Chapter 30: Saving Sora
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They all crouched down on top of a building 

Seiji: first things first who's going where and with who 

Zenez: I don't care who's coming with me

Aku: I'll come with you 

Magi: me too

Aku: no it's too dangerous 

Magi: I can handle myself you know

Zenez: relax she'll be fine

Seiji: I'll take Ku and Ko because that worked out last time 

Ko: I can't tell if your being serious or if your joking 

Seiji glared at him and Ko looked away 

Xav: guess I'll go with Bruno 

Bruno: yeah 

He said with a negative tone 

Seiji: I'll take Ko and Ku to check out the shops back rooms and surrounding houses 

Xav: me and Bruno will search the other houses 

Zenez: I'm checking out his kingdom 

Aku: WE are checking out the kingdom 

Zenez: right 

"Bruno POV"

They started checking the houses at the end of the village first 

Bruno: just so you know I'm not racist or anything 

Xav: mhm

Bruno: my best friend is black 

Xav: yup

Bruno: I just wanted you to know tha-

Xav: Stop while your ahead cuz you sound like someone who's trying to act like they aren't racist  

Bruno: sorry 

"Sora POV" 

A lion put her in the poop deck on a ship stationed at the docks and took her tape off

Sora: I'm gonna make you regret this

Lion guard: I'm sure you will 

He said sarcastically 

"Seiji POV"

The 3 entered a blacksmith workshop and headed towards the basement 

Seiji slowly opened the door 

Seiji: it's clear, we can go in

He whispered 

They entered the room and Ko switched on the light 

They saw a big somewhat chunky old Lion with a scruffy big beard 

Seiji pointed his sword at him and said 

Seiji: don't move an inch 

The Lion kept sawing away at a sword 

Seiji: hello?

Seiji said confused 

Ko: I think he's deaf 

Seiji: huh... I think your right 

Ku smashed a sledgehammer against the ground to get his attention 

The Lion kept sawing away at the blade 

Seiji: I guess he's deaf

The Lion turned around 

Seiji: shit

The Lions pupils were white 

Ko: blind too I guess 

Seiji: as long as we stay out of his way we're fine 

They heard muffled screaming coming from a closet 

Ku approached the closet and saw a Huntress when he opened it

Ku: woah what the hell

She had short blond hair blue eyes and red cheeks she was about 5'6 and had an average build 

He took the tape off her mouth and she said 

Huntress: how fucking long was it gonna take you dipshits to hear me 

Ku: uh... how long were you yelling? 

Huntress: since you opened the door you fucking idiots 

Ko: our bad 

Seiji: what are you doing here anyways?

Huntress: My neighbor was making a lot of noise so I came over to see if she was ok. Her door was wide open so I walked in to see if she alright. Then I saw a blue portal looking thing and I stepped into it. Next thing I know I got knocked out and woke up here 

Ku and Ko came to a realization 

Ku: uh is your neighbors name Sora? 

Huntress: yeah why?

Ku and Ko's faces went pale 

Ko: uh... no reason 

Ku and Ko had flashbacks to when they first met Zenez and Sora 

Huntress: whatever can you get these goddamn ropes off my arms and legs?

Ku: right, my bad 

He untied her and she got up 

Seiji: what's your name?

Aika: my names Aika Eiko

Seiji: your names Aika Eiko?

Aika: we'll mr. Name rater what's your name?

Seiji: Seiji Ukuyima

Aika: yeah I guess that is a better name. What about you 2?

Ku: my names Ku and this is my younger brother Ko

Aika: why are you guys even here? 

Ku: we're saving Sora 

Aika: how'd she get kidnapped?

Ku: I'm not sure I wasn't filled in that much

"Kogu POV" 

Kogu called Raz

Raz picked up immediately 

Raz: what is it?

Kogu: I'd like you and Senrok here right now I have a very important hostage here and I could use all the help I can get

Raz: we'll be right over, Cmon Senrok

"Sora POV"

Sora tried tugging at the ropes around her wrists to no avail 

Sora: damnit 

"Kogu POV"

Kogu entered the lab to see his Inventor

Kogu: how's It coming?

Elvin: perfectly, just a few more months and he'll be golde-


The scientist Lion stumbled backwards in fear 

Elvin: W-Well these things take time Master

Kogu: Oku will be ready within a week and your telling me it'll take more time than that?

Elvin: I... Y-Yes... something horrible could happen. I don't know how well Cybernex will respond to comman-

Kogu slammed his fist against a table

Kogu: something horrible will happen to you if it's not ready within the month 

He said as he exited the room

"Zenez POV"

After climbing up the rafters and entering through the roof Zenez killed 4 lions 

He looked up at Aku and Magi and said 

Zenez: cmon 

Zenez kicked down a door and brutally beat another Lion to death with his bare hands 

Aku: Zenez rela-

Zenez: don't FUCKING tell me to relax Aku Sora could be hurt 

Aku put his hand on Zenez's shoulder and said 

Aku: I understand your anger but if you want Sora to be alive I suggest we be more sneaky 

Zenez: fine 

Room after room kill after kill and Sora was still nowhere to be seen

Zenez: FUCK

Zenez yelled as he punched a wall 

Magi: she's gonna be ok don't worry 

Zenez didn't respond 

Magi: why don't we all just sit down for a second and take a break

Zenez: whatever 

Zenez sat down and there was a long pause 

Zenez: I can't lose her, I just can't 

Aku: I understand how you feel but screaming and swearing isn't gonna help get her back 

Zenez: where could she even be? 

Aku: I don't know, I mean this village isn't that big so she's gotta be here somewhere 

"Xav POV"

Bruno: we've checked countless houses and still nothing 

Xav: Zenez is gonna be so pissed 

Bruno: maybe he won't be, I mean I can't imagine a hunter could care for someone that much 

Xav: oh you'd be surprised. He's killed so many people and abnormals just to protect her 

Bruno: shit 

"Sora POV"

As Sora was still struggling to get the ropes off her wrist Kogu walked in

Kogu: so we meet again Sora

Sora stayed silent 

Kogu: hmm. Just so you know Your little boyfriend won't be able to save you this time. I have dozens of guards on patrol including the one that beat up Zenez a few days ago

Sora: I'm gonna get out of here regardless whether Zenez helps me or not

Kogu: I can respect confidence Sora. Anyways I'll be leaving now, enjoy your new home

"Zenez POV" 

Aku: I just don't know where she could be

Magi: maybe in another village?

Aku: nah this one is too heavily guarded 

Magi: it could be a trick to waste our time

Aku: maybe 

Zenez came to a realization 

Zenez: we haven't checked the docks 

Aku: but didn't y'all blow that up last time?

Zenez: it would make even more sense for them to hide her there 

Aku: we might as well check

They raced to the docks and saw at least 20 guards patrolling and guarding the door

Zenez: she's definitely in there cmon 

Aku: woah woah woah there's a lot of them if we go in guns blazing she could be killed

Zenez: then we'll take them out cmon

"Seiji POV"

As Aika, Ku and Ko were talking Seiji noticed that the Lion was feeling the crack in the floor after Ku broke it with a sledgehammer 

Seiji: shit

Lion: who is in here

The room went silent 

The Lion picked up a sledge hammer and started swinging it 

Seiji narrowly dodged a hit 

Seiji: cmon let's move 

They quickly ran out and the Lion followed close behind 

Ku: how the fuck does he know where we are 


They continued running up to the top 

When they got to the top about 30 Lion guards saw them

Ku: oh shit

"Zenez POV" 

After killing the guards and hiding the bodies they entered the ship

When they entered the ship they saw Sora strangling a Lion guard 

She snapped it's neck 

Zenez: Sora 

Sora: you came 

They hugged each other 

Zenez: I was worried about you

Sora: if I hadn't killed them they would've killed me

Zenez: I don't give a shit I'm just glad your safe 

"Xav POV"

They heard an alarm go off

Xav: oh fuck me

They looked out the window to see Seiji, Ku, Ko and a huntress running from about 30 Lions and a huge Lion with a Hammer

Xav: Jesus Christ 

They hopped down to join them

Xav: what the hell did you do

Seiji: we got caught now let's find the others

"Zenez POV"

Zenez: shit what now 

They ran out and saw the others running 

Zenez: Jesus Christ

They joined them and started running 

Zenez: I think we can run up that hill 

Seiji: no harm in trying 

They ran towards the steep hill and quickly climbed up 

They slid down the other side still being chased 

Ku: why did we have to do this at the daytime 

Zenez: that doesn't matter 

The hill was ending and they were about to fly into a waterfall down below 

Zenez: fuck

Xav threw Zenez a teleporter

Xav: I found a teleporter at one of the houses we were in 

Zenez: great find 

He clicked the button and they realized they had to jump off into it 

Oska joined the chase 

Zenez: fuck ok on my mark jump. 

He counted down from 3 

Zenez: 3. 2. 1. JUMP

They all jumped off with Oska close behind 

Right as Oska was about to grab Sora's leg Bruno turned around and shot in Oska's direction causing Oska to have to pull back a little bit 

The group zoomed through the portal and landed In the middle of an intersection

As the portal Closed Oska was so close to making it in the portal but he just missed it causing him to dive into the water below 

Kogu slid down right to the edge and yelled

Kogu: did you get any of them?

Oska shook his head 


End of chapter 30