Afterword I
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Hey there! Kido-san here! If you've made it this far, then congratulations, you have finished reading The Barefoot Girl! The idea for this short story actually came from a side manga my brother Pocket drew over seven years ago titled Academy Showdown 0, featuring an intense battle between Amos (then named Kube) and Nanaya in a graveyard. I would end up adding that very battle to the original Academy Showdown manga script I wrote with my fellow otaku clubmates back in high school. (At least that's how I remembered it).

Years later, I decided to write Academy Showdown as a light novel series. As I was neck-deep in Book 0 - An Urban Fantasy, Pocket proposed that I rewrite this classic encounter with a more in-depth story between the two characters, shining a bit of light on their relationships, and their backstories. And once Pocket refines his art style to where he's satisfied, he wishes to work on a manga adaptation of this story. (Hopefully, that also means an Illustration for the novel version down the road, fingers crossed!)

At this moment in time, I am dedicated to writing Book 0 - An Urban Fantasy to completion and have already made some progress with Book I. I still have a ton of things that I still need to brainstorm so until then, it'll be a while before the next side story.

I hope you all enjoyed The Barefoot Girl! Let me know what you liked, disliked, or what I can improve on. And If you haven't already, do check out what I have released so far in Book 0 - An Urban Fantasy! Thank you!!