Please Stand By
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Watch Me


(During FNAF UCN)

William is looking around the office confused.

William:"Where am I?"

He looks down to his hands and notices that he's human again.

William:"What the hell?"

Suddenly he hears laughter. He looks around then suddenly Lolbit appears at the front of the desk. Their eyes are black and White.


Lolbit laughs.

Lolbit:"Welcome to the show! The show of your death!"


Lolbit:"'The one you should not have killed' helped us build this place!"

Lolbit's faceplates open and they power down. Billy and Lilly appear above Lolbit.

Billy/Lilly:"And you're never leaving!"

William:"Billy? Lilly?"

The twins laugh and they go back into Lolbit and Lolbit's faceplates shut and they power back on.

Lolbit:"We'll enjoy seeing you die over and over and over again."

Music starts play and Lolbit laughs and they disappear. William picks up a tablet and he taps on it and camera's open up. He sees animatronics.


Lolbit giggles.

William sees three monitors on the office table and they have static on them.

Lolbit:"I think it's kinda funny how you sit there so helpless
Watching you from behind a screen
Would love to broadcast all your suffering

William dies by the puppet. A few seconds later a comes back to life.

You really think you're gonna survive

Lolbit's face appears on two of the monitors and William types LOL on his tablet and the faces disappear. Then he gets jumpscared by Foxy.

Lolbit:"No no you're not gonna make it

Then William gets jumpscared by funtime Foxy.

Lolbit:"Did you come for a 
Fun time
Your time"

William dies by nightmare Freddy and he revives and sees Lolbit leaning against the wall.

In the spotlight!
But before we start the show
Please stand by

Lolbit walks to William

Lolbit:"Stand by
Stand by
Stand by
Stand By

Lolbit slams their hands on the desk.


Lolbit kills William.

Then he revives and Lolbit walks away laughing.

Lolbit:"Ha, ha, ha!
Enough with the jokes
I think it's time we've had some real

Lolbit snaps their fingers and the office changes into one like from Fazbear Fright.

Lolbit:"Oh I can't wait
To play this game
Going live in 

The night begins and William tries to survive.

Lolbit:"You know you wanted to end up here
In the first place
Are you having fun yet
I can see the fear on your face

Lolbit's face appears on the monitors.

Lolbit:"From time to time I will pop up in your mind
Testing all your reflexes
Can you type it in time

William types LOL and Lolbit's faces disappear. 

Lolbit:"It's just three little letters
But it means a lot to me.
Would you Lol a bit with me

Lolbit face appears on the monitors and William doesn't notice.

Lolbit:"I'm a simple thing
But I am easy to miss
And I'm also full of tricks

All three Lolbit faces appear and Lolbit jumpscares William and they laugh.


Lolbit walks away and William revives. 

Lolbit:"It's time to begin

No you're not
Gonna win

William gets killed by Nightmare BB.

Lolbit:"Gonna win

Lolbit giggles.

William wins a few times but the nights immediately reset. Lolbit snaps their fingers and the office changes back to the original.

Lolbit:"Customize your perfect nightmare
I'll be there waiting.

Lolbit's face appears on the monitors and they start to sing.

Lolbit:"No I'm not like all the others
But I am still....

William types LOL and the Lolbit faces disappear. 

Lolbit:"I'm still

Three lolbit faces appear on the monitors.

Lolbit:"Please stand by."

Lolbit jumpscares William. Lolbit laughs and leaves. Lolbit then watches William die over and Over again.

Lolbit:"Watch as the lights fade out
It's over
The fun is over~
It's time for you to go~

Lolbit kills William again.

Lolbit:"How I'll miss you so~
Oh won't you lol a bit with me...

Three Lolbit heads appear on the monitors and Lolbit appears to jumpscare William but they notice he's gone. Lolbit looks around and they can't find William. 

Lolbit starts to twitch violently and they scream.

The other animatronics appear in the office. 

Golden Freddy appears and puts a hand on Lolbit's shoulder and Lolbit gets mad and hits Golden Freddy's hand and they yell at him. 

Lolbit says a few words then they Pushes Golden Freddy and Lolbit disappears. 



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