make you go on the biggest fastest one in the entire park

Zenez: then I guess I'll have to go on it 

Sora: you're the best

She hugged him again then grabbed his hand and dragged him to the next ride 

And the next, and the next, and the next 

"Sora POV"

now it's time to get him in that haunted stuff 

She said to herself

Sora: Hey Zenez?

Zenez: yeah?

Sora: let's go on that ride next 

Zenez: murder house huh? I didn't think you liked scary stuff 

Sora: whatever you say, cmon let's go 

Zenez: I'm right behind you 

"Zenez POV"

As they entered the nonexistent line Zenez could see Sora getting nervous 

It was very obvious she didn't like scary stuff so Zenez said

Zenez: you don't have to force yourself to do anything, if you don't wanna go on this that's fine 

Sora: I want to 

Zenez: alright 

He didn't push it any further 

After they got strapped into the ride the attendant told them the average speal 

Attendant: keep your hands and feet in the ride at all times 

When the ride started the roles reversed from the roller coaster

Sora was white-knuckling the Lap bar 

Zenez: relax a bit you'll end up hurting yourself 

Sora: right 

A loud voice gave a cliché explanation about how a man murdered his family with a hatchet then hung himself

Sora was not having any fun at all 

Zenez didn't know what to do so he just sat there

Zenez: this is so boring 

Sora: uh y-yeah your right you know maybe we should call the attendant over to let us out 

Zenez: well hold on a second I'd at least like to see how it ends 

He figured it'd be cute to see her reactions to the upcoming pop out jumpscares

As he thought that one of the actors popped out and grabbed Soras shoulder 


Sora: AHHHH 

Sora immediately latched onto Zenez and buried her head into his side 

Zenez: Sora relax he's just an actor

Sora stayed silent 

She must hate scary stuff

After the ride ended Zenez said

Zenez: Sora the rides did you can let go now

She slowly got off Zenez and exited the ride 

Zenez: cmon let's get something to eat 

Sora: right

They decided to get a burger 

Sora sat down at a random table 

After getting the food Zenez brought it back and they ate. While they were eating Sora said 

Sora: sorry about that 

Zenez: don't worry about it horror isn't for everyone 

After that they went on more rides till the sun was about to go down 

Sora: we should go on the Ferris wheel unless you're too scared to get too high up

She said in a teasing voice 

Zenez: oh please as if I'm gonna be scared of heights 

Sora: you were afraid of the Rollercoaster

Zenez: that's different 

Sora: whatever you say 

It didn't take long for them to get to the top of the Ferris wheel 

Sora: it's beautiful 

Zenez: yeah... it is... listen Sora I've made a lot of decisions, some I'm proud of some I'm not and this is probably the best decision I've ever made.

Sora: what do you mean?

Zenez: today I felt human for once. I haven't had my guard up since that first Rollercoaster. That's not normal for me. I normally live my life being wary of a possible attack so thank you for today, genuinely.

Sora: right 

After that, they came back down and Zenez drove her home 

After he dropped her off they said their goodbyes and Zenez drove home

On the way home Zenez couldn't help but smile to himself

It was his first genuine smile since he was a little kid

He couldn't help but think about a small cut on her arm though

"Sora POV" 


Sora: it wasn't the right time

Kyra: Sora it was the perfect time

Sora: well... he seemed to have a good time 

Kyra: well at least there's that I guess, you should've just gone for that, what if he uses the confidence from the date to go after other girls 

Sora: you think he'd do that?

Kyra: if he likes you no but if he doesn't then most definitely, you should've just tried it out 

Sora: your right, I messed up 

Kyra: there'll be other chances don't worry 

"Raz POV" 

He entered the hospital using Kogu's portal button 

Raz: is everyone here ready to die?

A Hunter got up from one of the seats and he raised his fists 

Aku: try it, you bastard 

End of chapter 14