The Security Guard
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Freddy waves at Gregory.

Freddy:"Way to go superstar! I knew you could do it. I know how to get you out of here. Climb back into my chest cavity. There is still time, but we must hurry. If I am spotted, I will certainly be taken back to my room. I will escort you to the main exit through the utility tunnels. It is the safest path."

Gregory:"Ok. But you better be careful moving around. I don't want to be crushed and twisted into a meat pretzel."

Freddy's stomach hatch opens and Gregory climbs inside and the hatch closes.

Freddy leaves the room and heads over to the red maintenance doors. 

Lolbit's glitchy laugher can be heard in the distance.

Freddy walks down the stairs and comes to a locked fence. There is a staff bot sweeping the floor on the other side. Then Freddy keeps moving down the stairs.

Vanessa:"Hello? Little Boy? If you're down here, say something!"

Gregory:"She's down here! We have to go back."

Freddy:"Do not worry Gregory. Even if we are spotted, you are safe with me. She would never suspect we are traveling together. However, we should still do our best to avoid her. If I am sent back to my room, we will never get to the Lobby before midnight."

Freddy keeps going down the stairs and after a few flights of stairs they make it to the bottom and they keep walking and come to a door and it slides up. Freddy walks through.

Freddy:"I feel you are broken."

Gregory:"Don't worry about it. I'm fine."

Freddy:"No, I feel that something is wrong. I am taking you to the first aid station."

Gregory:"There's no time! I'm fine!"

Freddy runs down a hall and takes a few turns and he arrives at the first aid station. Then Freddy's stomach hatch opens and Gregory gets out.

Gregory sighs and walks over to the first aid station and hides behind the curtains. Gregory looks out from behind the curtains and sees Vanessa walk over to Freddy.

Vanessa:"Freddy! You're supposed to be on lockdown."

Freddy:"Officer Vanessa, I do not know how I got here."

Vanessa:"Well, you and Lolbit totally blew tonight, you know. Both your systems crashed and you two ruined the show. Now, Parts and Service have you on reduced power. They said it's a safety precaution. Just one more thing to deal with..."

Freddy:"I apologize. Is Lolbit, Okay?"

Vanessa:"They're glitching pretty bad. Parts and Service don't know if they can fix Lolbit. So they might have to decommission and replace them."

Freddy:"Oh, no. I hope they can fix Lolbit."

Vanessa:"I hope so, too. But, look we're like 15 minutes from closing and some kids is sneaking around backstage. If you see anything, notify me immediately. I already alerted the others. Now, go back to your room."

Vanessa walks away and after a few seconds Gregory comes out from behind the curtains.

Gregory:"I told you she was after me."

Freddy:"I said nothing. I will keep you safe. Let us go."

Freddy opens his stomach hatch and Gregory climbs inside.



487 words