Chapter 20: The Rumble
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As they were following Seiji they saw a man 

Zenez: HEY

The man turned around 

Aku: don't you fuckin move

Magi: WAIT, he's clearly a Hunter 

The man took off his mask and said

Xav: my names Xavier and I'm a hunter relax 

Xav was a black male around 6'0 tall he had dreads and looked to be my age 

Zenez: what happened to your team? I'm gonna assume Pierson or another CO (Commanding Officer) sent you 

Xav: we were underprepared with only pistols and no information besides killing a guy named Nagaki 

Zenez: when Pierson sends you on a mission you come prepared but I'm sorry what happened to your team

Xav: oh I don't give a shit. They were criminals who were promised lowered sentences Pierson knew they'd die and I'd survive 

Zenez: guess it's not that bad

Sora: that's inhumane they were still humans

Xav: one was a child predator who killed children the 2nd one murdered an entire family and the 3rd threw a pregnant lady off a building 

Sora: nevermind they deserved it 

Seiji: can we keep moving?

Zenez: uh, yeah right, Xav you might aswell join us

Xav: gladly

After the group followed Seiji they saw a door labeled "Nagaki"

They walked through and there he was

Nagaki: I guess you've caught me

Everyone raised their weapons to him 

Seiji: this ends here Nagaki

Zenez: why would you say that?

Nagaki: no it doesn't 

Nagaki opens a hatch on his desk leading to a button 

Outside of the office on the ground along all sides of the building mines explode causing the building to fall underground 

Zenez: SHIT 




After the building landed underground it was just rubble 

Zenez slowly awoke

Zenez: s-s...sora?

He quickly shot up 


Sora: zenez

Zenez looked behind 

Behind a wall blocked by rubble througj a small crack Sora was there with Xav and Seiji 

Zenez: are you alright Sora?

Sora: yeah I'm fine, Xav pulled me back before I got crushed

Zenez: good where are the others?

Seiji: we don't know, let's hope they're ok 

A crackle came over Zenez's radio 

Ku: Hey are you guys ok? 

Zenez: who are you with and where are you

Ku: I'm with Ko were alright 

Zenez: good where are you 2?

Ku: not sure there's a pathway through this mineshaft though I think it's our only way out

Zenez: be careful 

Ku: yeah we will you be careful also where are the others?

Zenez: Sora, Xav and Seiji are on the other side of this rubble and they're ok 

Ku: and Aku and Magi?

Aku: right here

Zenez looked behind and saw Aku and Magi climbing out of the rubble

Zenez: with me 

Ku: then it seems like we're all ok

Zenez: looks like it, how are you guys on weapons? 

Ku: Ko has a shotgun and I still have my Pistol 

Zenez: good just continue through the mineshaft and find a way out 

Ku: got it 

Zenez: we'll meet back at Shinjuku Granbell Hotel 

Ku: right we'll meet you there

Zenez: good I'll see you then Ku

Ku: c...ya... la-

Zenez: shit the radio died

Magi: what do you guys see over there?

Xav: were in some typa sewer with 2 paths

Zenez: might aswell go through them

Sora: what do you guys see?

Zenez: a dark cave 

Xav: alright, we'll meet at the hotel, how are you guys on guns?

Zenez: I'm fine

Aku: I'll be fine without one Zenez can vouch for me

Magi: I have my Pistol still 

Zenez: how are you guys?

Xav: I have my AR

Seiji: i have my sword Sōtura 

Sora: I lost my gun on the fall 

Zenez: good luck and be safe 

Xav: will do 

Zenez: Sora 

Sora looked at Zenez

Zenez: take my gun

Sora: you'll need it more though

Zenez: I wouldn't be a Hunter if I didn't keep a spare

Sora: alright 

Sora took the gun 

Zenez: please just stay with Xav and Seiji 

Sora: don't worry I'll be fine 

Zenez: good I'll see you at the hotel

The groups went down their seperate paths 

"Ku POV" 

Ku & Ko went down the mineshaft 

they heard a Demonic scream and looked at eachother 

Ko: what the hell was that?

Ku: I don't know 

They slowly walked through the abandoned dirty rusted mineshaft and saw it

Ku: what the fuck is that thing 

End of chapter 20