Prologue: The beginning after his ‘End’
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Deep obsidian pupils and pitch-black hair, expressive and calm, exuding undeniable charm. His stature was tall and majestic; As if the Gods sculpted them exclusively. His face was peerless, sharp, and angular. He had a cold and indifferent temperament; As if nothing in the world could move him. That man, representing the highest threshold of beauty, was looking in the mirror with a dazed expression. 

"... Where am I??"

Obviously, that man is me. 

... I apologize for being narcissistic.

If my memory serves me right, I was on my way home; after consecutive days of overworking. I'm not really a diligent worker; it just happened that I urgently needed money for my sister's tuition. Never in my wildest dream; that my painstaking efforts will suddenly turn in vain, now that I crossed into another world. 

Initially, I thought I was in a state of so-called lucid dreaming. But, the subsequent event ruthlessly tore down my half-hearted speculation. 

After waking up in an unfamiliar room, countless memories suddenly surged in my brain out of nowhere, making me clutch my head in pain for an unknown amount of time. 

After the pain receded, I just sat at the bed for a while before heaving a sigh of exasperation. That sigh carried my reluctance, sadness, worry, and despair; as I acknowledged the reality, everything I did was nothing short of futile.

I grew up without knowing who my parents were. I single-handedly raised my sister; by scraping metals and anything valuable to exchange at the junk shops. Honestly, it was a tiring and painful life. But I didn't dare to show it outside. As the elder brother, it's enough to endure and suffer everything alone; so that she can focus on her studies without distractions. With those thoughts, I gritted my teeth, clenched my fists, and wordlessly carried everything for roughly 20 years. 

Just when I thought that everything would finally turn out for the better, the world played a cruel prank on me. 

"Haa, good grief." 

I gently massaged my temples as I sorted out my emotions. Soon, I shifted my attention to my newfound memories.

Apparently, the world I crossed to was known as Arch Fanaris, the world of Deities. This world was somewhat similar to my previous one, aside from the presence of a legitimate another world.

But the Gods of this world are different from conventional gods back on Earth. In Arch Fanaris, they had academies that could nurture their students from childhood; before eventually reaching the suitable age to light the fire of divinity.

The suitable age for awakening was 18 years old. After reaching that age, the piled-up strands of theology will go under qualitative changes. Under that phenomenon, Divine power will always be at its peak for a year, making it the most suitable for both worlds.

There are also cases where incidents occur, where the fire of divinity was ignited prematurely. Because amassing Divine power is not only for starting the path to Godhood, it also nurtures the soul and physique of the individual to harness the Authority that comes after awakening. If an individual skipped that process, the dregs that should've gone under tempering would accumulate; and eventually erode the soul. Being corrupted with dregs is the same as limiting your future prospect; to the basic level of Godhood without any hope of advancement.

Aside from that, the Authority after awakening differs from person to person. There are countless Authorities, but there are few that are well-known.

The Authority of the first God, Limitless; A type that could endlessly expand the diameter of their main world, along with the high ceiling talents for its residents. It was a simple yet powerful Authority, allowing its wielder to indefinitely improve his foundation. One must know; In order to upgrade their main world, it's necessary to spend countless precious resources to do so. There's also a scenario where they had the money but can only look, especially at the Creation Tier main worlds, where they had to look for the equivalent tier of resources.

Further highlighting the difficulties of advancement.

Yet, the Authority of Limitless could skip that stage; it's similar to earning billions by being idle, evidence of its powerful yet practical uses.

Now, back to the present.

The room I'm currently in was pretty small, roughly 7.0 square meters. Aside from the bed and mirror, there's no semblance of furniture to be seen. The room is like a box, the wall, the floor, everything is white. 

I was initially worried; Being isolated in an enclosed space without contact outside would drive anyone crazy in my position. But after the infusion of memories, my concerns faded like a lie.

The room I thought was reserved for heinous criminals was an imaginary boundary; Between Arch Fanaris and Celestial's Overworld. 

The imaginary boundary is similar to the commonly known 'Spacial Inventory.' Unlike the latter, the imaginary boundary allows its owner to store living beings as long as it's within its capacity. 

The imaginary boundary also has the capability of traveling between the two worlds. Hence, the upper ups of Arch Fanaris concluded that possessing it was the synonym of a successful debut as the God of another world.

'So, the body I rebirthed into has already ignited the fire of divinity... '

Although being a God of another world and creating new species seems interesting, what's the point? Sure, I can indeed achieve a successful life, but so what? It might seem philosophical and all, but after this cruel joke, I felt like nothing mattered anymore. The only thing that could motivate me to look forward to another day was already gone... 

As for returning to my previous world? If I haven't received the memories of the earlier owner of this body, I might've considered it. But with the infusion of memories, I realized that it is nothing but wishful thinking...

The imaginary space is limited to the main world and the overworld; the prerequisite to connect to another world was a steady supply of divinity; Which is nonexistent on Earth. 

'Unless some sort of miracle happens on Earth, realizing such thing was nothing short of-'


While I was lamenting in misery, an inconspicuous feeling suddenly emerged out of nowhere. 

My eyes widened, and I couldn't help but feel doubtful about it. Because I can somehow feel it, the familiar ambiance, a familiar world...

Soon, I didn't hesitate and focused my undivided divinity and fortified the vague connection. I can tell it, no, I'm sure of it! This is the last thread of hope, and I have to tightly grasp it!


The whole imaginary space was trembling, dense and pure divinity was rippling around my body, exuding a sacred and untouchable visage.


After an unknown amount of time, my divinity was nearly exhausted; my face was pale, but there was an undeniable hint of joy.

Because the vague link that I sensed earlier was none other than my previous world, Earth...