Prologue: Reina’s Downfall
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Why do you look at me with those eyes?

Those eyes full of pity and a hint of an emotion I can't figure out...

You are horrified, aren't you?

You're disgusted?

I don't understand.

Why do you keep on standing there. I do not know what your  purpose is. Yet... You reach your  hand to me. 

Are you fooling me?

"Why?" I asked. 

That was the only word that could escape from my mouth, although I had so many questions to ask. 

There was no response. 

Instead. Those blue eyes gleamed and continued to observe me as if you were peering at my darkest secrets. 

"Go away!" 

Still, there was no response from you.

I trembled as I saw you kneel in front of me. You reached out to me with a face full of determination. Although, I felt the tremors hidden under those eyes. 

So, you were suffering too?

Or perhaps you are fooling me? You want to convince me that there is still hope for someone like me. 

When I felt the touch of your palm against my cheek, I shivered. It was warm. It burned. 

"Why aren't you speaking? "

I didn't mean it to come off so desperate. 

As time stopped, I felt your embrace. Your arms that were open wide for me enveloped my stiff body. 

"It's alright. "

"Stop pretending—"

But you cut me off mid-sentence. 

"You will be fine. "

You say it in a voice that makes me think you know everything. You make me want to believe you. 

"Why do you want someone like me?"

I asked in frustration. Because I don't really find any reason as to why he would pursue someone like me.

Someone who keeps on running away. Someone who is afraid of receiving affection yet craves it as if it's the earth's last oasis. 

I feel repulsed. I want to push the arms holding me tightly, but I wish to remain still like this for the rest of my life. 

"All because... I cant live without you. "

A painful laugh escaped from me. 

"You will suffer. "

There... The truth was revealed. 

Maybe, I can't live without you as much as you can't live without me. But we can't be together. It really is unfair. 

"I do not care. "

I clench my fist and tears flow from my eyes. I punch your warm chest. I can hear your beating heart as I try to hurt you. I want you to leave me. 

I want to kill that heart for it to stop beating, but I'm afraid I might kill mine too. 

"You disgust me." I say it in the most spiteful tone I can muster. 


"I do not care. I will never leave you."

I bring my hands to your neck and I put pressure on it. I want to end your life now.

"No matter what you do or say Reina. I won't ever... "

I added strength to choking you, but why....

"Argh! "

I loosen my grip.

I gave up. I never wish for you to die.


It's all over now.

It's all ruined.

Because I...

A murderer... 

Killed your family. 


Note : This novel involves memory loss and is a slow burn novel. It isn't entirely romance. I guess it is an action type novel too. The MC is on the path to become stronger too (FL). Some readers maybe confused but just read it to understand.