Ch 18 – An Invasion!?
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I exited the castle with a new bow in hand and the well being of my city in my mind. I step out towards where I left Robert and Eric. However, I am surprised to see only Eric standing there. I run towards him, "Eric! What's going on? Where is Robert?"

He points behind him, to the edge of the city, "He ran that way once he heard someone say something about an invasion."

I am surprised, "An invasion?! Really?"

He nods, almost in a bored way, "Yeah. I told him to stay, but he was all, 'Oh I have to help innocent people' and other lame stuff."

"Well today is his lucky day, because we have a promise to help this kingdom." I say as we start running towards the way Robert went.

"Wait up!" I turn around to see Charlie and his caretaker, who I learned is name Spencer. They join me by my side.

I turn to Charlie, "Oh hey. So I suppose you heard that someone was invading."

He nods, "Yeah. Super lucky I made that promise with you then."

He said that line in such a way that I wasn't sure whether or not it meant he actually knew the invasion was going to take place, "Yup. Lucky you, now let's get to fighting."

We sprint until we reach the edge of the town, it is very loud and there are people fighting everywhere, I try to speak to Charlie but is very hard for him to hear me, "Charlie! Did you get a notification of these guys going onto your plot?" I figure that since I had a notification when I entered, he too would have had one.

He looks at me like I'm stupid, "Have you gotten a notification every time someone walked on your plot?!"

"Oh. Fair enough!" I scream back at him through the battle. I turn back to Eric, "Alright! Let's do this!" 

Eric smiles and pulls out his two short swords, "Yess! I was hoping for some fighting."

He then sprints in, and I walk in a bit closer. But then, I get a notification,

Battle Joined. Choose side. (Player: Charlie) or (Player Nbajo)

Ah. It appears the system decides who is fighting and makes you choose a side. Guess it will help Eric not take out any of Charlie's men. I also see Spencer run into the fray.

It is now just me and Charlie standing here, we are both physically pretty weak, so we are not planning on fighting. I turn to him, "So who do you think this Nbajo guy is? Some delusional player trying to gain your loot? I doubt it, his army looks pretty nice. So what do you think?"

He has a focused look on his face, "I think I have an idea. Look." He says while pointing as who is probably Nbajo. The reason I say it is probably him is because of the hulking green hammer he is wielding.

I respond, "Oh wow. Yeah that looks very strong. But what's the big problem with it?"

He shakes his head, "He's not supposed to have that. A recent dev revealed it as a new rare item coming in the update, estimated to come out in a week and a half."

I understand now, "So that can only mean one thing."

Charlie nods, "Legin."

I nod, "He probably has this guy, or maybe tons of others, do all the fighting that he wants to happen, but without it being traced to him. He can just feed those armies unreleased gear and they will be able to beat anyone with almost drawbacks for Legin! And OP weapons are like unstoppable!"

But Charlie simply smiles, "Yes. But we have our own unstoppable force." He points at the fight.

I scan the battlefield and spot what he is looking at. A knight in dark black shining armor.

Eric is absolutely ripping it up. His two sword swing everywhere and seem to just kill any player who gets in his radius. It doesn’t even seem like he is using any abilities, just pure raw fighting prowess to destroy everybody.

Charlie speaks up, “What kind of beast is he?”

I turn back to him, “He’s no ordinary player, that’s for sure.”

He nods, “No kidding.”

In just minutes Eric has taken on almost everybody in the opposing force. All that stands is Nbajo, and he is ready to fight.

I had watching Nbajo a bit and he has been wielding his special long sword with great ease. For large the weapon is, he wields it with speed that are unimaginable. He wields it and starts walking towards Eric, “Haha! I didn’t think I would see such a great force outside of Legin’s Army!”

Eric doesn’t respond, he simply gets into a ready position. Nbajo starts out the fight by dashing in with a straight forwards attack. Eric simply ducks under the swing to attack the open stomach area.

And he nearly hits him too, but Nbajo shows off his quickness by quickly shifting his sword to parry the knives.

However, just as Eric’s short swords are parried, he mutters an ability under his breath. The next second, Nbajo’s sword folds like a strand of spaghetti.

Nbajo stares at it in shock, “What?! Legin didn’t tell me about this!”

Taking advantage of his confusion, Eric sprints in and puts both knives to Nbajo’s throat, thus finishing him off. His corpse then disappears like all the others he killed.

All of the rest of Nbajo’s men who haven’t run away quickly scurry off. Eric walks back over to us.

Charlie speaks to him, “Not bad, not bad!”

He nods to him, “Thanks. I have been training my whole life for battle.”

Charlie looks at me with a bit of a confused look, but I just start talking, “Anyway, thanks for everything your city had to offer, we better get going now!”

I hurry Eric off and Robert joins us as we leave the view of Charlie. I turn to them, “Alright, let’s get back on track!”