Chapter 006
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After getting up, I walked over to find her out cold but still breathing. The smell coming from the area was worse than the north end of a cow going south!

The small girl was covered in the stinking green bug guts. I was surprised that it almost matched her hair, but the girl was fine.

I was about to turn away again when the voice of unreason piped up again.

'What do you think you are doing?' Gripton exclaimed in my head.

I had been turning around to leave because she was out cold but still very much alive. It might not be the most honorable thing to do, but I didn't want to get roped into this world's shenanigans quite yet.

'The fuck you want me to do with her? She's not dead and covered in gross ass bugs guts that stink bad enough to knock a dog off a shit wagon!' I declared in my mind.

'You have to carry her.' Gripton told me in a voice that didn't make it sound like an option.

'To where? The local 7-11? Maybe Chuckie Cheese? She is knocked the fuck out. She isn't gonna tell us!' I railed, but something told me that I wasn't going to win this one.

'Pick her up, and I will guide you,' Gripton said in a tired voice.

'You're awfully fucking bossy. I thought I was the hero, and you're the sidekick?' I demanded.

'The way that you are acting right now is far from heroic. I question if I made the right choice picking you! Now, pick her up!' Gripton growled.

Sure, maybe I wasn't a hero then. I always got roped into something that I wanted no part of in the past.

This didn't really feel much different.

Still, as much as I wanted to leave, I couldn't actually leave this girl defenseless. I was just getting tired of everyone forcing me to do what they wanted.

This was supposed to be a new life. That's what I had thought, but it was starting to shape up much like my last.

I always ran from one task to the next. Yet, it always made other people's lives better, leaving me with nothing.

'I am not going to force you to do anything, but I will also not sit by ideally while you make stupid choices! I brought you to this world so you could help it, not go on a vacation!' Gripton said in my mind as I walked over to the girl.

Well, looks like this world was going to be more of the same as my last. It wasn't like I had it horrible, but was it some much to ask for a little bit of a break?

The girl had started to moan and move as I got closer. Now that I could look closer, I could see scratches and cuts from garbage that got knocked up in the blast.

I groaned, but I had to admit, the moans this tomboy gremlin was making were kind of hot. Suddenly, the girl was starting to look more and more like a woman.

'Oh, now you're gonna help her? At least I know one way to make you listen in the future now! Ha!' Gripton laughed in my mind, making me roll my eyes.

'Don't judge me, pervert teacher. Do you want me to help her or not?' I asked in my mind.

The last thing I needed was for this person to think that I was talking to voices in my head. I did not want to try and explain that.

There was also the fact that I didn't want to mention that I wasn't from here. Even though what I was wearing was clearly different from the girl, I could just play it off as being from a distant land.

'I'll say not, just so that I can watch you squirm, hehe,' Gripton chuckled, irritating me.

The girls' moans were getting louder, and I was having trouble concentrating. Did I just hear Garry say no?

'Did you just say no?' I asked.

'Yes, and yes. You don't have to think of a question, and then metally ask it! I am in your head; all of your thoughts are displayed for me to see! AND MY NAME IS GRIPTON!' Gripton growled but then finished in a roar, making me want to hit something.

'Weren't you just the one forcing me to save her! Now you say I can just leave?!' I retorted.

'I suggested that you do it,' Gripton said, changing his tone to calm and casual.

I got a mental image of what I assumed was him sitting in a chair, examining his nails. This guy was starting to get real old, fast.

'So now I just leave her moaning in pain? After all of the hero crap you spouted?!' I demanded.

'Yup,' Gripton answered.

"Grrr!" I growled but then turned my attention back to the girl.

She was starting to move now, so I walked up to her slowly. I was staying on guard because I did make it look like I was going to leave her, so she might become violent.

"OwO, It hurts. Are you there, stranger?" the girl said as she tried to wipe the goop from her face that was covering her eyes.

"Yeah, Yeah, I'm coming to help," I groaned as I took my sweater off, revealing my white t-shirt.

The shirt said:

I'm not always a dick.

Just kidding, go fuck yourself!

I was kind of hoping that I would have a different shirt. I wouldn't wear this to a girl's parents' house for the first meeting.

I think it should probably go the same for new races as well. It was too late now, but maybe I could think of something.

I walked over to her and squatted down, pushing my hoodie into her hands. I also looked to see if I could do anything to help her.

Nope. Just a bunch of scratches. She just needed to shake it off and possibly have a bath.