Chapter 44: Deaths
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"Yuri POV"

Vlad was dead on the ground

His body was riddled with bullets 

Macov held Yuri up by the collar of his hoodie 


Yuri spit some blood out of his mouth 

Yuri: I'm taking you with me Macov

Macov: what the fuck are you talking about?

Yuri: may god rest our souls and may you burn in hell Macov 

Yuri pulled out a C4 detonator and clicked the button 

Macov: oh no 

C4 exploded the entire building within seconds 

"Sora POV"

They were chasing the Van in a truck 

Seiji: get me close, I'll jump on

Sora: right 

Sora pressed the gas pedal as hard as she could and got right up next to the van 

Seiji jumped on and tried to cut into it but the metal was too strong 


A building next to them started to collapse 

Seiji jumped back on top of the truck and Sora pressed the breaks 

The collapsed right on top of the van 

The back half of the van was completely crushed 

Argus: fuck fuck fuck, DON'T LET THEM INTO THE REACTOR ROOM 

Argus ran into a smaller building and ran down the steps 

Before the Lions could react the group lit them up

Sora: cmon, let's follow him

"Zenez POV"

They were all silent as they walked until Zenez said

Zenez: How did it happen

Zenez said in a defeated tone

Pierson: It happened when Bruno was thrown against me 

Zenez: right 

Pierson: I'm sorry Zenez

Zenez: we... we'll figure something out... we always do

Pierson just continued walking and didn't say anything

They continued walking until They saw Senrok

Zenez pulled out his pistol and began firing 

Senrok ran at him and tried to cut him but Pierson through him 

Causing him to cut right into Bruno's chest 

Senrok drove the blade deeper until he was pullled off and thrown by Aku 

Zenez and Pierson tried to shoot Senrok but he was too fast and he got away 

Zenez crouched down beside Bruno and Bruno looked up at him 

Zenez sighed and said 

Zenez: Jesus Christ 

Bruno: I...I...

Zenez: don't try to talk 

Bruno: I should... sleep this off... 

Zenez: yeah... just take a nap 

Bruno closed his eyes and passed away 

Zenez: shit

Aku: that kid had a family 

Zenez: yeah

Pierson: you need a second?

Zenez: no... I'm fine, let's just continue walking

The group continued

"Kogu POV"

Kogu: I was hoping Oku would put us next to them 

Raz: do you know where they are?

Kogu: no but I know this place very well. Put that stupid Mutt down also. It couldn't even kill a small puppy

The dog looked up at Raz 

Raz crushed the dogs head with a hammer 

Lok: do you know where they could be? 

Kogu: this place is very big, they could be anywhere 

"Sora POV" 

Sora: so this is where he ran into 

Seiji: no point in wasting time

They entered the building and walked down the stairs 

The stairs kept creaking until they broke 

Sora: SHIT 


They slid down a slide of some sort until they landed in a room with black walls

Seiji: let's keep going, Argus can't be far 

Seiji slowly creaked open the door 

When he opened the door there was path they could go down 

A room with a lot of light to their green vines covering the walls 

Xav: this is trippy

Sora: me, Seiji, Ku and Ko will go in Magi, Xav and Aika you stay here and make sure no one follows us in

Aika: good I didn't wanna be anywhere near you 

Sora balled her hands into a fist

Sora: how about you stop fucking complaining for 5 seconds 

Aika: at least I wasn't a total bitch 2 years ago

Sora: at least I fucking changed 

Aika: I'll kick your ass right here in front of everyone 



Both of them backed up

Magi: Sora I've tried my hardest not to get angry but you two are constantly at each other's necks all the time. What even are you two always complaining 

Sora: she always does this. As soon as I talk to a guy she always takes them from me. And this time it's Zenez. 

Aika: only because you were a bitch to me 



The room went silent 

Magi: this is going nowhere. I only see one way of doing this 

Sora: and what's that?

Magi: everyone besides you and Aika will head in

Sora & Aika: WHAT?

Magi: maybe while you two are in there you'll learn something 

Sora and Aika both looked at each other 

Aika: you first 

Sora: whatever 

"Zenez POV"

They continued walking through various entries until they heard Kogu's voice 

Unji gave a low growl 

Zenez peeked around the corner to see Kogu, Raz and Lok talking 

Kogu: if we do not find them soon they will find a way to kill Oku

Zenez whispered 

Zenez: we gotta get passed them 

Aku: I'll get them to follow me and you two can run passed and plant the C4 

Pierson: if I plant them before you get out your going to die, there's no question about that

Aku: I'm not gonna die Pierson. I told Magi I'm gonna get back to her and I meant that 

Pierson: alright, just be careful

Aku: I'll be fine 

Aku ran out and yelled 


Kogu: let's kill him 

Kogu, Raz and Lok ran after Aku and he ran out in the opposite direction 

Zenez, Pierson and Unji crouched down as to not get seen 

After they were gone Zenez, Pierson and Unji got up and walked in 

After a few more minutes of walking they saw a huge opening leading to the ground at least 250 feet down 

Zenez: there's just a hole in this freaks neck?

Pierson: good news, these walls are thick enough to plant the C4 

Zenez looked down at the ground and Pierson joined him 

Zenez: alright, plant the C4 and we'll jump and you can shoot it on the way down 

Pierson looked down at the ground and frowned 

Zenez: don't do this shit right now 

Pierson handed him a blade 

Pierson: there's a button on the left side of the handle. When you click it the blade it will shoot out and attach to a building below 

Zenez: dad...

Pierson: please just go

Zenez: I'm not jumping and you can't make me 

Pierson looked at Zenez for a second 

Pierson grabbed Zenez and threw him out of Oku 

As Zenez was falling he yelled

Zenez: DAD 

Pierson walked towards the explosives and cried 

Unji followed close behind him

Pierson: *sniffle* what are you doing?

Unji sat down right next to Pierson 

Pierson: loyal to the end I guess

He pulled out his phone and looked through photos of the rare good times he had with his son

After that he looked at pictures of him and his wife 

Her white hair, beautiful smile and rosy cheeks sent a happy nostalgic feeling through his body 

He aimed his gun at the explosives and pulled the trigger 

End of chapter 44