Part 3: Chapter 4
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There’s a certain level of bullshit that Lei Yirui can handle on any given day, and she thinks she’s reached her limit. Like, okay, maybe it’s definitely 100% her fault this time, but you can’t blame her for getting angry! Anyone else would be angry, too!!


Fortunately, she isn’t just haphazardly discarded back into her room for punching the emperor. She shoves her broken hand in the faces of the guards dragging her away, whining and complaining and pouting at them until they start dragging her off into another direction. 


She can suddenly hear the chattering from the room, and when she turns her head to look over her shoulder, Wang Wei is rushing over towards them, only catching up because the guards had been forced to slow down when Lei Yirui practically wrenched herself around to look at him.


“Are you even supposed to follow me??” she asks, even as she’s shoved forward and stumbles a bit. She stomps on one of the guards feet, and huffs at the glare she receives. You can’t prove that was on purpose, sir! Don’t look at her like that!

“Well, uh, I asked! They just shooed me off since the, uh, the emperor was all bloody!! I think you broke part of his face!” he exclaims, looking uneasy and excited at the same time. He’s using the hand not holding his cane to gesture wildly, and Lei Yirui rolls her eyes, turning to look straight. She holds her hand up to look at it, her face twisting up in distaste. It’s barely swollen yet, but she can see where her knuckle was displaced. Gross!! Gross! Definitely gross!! She’s been hurt more in these past few days than she would have liked to be!


The room that Lei Yirui is taken to contains a very worried woman who is apparently qualified to deal with her broken knuckle. Lei Yirui watches doubtfully as she rubs some sort of balm that she calls a potion across the area, and has to shove her non-broken hand into her mouth and bite down so she doesn’t scream. She kicks her legs around like a child getting a shot the whole time. 


In the end, it isn’t that bad. Her hand is wrapped in bandages and straightened out by some straight sticks of bamboo that are tied very tightly around the offending limb. Lei Yirui insists on removing her sash and tying it around herself like a sling, and when she settles her hand carefully inside of it, she wiggles her free, non-broken fingers at Wang Wei. 


“I’m all fixed.” she says, and he gives her a worried little frown.


“Stop moving your hand like that.” the woman says, fussing briefly over Lei Yirui before giving the guards the go-ahead to take her away.


And that is when Lei Yirui is sent back to her room. Wang Wei is taken elsewhere, though he protests to the guards like a whiny little kid. It doesn’t work at all, but Lei Yirui is very amused when she catches him giving the guards a death glare as he follows along behind them. 


Lei Yirui is locked in the room this time, and she can’t be assed to try and take off all of these layers and let her hair down when her hand hurts so bad. All she manages to do is clean off her face with the oil and cloth placed neatly on the vanity. Lei Yirui lays down on the bed, wiggles until she’s comfortable with the square pillow and sighs. 


Okay. Daily thinking time— initiate! 


Lei Yirui isn’t nearly as angry as she was earlier. She thinks she achieved a sort of catharsis through punching Tang Xiaodan in his annoying face, so she’s beginning to understand how people get into fists fights all the time. She didn’t exactly win, but she thinks that both she and Tang Xiaodan are so weak that the impact sort of just bounced back and forth between them like pinball. 


Well… good enough for her! That’s probably the only kind of victory she’ll manage without summoning Jia Zhenzhen to fight for her like a Persona, honestly. Mediocrity is acceptable!!


So… what exactly was going on in the plot right now? There was absolutely not an arc in the original run of Limitless where anybody was kidnapped to the Shen Tan Kingdom, so Lei Yirui isn’t really sure how things are going to play out at this point. She supposes she can just guess based on how she knows the characters act, but that’s not as certain… (Ah, maybe she should also stop referring to them as characters in her mind too. That’s probably a little rude, right??)


At this point in the story, soldiers were being conscripted to fight. As Jia Zhenzhen would’ve been included in this, Zheng Xiaosi created a plan to have her revealed as a woman so that she would be exempt and could stay at his side!! Though it’s not like Lei Yirui thought that was likely with how things have played out. Those two were more likely to have a breakdance battle in the courtyard than to do anything out of genuine care for eachother. 


The image makes Lei Yirui laugh, and she coughs into her hand. Get back on track, girl!!


She can see Lei Shunyuan attempting to come and save her like a fairytale knight, but Lei Shunyuan had tried to do that when someone had first tried to kill her and had his rich boy ass beat. She definitely doesn’t want him to get fucked up any more than he already has, and he really doesn’t need anything else to happen to him for Zheng Xiaosi to make fun of him for. 


Ren Wenqian and Meng Ai? Out of the question. Ren Wenqian is probably complaining and crying about Lei Yirui’s well being, but she’s too spoiled and rich to ever do anything about it. Meng Ai probably has the balls to do it, but they’re definitely not close enough for her to be compelled to do anything beyond passively worrying about a friend. 


Zheng Xiaosi? Haha. Next. 


Jia Zhenzhen? 


Ah… well, Lei Yirui is sort of sure she’s going to come and get her. She’s probably already on her way, too! Jia Zhenzhen is definitely a woman of action, and Lei Yirui has accidentally deprived her of all 2 (two!) of her close relationships that she gained throughout the series, so Lei Yirui is pretty confident in calling herself Jia Zhenzhen’s most important person. Er, with plot relevance. Her brother exists, but he barely shows up other than a few scenes!! It doesn’t matter how driven she is by him, his presence isn’t that important! 


“Please haul some ass and save me a little faster, Zhenzhen,” Lei Yirui mumbles to herself. And then, just because she’s by herself and getting a little sleepy, smiles a mischievous little grin to herself. “And come kiss my hand better, while you’re at it.” 


With that, Lei Yirui stretches a bit, before eventually falling asleep.


Lei Yirui blinks awake to see Wang Wei leaning over her. 


“Oh my god!” she screeches, alarmed, before rocketing her foot outwards. There’s a grunt, a crash, and the clattering of wood against wood. Lei Yirui sits up straight, disoriented, and stares at a very upset looking Wang Wei crawling on the floor to grab his cane before standing up. 


“Oh,” Lei Yirui says. “Oh! I’m so sorry!! Why were you standing there??” she asks, and Wang Wei rubs awkwardly at his shoulder. 

“They told me to, er, to wake you up, because you wouldn’t wake up when they banged on the doors. I thought touching you would be rude. I was, uh, saying your name, you know? I was looking to see if you died in your sleep or something, uh… cause you weren’t responding…” he says, fingers tracing the carvings on his cane again. 


Lei Yirui believes that, unfortunately, and slinks out of bed like a worm before flicking him in the middle of the forehead. 


“This is your own fault,” she says, and walks over to the vanity.. “Oh, ew.” she says, eyeing her tangled hair. Maybe she shouldn’t have slept with all of those hair ornaments in. Some of them are definitely lost in that bird's nest. And her dress definitely needs a good ironing. Surely someone’s fashioned up some kind of steamer?? That’s not too absurd, is it? 


“Why did they send you to wake me up?” she asks Wang Wei, just as the door opens. She whips her head over, relaxing when she sees it’s the maids that got her ready yesterday, carrying a new dress. This one is dark red— honestly, she liked yesterday's dark outfit because of the novelty, but every day?? 


Jia Zhenzhen, get me out of here faster, please. 


“Emperor Tang wants to speak to you. He, er, asked for you as soon as possible.” Wang Wei answers, hunching in on himself as he watches the maids start fussing over Lei Yirui and the hot mess that is her hair at the moment. 


“Again?? Talk talk talk, that’s all that man does! Why not go lead his kingdom, hm?? He worked so hard to become emperor, after all.” Lei Yirui says. 


“I think you’ve spoken more than he has.” Wang Wei says, and the maids yelp as Lei Yirui grabs a ceramic pot off of the vanity and throws it at Wang Wei, who ducks out of the way just enough for it to go thumping uselessly off of her pillows and onto the bed. 


“Oh, shut up. And why are you standing? Sit down, kid!” she says, and she hears Wang Wei mutter his thanks as he settles himself onto the edge of the bed. 


Lei Yirui is dressed very carefully considering her hand, and her hair is eventually dealt with. She definitely looks just as dramatic as she did yesterday. Shen Tan fashion is really only comparable to club fashion in her brain. No way people here dress like this, right?? Even the rich ones?? Is this just Tang Xiaodan’s imperially imposed dress code? 


Lei Yirui is brought into the reception hall after that, despite her demands for breakfast. Wang Wei follows behind her, and she seriously wonders what the hell his position here is. How did this clueless child end up working here? 


When Lei Yirui sees Tang Xiaodan, she snickers a bit. His nose has clearly been set back into place, but it certainly looks like it’s been broken. He doesn’t seem particularly bothered by this, lounging on his throne like a lazy cat and drumming his fingers on the armrest. 


“How is your hand?” he asks, with all the pride of someone who had grabbed her fist in their hand and broken it themselves instead of getting punched like a loser. 


“How is your kingdom? Still at war?” she asks, and plainly ignores the fact that her own kingdom is in the exact same state. Tang Xiaodan rolls his eyes, rolling his shoulders and exhaling pleasantly. One of his hands rises to gently brush his fingers across his nose. He winces, slightly, but the grimace of his mouth twists into a grin. 


Freak.” Wang Wei mumbles behind her, before gasping to himself like he’s shocked he said it. Lei Yirui agrees, don’t worry!


“You became awfully defensive yesterday evening.” Tang Xiaodan says, extending a hand. A servant hurries over to offer him a cup that he sips while still holding eye contact with Lei Yirui, like an asshole. 


“I’m not having this conversation with you. For the third time.” Lei Yirui says, crossing her arms across her chest. Her face twists as Tang Xiaodan rises from his throne, stalking over in Lei Yirui’s direction. Who saunters like that? Is that just how he walks?? What is he, a vampire? 


“What conversation will you have, then?” Tang Xiaodan asks, arching a brow as he walks around Lei Yirui to look over her. Lei Yirui cringes. She definitely feels like he’s expecting a certain answer, and Lei Yirui really doesn’t want to give him the satisfaction of answering in a way that will make him smile, which seems to be the common thing with just about everything she’s said to him.


“Nice weather we’re having.” Lei Yirui says instead of anything that might make sense, locking eyes with him as he passes in front of her. He comes to a stop, slowing down to give her a curious look. But he isn’t smiling, so that’s pretty much a win in her book. 


“You haven’t been outside yet, today,” he says. “It’s raining.” he adds, and now he’s smiling. Lei Yirui’s eye twitches, and he definitely notices. 


“Okay,” Lei Yirui says, as if that was something she already knew. “The rain can be nice. It… smells good. And it’s nice when you’re sitting inside and you can hear it beating against the window. You know?” she says. 


“I don’t engage in such trivial acts.” he says, looking over Lei Yirui like he’s trying to solve one of those 1000 piece puzzle sets that her mother likes to put together and hang on the wall like an old lady. 


“Oh, right. Your hobbies are, like, treason and playing Clue by yourself, aren’t they?” she asks. Tang Xiaodan is finally beginning to show the slightest bit of agitation, his jaw flexing for just a moment. 


“...Clue?” he inquires slowly, right before a sudden decent amount of commotion begins outside. Lei Yirui whips around, and there’s a moment of silence where nobody seems to know what to do, before one of the guards begins yelling and half of them begin to file outside, and the other half begin to usher Tang Xiaodan, Lei Yirui, and Wang Wei back towards the back of the hall. 


Lei Yirui nearly falls over like an idiot, hiking up her dress so she doesn’t trip over it, and not protesting when Wang Wei switches from using his cane to holding onto her arm for support, since the thing was likely getting kicked around at the moment anyways.


Tang Xiaodan moves away from them, grabbing a guard by the scruff of the neck like a dog and dragging him off to one of the side exits of the hall, snapping orders at him. Lei Yirui is still watching them head off in confusion when Wang Wei suddenly slips his smaller hand into hers and tugs. Lei Yirui shoots him a confused glance, but a sudden jerk of his head, she hunches down slightly and follows obligingly. 


The two of them essentially jog to the other side of the hall to disappear into a hallway, and Lei Yirui wonders if this is the most exercise she’ll get this month. It probably is. She does a whole lot of sitting down and doing nothing these days. 


“Do you know where you’re going?” she asks. 


“Not at all, auntie!” Wang Wei responds somewhat chipperly, and Lei Yirui feels like she just got hit by a semi-truck.


“Auntie? Auntie??” she hisses, and Wang Wei gives her an awkward little smile. 


“Er, sorry. This 3 year old will be sure to reconsider the way he addresses his elders.” he says, averting his gaze but not dropping his stupid grin.


… Lei Yirui is going to run up to the highest point of this palace, and then she’s going to throw Wang Wei out of the window like he deserves.



The two of them eventually get out of the main building, and Lei Yirui is sort of disappointed to see that the main issue appears to be that one of the other buildings has caught on fire. 


It’s a little underwhelming to her, honestly. Doesn’t this damn place have about 50 buildings?? You definitely have some to spare!! No need to lose your heads over it everyone, seriously!!


Wang Wei is muttering about “defenses” and “how could anyone get in,” but Lei Yirui kind of wishes that someone had chosen to orchestrate a coup d'etat on this fine Sunday morning. She sort of just wants to see an actual battle play out— listen!! She likes battles, especially well-choreographed ones! Limitless tended to have those!!


Wang Wei and Lei Yirui have effectively chosen to sit on a knee-height stone wall beside one of the smaller buildings and bordering the steps down from the main palace. The guards aren’t really in this area anymore, surprisingly, and according to Wang Wei are likely to have moved to the actual gates of the palace to ensure no one new is getting in or out. Apparently, this is arson. Still, not that cool.


Lei Yirui is absentmindedly swinging her feet and staring at the black smoke rising from the fire when a pair of white leather boots land on the wall beside her. 


“Oh fuck!” she yelps, properly startled as she falls sideways onto Wang Wei, who releases his own alarmed little yelp. 


“That was easier than I had presumed. I expected you to be somewhere secure, but—” fucking Jia Zhenzhen says as she steps off of the wall, before she turns on her foot to face Lei Yirui properly and notices Wang Wei. Her perspective from, what, the fucking roof of the building?? Well, Lei Yirui’s minor height advantage on Wang Wei must’ve blocked her from seeing him properly at first. 


“Zhenzhen??” Wang Wei squeals.


Yuxing?” Jia Zhenzhen asks, and her tone is like a mother who just came home to find her son doing something he wasn’t supposed to. 




Yuxing?? Like, Jia Yuxing? Lei Yirui whips her head around to try and spot anyone who matches the description of Jia Yuxing from the actual drama, but… nope!! Just fucking Wang Wei— and, god, why not? Of course this is happening!! Why doesn’t he look anything like his original actor?? He also doesn’t look anything like Jia Zhenzhen!!


Well, maybe a little. Looking between them now, she can finally place where she’d seen his nose and eyes before.


“I knew Wang Wei wasn’t actually your name.” she says to— to Jia Yuxing. Listen, this is sort of unbelievable!! This definitely didn’t happen in Limitless, so she has no clue why he’s at this palace, of all places!! He didn’t leave their hometown for the entirety of the series! 


“Wang W— ? That is awful.” Jia Zhenzhen says. 


“I, er, I thought it was inconspicuous.” Jia Yuxing says, averting his gaze. Jia Zhenzhen scoffs, before she reaches up a hand to pat his head kindly, before she drags him up by his hair and pulls him into a hug. She shoves his face into her shoulder, and Jia Yuxing begins complaining loudly, though the effect is a little ruined by the way his voice is muffled by the strong leather of Jia Zhenzhen’s honestly very cool outfit. What’s with this wardrobe change?? Why does it look so cool?? And so expensive??


“Hello, Yirui.” Jia Zhenzhen says, her eyes shifting over to Lei Yirui and her entire face softening. Woah. That did something unique to Lei Yirui’s heart. 


“What?? Did you just call her by her given name? Uh, that’s—!” Jia Yuxing says once he wiggles his head out of her shoulder, only for Jia Zhenzhen to switch him into a headlock with seemingly zero difficulty. It shuts him up, at least.


“Uh, hi. Did you do that?” Lei Yirui asks, jerking her head towards the building that is still very much on fire. 


“Yes. It was distraction enough to get me inside, but the problem will be getting out. Come.” she says, and promptly turns away from them to go down the stairs like this is just another day for her. Hell, maybe it is. 


Jia Zhenzhen draws her sword when they near a smaller gate behind what looks like a smaller residential building. She presses herself against the wall for a moment, before drawing the coolest looking fucking sword Lei Yirui has ever seen. 


“Where the fuck did you get that? It’s so shiny!!” Lei Yirui says, and Jia Zhenzhen carefully eyes her like she thinks Lei Yirui is going to try and touch it. Lei Yirui is too busy looking at the blade to be offended. 


“Doesn’t matter. I’m going to create enough of a problem here so you can get through that gate. I could see from the roofs, it’s not as heavily guarded. I think it’s used for transporting drinking water in and out of the palace, so they’re not going to think too much of it. You two will need to run out, towards the border of the city. There’s a small inn there that you should spot right away. I’ll meet you there.” she says. 


“You’ll ‘meet us there?’ What are you going to do? It, um, no offense, but it doesn’t sound smart.” Jia Yuxing says. Lei Yirui would agree if she didn’t know that Jia Zhenzhen had protagonist powers and had about a 0% chance of getting caught or dying. She’d probably be fine. 


“Don’t die.” Lei Yirui offers with a smile and a thumbs up. Jia Yuxing makes and affronted noise, but Jia Zhenzhen nods affirmatively.


“See you.” Jia Zhenzhen says, before doing some cool spinny shit with her sword and then charging at the guards by the gate like a fucking train. Lei Yirui grabs Jia Yuxing’s arm, and after making sure that he’s good to run, drags him out past the commotion and completely ignores the urge to sit down criss-cross applesauce on the floor, eat some popcorn, and enjoy the show. 


The Inn was, in fact, easy to spot.


Lei Yirui and Jia Yuxing had slipped in relatively easily, because everyone was too busy standing outside of the dining area of the inn and staring at the smoke coming from the palace to actually notice the two of them slipping in like dogs that did something bad and are worried about their owners yelling at them. 


Lei Yirui sits in something that might be described as a bay window, peering through the wooden shutters at the commotion outside, and Wang Wei sits on top of a table. 


People have started coming back inside, and Lei Yirui is about 30 seconds away from falling asleep when there are two taps on the window right in front of her face, and she only snaps her eyes open fast enough to see the tips of Jia Zhenzhen’s elegant fingers slipping away. 


“Your sister’s back. How long has it been?” Lei Yirui asks, swinging her legs onto the floor as she rises to her feet. Jia Yuxing follows her, and both of them leave the building to walk around to the side where Jia Zhenzhen seemed to disappear to. 


“Around a shí, probably.” Jia Yuxing says, yawning softly. 


Jia Zhenzhen is leaning against the wall on the side of the inn, very obviously stained in blood. 


“Ew.” Lei Yirui says immediately, and Jia Zhenzhen scoffs. 


“It was a very poor choice to make this white.” she grumbles, before pushing herself off of the wall. With an underhand toss of something Lei Yirui hadn’t even noticed in her hand, Lei Yirui stumbles forward to catch it in her own hands. She holds it up, eying it in confusion. It’s a hair crown. 


“It’s Tang Xiaodan’s.” she explains, and her mouth twitches upwards minutely until she’s wearing a wide, satisfied grin. Lei Yirui blinks once, and then twice. 


“Tang Xiaodan’s?? How—” Lei Yirui cuts herself off, glances at the blood clearly covering Jia Zhenzhen, and then glances at Jia Yuxing’s fish-mouthed, wide-eyed stare at his sister. 

Ah. No head. Cool. Got it. Not like this absolutely did not happen in Limitless. Lei Yirui isn’t sure how long it’s going to take her to accept the fact that things have simply derailed this far that the main villain has just died at the point in the timeline that’s probably the beginning of season 2.


“Yuxing. We have a horse tied up to the left of this building, near a post. Untie it and prepare her for you and Lei Yirui to ride it, okay?” she asks, and squishes Jia Yuxing’s cheek between her fingers fondly. Jia Yuxing blinks, perplexed. 


“Me? But why don’t we all—?” 


“Yuxing.” Jia Zhenzhen says, very sweetly. Jia Yuxing stops complaining, and immediately hurries off to do that. 


Lei Yirui watches him leave, before turning to Jia Zhenzhen, fiddling with the hair crown between her fingers. 


“So you actually killed him?? How - I mean, there were still plenty of guards at that gate you had the two of us go too. And Tang Xiaodan himself must’ve been well guarded, I mean, he’s the fucking emperor!!” she exclaims. Jia Zhenzhen frowns. 


“You think it would have taken me that long just to take care of those few guards?” she asks. Lei Yirui can’t tell if she’s messing with her or if she’s actually offended. She can’t read this strange expression, okay?? But… maybe that’s mirth in her eyes?

“Well, no! But… I mean, that’s still a lot of guards. I get that the fire was to distract them, but they’re still going to be protecting him, and he’s the priority!! Like, he’s the guy! And it’s pretty early in the narrative for all of that, and now who’s going to be emperor?? It’s not like the war will just end, the disputes it started over have been going on for years and—”


“Yirui,” Zhenzhen says, staring very intensely at Lei Yirui’s face.


“…. Yes?” 


“Shut up for a second.” 


Lei Yirui blanches.


“Ah…! Yeah. Okay. I can do that. Shutting up.” she says.


And then, Lei Yirui’s brain completely grinds to a halt when Jia Zhenzhen pulls her forward by her collar and presses their lips together.


What the FUCK!? This is… this is…! Okay, it’s honestly the worst kiss Lei Yirui has ever had, teeth are clicking against each other, Jia Zhenzhen is about as comfortable as a brick wall, and her mouth is on hers so hard that it hurts. But all of that is besides the point…. Because Jia Zhenzhen is kissing her! Jia Zhenzhen is kissing her!!! Why?? What the fuck is happening? Lei Yirui has been doing a hell of a lot of denial as of late, but she doesn’t really think she can explain away why Jia Zhenzhen would decide that they should suck each others faces next to an inn, or explain away the way her heart is doing some olympics level gymnastics in her chest. 


When Lei Yirui does nothing but stand there in response, Jia Zhenzhen pulls back, brows creasing as regret as hurt flickers across her face.


“Ah, I shouldn’t have…” she begins.


“That really sucked.” Lei Yirui blurts instinctively. Jia Zhenzhen visibly flinches, and… agh!


“I’ll fix it!!” Lei Yirui shouts frantically, before throwing her arms around Jia Zhenzhen’s neck and kissing her properly.


She feels Jia Zhenzhen relax against her, hesitant hands settling against her waist, before she feels the other girl smile against her lips. When they pull apart, Jia Zhenzhen searches Lei Yirui’s face, before frowning. 


“What’s wrong?” Lei Yirui asks, sounding only marginally more calm than she actually is. And she sort of feels like she’s about to enter cardiac arrest, so that’s not saying much.


“It’s… there’s something I haven’t told you.” Jia Zhenzhen says. Lei Yirui has to take a pause at the clear hesitance in her voice, before she gives her a tiny smile. 

 “Whatever it is, you can tell me! I won’t be mad, I promise.” She says. Jia Zhenzhen looks at Lei Yirui’s smile, and sighs deeply, appearing to brace herself. 


“Yirui, I’m a woman.” she says.


Lei Yirui’s lips part in surprise - so she’s going to tell her, just like that!? Well, okay! She’ll work with it!


“That’s!! That’s fine. That’s preferable, actually.” Lei Yirui says, and then for good measure gives her a thumbs up. Immediately, she wants to smack herself in the face. Jia Zhenzhen eyes her hand dubiously.


“Are you sure?”


“Oh, definitely sure. I had this whole identity crisis when I was like, 13, and it was-“ 


“Is it preferable if I kiss you again?” Jia Zhenzhen asks. Lei Yirui flushes and nods rapidly, and Jia Zhenzhen looks very satisfied when she leans in to kiss Lei Yirui.


“Why are you guys taking so long? What—?! Oh, nevermind! Gross, nevermind!” Jia Yuxing cries, before immediately dipping back around the corner he came from. Lei Yirui blinks absently at the place where he just stood. 


“Take as long as you’d like! Wait - ah, ew! No, don’t do that! Just hurry up!” he adds, voice growing smaller as he disappears. 


Lei Yirui snorts in laughter, feeling very flushed when she meets Jia Zhenzhen’s eyes again. Jia Zhenzhen looks away, her face absolutely red as well.


“We should probably go before you get arrested. You know, for the beheading? That might prove problematic.” Lei Yirui says. Jia Zhenzhen stares at her for a few more seconds, before seeming to come back to reality. 


“Right. This… we’ll talk about this properly later.” she says. Lei Yirui shoots her a happy grin. 


“Sure thing. Let’s hurry up before we scar your brother for life.”