A Nice Distraction
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(Content Warning: Internalized Dysphoria for the main character)


Here I was sitting and waiting for my new friend to arrive. We had started talking via whatever the new popular video sharing app was, it changes so often. Her videos were always amazing and she always looked superb. To be honest I was jealous of her, she was trans just like me. But unlike myself I could see HRT was doing work on her. Whenever I look in the mirror I can’t help but see what I looked like before I started. It has been about a year and a half, and nothing. People around me can see changes, even I can when I compare my HRTversary photo. But still easily identifiable as male.


I quickly shake my head to try and stave off the spiral down into dysphoria and depression. It will work for a bit, but not for long. Hopefully when my new friend arrives I can distract myself. We agreed to meet at a coffee shop, nice and public in case we didn’t get along in person. I was wearing one of my flannel shirts, and had sent a picture of myself so she knew who I was. 


I was sitting in the corner sipping on my tea when I heard the door open and I saw her. I awkwardly waved so it was easier for her to see me. She ordered her drink, and walked over to join me at the table. “Hey there cutie” she purred as she sat down.


I blush and stammer out a reply “Hhhhhi.” Then I mutter quietly to myself, “but I’m not cute”.  Why the compliments, those are my biggest weakness, I have never been able to accept compliments easily. I stare at the table while trying to hide my furious blushing. Once I think I have it under control I look back up. When I saw her face I could see she had smirk, knowing full well what she just did to me. “So, uhhh, I know your username, but what should I call you?”


Her smirk grew wider as she replied. “Well what do you want to call me? Any particular title you think would be fitting?” After she finished talking she gave me a seductive wink. 


I simply stared as I felt my mind go completely blank. Any thought that was in there was flushed down the drain. I could feel my brain rebooting back into conscious thought. Taking what felt like eternity to be able to string anything more than “Uhhhhhhhhhhhh” into spoken word. Eventually I was able to combine brain cells back into what is a reasonable facade of human thought.. Taking a quick drink of my tea to hide just how truly rattled I was. “How about we start with your name and see where it goes from there?”


She just smirked again, and responded  “You can call me Rogue”.


“Like the X-Men?” I blurted out before I could stop myself.


Rogue simply nodded before adding “I always loved her looks and personality, plus the nice little pun of being an exman X-men. So I took the name for myself.”


I nodded in response while taking a good look at her. She had that same white streak in her hair. “Makes sense, I thought about doing something similar, but decided on my favorite video game instead. My name is Liara.” I responded while I reached out my hand.


Rogue took my hand gently into hers, shook it then reached up and placed a kiss on my hand. “So what do I owe the pleasure of this meeting for?” She crooned as she released my hand.


I barely manage to stop my brain from rebooting again as I sputter out “Bbbut, we had been talking and you were coming this way and wanted to meet up. That is what we owe the pleasure to. I ddddon’t know what else there might be.”


Rogue just looked at me like I was being an idiot. “Oh? You have no idea what else I might mean?” After speaking she gave a casual wink and watched my reaction. I just sputtered and blushed a deeper red than I ever thought imaginable.


We sat there in silence as she occasionally smirked at me as we finished our drinks. After our drinks were done I quickly volunteered “There is a park nearby if you want to keep talking, we can enjoy a nice walk around the park, or we can sit in one of the benches and people watch.”


Rogue simply stood, took my hand, and replied “Lead the way darling”.


I took her hand while mentally cursing myself for getting flustered this easily. Rogue knew exactly what to do, to set me off as well. I led her to the park where we casually walked around and enjoyed the view. Chatting away as we did so. After a lap or two, I did the bravest thing I think I had ever done and asked “Would you like to join me for dinner at my place? I was going to cook some Pad Thai.”


Rogue smiled, replying “that would be lovely sweetie, I am sure the food would be almost as good as your company.” I then proceeded to leave the park, with Rogue following shortly behind me as I led her to my apartment complex. Rogue simply stared at me with a slightly predatory glare and smile, as if she knew more than I did. We got onto the elevator and went up to the floor where my apartment was. Saying little between each other. Me in my nervousness and her with her glare.


When I got to the door I entered in the code and let her go in first. After Rogue had entered I followed behind her. I closed the door behind me. I start to turn around when I hear a open hand slam into the door. I jumped a little and faced forward. Only to see Rogue’s face inches from my own, before I was able to speak she attacked. Well attacked my mouth, with hers that is. She quickly kissed me, opening my mouth with her tongue and exploring it deep. I could feel myself melting at her kiss. Rogue quickly moved her other hand behind my head to pull me close and help me keep balance. After what felt like an eternity where I had 0 control, and just existed. She let go. But not before whispering in my ear. “Let’s sit down for a bit, I have a fun idea.”


Not being able to think clearly, my brain having thoroughly died and gone to heaven because of that kiss, I simply followed. Having found the couch we both sit down. Rogue takes her backpack off, looks at me, leans closer and whispers in my ear “We both know where this night will end.” She then leans back and takes something out of the backpack, before continuing “I have an idea of how to make the fun last longer though.” I now see what she is holding in her hand. Blushing furiously I nod my head. Rogue simply states that “I’ll be able to control this with my phone, it might be fun for you to cook while this is in.”


I continue to nod while responding with “Will you please do the honor?” I slowly strip off my pants and underwear, nervously looking at her. I watch her lube up the buttplug as she leans close. My mouth betrays me slightly and I feel myself saying “Are you sure you want…” I can’t finish the statement as she kisses me again. I lean into the kiss, when I feel pressure as she inserts the plug. I moan into her mouth as my knees go weak. She lets me melt onto the floor, as she pulls up my clothes. She lets me stay there a bit, but after a couple of minutes I feel a buzz in my ass. Rogue is looking at me, which I interpret as, Dinner?


I stand up slowly, my knees weak, when I am nearly standing straight, the plug shoots with intensity. I lean on the wall to maintain my composure. I look her way and try and shoot a glare. All the while knowing it looks probably more like a pleading face. Rogue just giggles and hits the remote again. I attempt to continue my journey into the kitchen to make dinner. Before I disappear around the corner, I turn back offering her the use of my TV until dinner is done. Only to be met with the response “I will have plenty of fun waiting.”


I slip into the kitchen and start making the Pad Thai. I put the noodles in water to get them soaking, and set a timer. Right after the timer is set, the plug starts vibrating again, hard. My knees start to give out again, I wonder to myself how they are still solid. The vibrations lower back to a manageable level again. I start cutting the ingredients for dinner. The entire time, Rogue is fiddling with the vibrations, but never jumping up above a certain intensity. I put the cut ingredients and the knife to the side, and just as I do the vibrations jump to max. I moan and lean against the counter, as I hear a giggle to the side. Rogue is staring at me with an evil, evil grin. Or so I think at that moment. I wait a bit for her to have her fun. As the levels die down, I start working on the sauce. She gives me time again to cook in relative peace. The plug not going above a small amount. When I finish the sauce the buzzer for the noodles goes off, and I drain them.  I start doing the cooking proper, waiting to add my secret method for Pad Thai for last. Now some people might consider it sacrilege or something, but I add some chunky peanut butter instead of raw peanuts. It just gives a creamy peanut taste to the entire dish.


I plate the food and we sit down to eat. I attempt to talk first, but when I do, the vibrations go back to max. Preventing me from doing anything but moaning. Rogue just continues her evil grin. After what felt like an hour, the vibrations go back down. I try and speak again, my mouth working this time I mutter “You are evil, in the best way possible.”


Rogue just grins, and replies “You love it, don’t lie.”


We finish dinner, and I put the dirty dishes into the dishwasher. I close the dishwasher, and the second after I do I feel her behind me. She flips me around and kisses me, at the same exact moment she pushes the vibrations back up to max. My only response is to moan into the kiss, I can feel my brain ooze out of my ear. No more thoughts are allowed. Only Rogue. Somewhere in the distance of what was my brain I hear her whisper “Where is your room”. Like some sort of automaton I lead her there. When we arrive, she lets the buttplug vibrations lower again. My consciousness starts to come back when I feel myself being pushed to my knees. She lifts her skirt and lets her underwear drop. I find myself face to face with her girldick. Knowing exactly what she wants me to do I open my mouth and take it in. Doing everything I can to please her. The plug going lightly to help keep my brain asleep.

I feel a tap on my shoulder and she starts to help me up. When I stand up Rogue leans in close and whispers “Such a good girl”, then she pushes me over. I flop onto my bed looking towards her. She quickly follows me, letting herself fall directly on top, or she would be if she hadn’t put her hands out first. My head is directly between her arms as she looks down onto me. Basically trapping me in between her arms. I see movement from one of her hands as she grabs her phone that had been tossed onto the bed previously. I nervously glance over there as I see her push the vibrations up on her phone. As the vibrations reach max, she leans down her face close to mine, and licks my lips. Before parting my mouth with her tongue and taking my mouth for her own. At this point she is laying on me completely, smothering me with her body. I can feel my soul leaving for heaven as we kiss and she holds me. I could get lost in this moment forever. I wonder how I have lived up to this point without the glorious person in front of me. Too quickly she pulls away, and orders me to strip.


I get up off of my bed, and attempt a bit of a strip tease for her. The only response I get is giggling and one of my own pillows thrown in my face. I quickly remove the rest of my clothes as she does the same. She lays back down patting my bed, inviting me to join her. I quickly do, as soon as I am next to her, she pushes me onto my side. At this moment the plug stops, and I can feel her reach to remove it. I feel both relieved and saddened at the loss of the plug. The feeling of being filled was perfect. I hear a noise which slightly brings me back to reality before I am pushed onto my stomach. I hear a similar noise again, eventually realizing it was a bottle of lubricant. Shortly after this thought enters my mind, I feel Rogue lean in close and whisper “Are you ready, Pet?” Not trusting my mouth to speak I simply nod. A quick affirmation of a purred “Good girl” follows. I then feel another, larger pressure at my rear entrance. My eyes shoot open wide as she enters me. If I thought I was in heaven before, this must be super heaven or something. She gently starts to plow my ass like the empty field it was. All I can do is moan, moan, and moan some more. She grabs my hair and pulls my head back, so she can gently nibble on my ears. I can hear her moan as she licks and nibbles away. I am just a living fuck doll for her right now. 100% willing to do whatever she asks of me. After a few minutes of being thoroughly fucked, she whispers “Are you ready to burst yet? I know I am. Cum with me pet.” Rogue continues pounding and I realize with her permission I am nearly ready. She lets my head loose and screams “CUM FOR ME PET! DO IT!” I release onto my bed, as she releases into me. We both collapse back onto the bed. With Rogue laying ontop of me. She flops onto the bed next to me. I stare into her eyes and grin. She matches my grin, and that is the last thing I remember before I pass out.


I wake a few hours later finding myself being cuddled in her arms. The bed is a giant mess, but I ignore that for the moment and I let myself fall back to sleep. Having one of the best sleeps I have had in a long time. The morning rolls around, and a shift behind me wakes me up. I turn to see her sleepily grin at me. I return the grin, having had the best night of my life. I slowly get up and slowly walk towards the master bathroom. I turn and ask “Would you like to join me for a shower?” Rogue looks at me, and declines, responding with a chuckle and “I am not sure I can stand right now. Maybe when you finish I will be able to.”

I quickly shower the sweat and mess off of me. I return to my bedroom to find Rogue still laying down. I start to gather my clothes from last night to throw them into the washing machine. Rogue decides it is time to stand, and I strip my bed as well. Seeing this Rogue giggles again and chirps “what a good little housewife you are, aren’t you?” I blush again as I get the laundry in and set it at a delay. I start to cook a small breakfast of eggs, toast, and bacon. I want it ready for her when she is finished. I hear the shower stop, as I am putting the food on the plates. I hear Rogue rummaging around in my bedroom, and she emerges dressed in the same clothes she had yesterday.


We share a quiet and peaceful breakfast. Neither of us really wanting to break the silence. Eventually we both try and talk at the same time, saying much the same thing. “Last night was amazing!” I blush at the compliment. I clear the plates, adding them to the dishwasher as well. I turn around and I see Rogue standing, I decide to hug her. Rogue holds me tight, whispering in my ear again “Such a good girl, we need to do this again sometime.” She then lets go of me, and starts gathering her stuff.

I help her find everything that is missing, trying to think of the best way to talk. Failing to think of anything good I reply “I would love to do this again, please send me a message when you want.” I follow her to the door, and stare as she leaves, a car waiting for her on the street.

I go back to my kitchen and just blissfully remember the previous night, hoping we can do it again soon.